What a stupid ****ing tradition. People everywhere darting front of cars. Weirdos with a steady stream of kids coming to their door. Don't get me started on adults dressing up. That will be the last time as well.
What a stupid ****ing tradition. People everywhere darting front of cars. Weirdos with a steady stream of kids coming to their door. Don't get me started on adults dressing up. That will be the last time as well.
Fact: people who complain about adults dressing up in costumes are no fun sticks in the mud. Don't be that guy.
What a stupid ****ing tradition. People everywhere darting front of cars. Weirdos with a steady stream of kids coming to their door. Don't get me started on adults dressing up. That will be the last time as well.
Put down the shovel and stop digging.I challenge you to go back to the houses during the day you were at last night to see and talk to the people who gave your kids candy .
Put down the shovel and stop digging.
Halloween sucks and anyone who enjoys it sucks.
Shut your hooker mouth.
People pay money to see you wear makeup. You get a half pass. If after the show you had to go to their house and get paid in dumb dumbs I doubt you would do it.
I had a 16 year old slutty nurse walk up to my house wanting candy.You are not a bumble bee. You are not a vampire. You are not a slutty nurse. Well you might be last one, but indulging a mental illness one day a year is one too many.