A wise coach once said: "The difference between winners and losers is a winner wants the ball when the game is on the line."
Dez wanted the ball. Blackmon wanted the ball. Joe Randle wanted the ball.
Who is that potential alpha male baller on this squad that Mason Rudolph can lean on when the game is on the line?
We have several tremendous athletes at the skill position. We need someone to step up and set the standard that demands the ball. I thought it was going to be Shepherd. Hasn't happened.
Dez wanted the ball. Blackmon wanted the ball. Joe Randle wanted the ball.
Who is that potential alpha male baller on this squad that Mason Rudolph can lean on when the game is on the line?
We have several tremendous athletes at the skill position. We need someone to step up and set the standard that demands the ball. I thought it was going to be Shepherd. Hasn't happened.