First Ford, now Apple...

They asked their two manufactures to put together numbers/a plan to make them in America. One straight up told them no, but Foxconn is looking at it, but it's far from a done deal.

“Apple asked both Foxconn and Pegatron Corp., the two iPhone assemblers, in June to look into making iPhones in the U.S.,” a source said. “Foxconn complied, while Pegatron declined to formulate such a plan due to cost concerns.”
I'll get excited when Apple manufacturers it here. What they are talking about is assembling it here.
I will believe it when I see it.

All of this (Apple, Ford and others) is just rhetoric right now in an attempt to pressure the Trump Admin to follow through with the idea that the tax barrriers to repatriation of money be lifted or significantly altered.

Hopefully it all happens, but none of this talk means shit right now.
I'll get excited when Apple manufacturers it here. What they are talking about is assembling it here.

True, but even this is a start and the return of decent jobs to the US.

As for repatriation of funds, I agree. Part of this is about pressure to the government, but part of this is Trump pressuring these business men who understand and have to be prepared for potential changes. Apple will simply look at the cost difference in local assembly vs. increased import tariffs to determine which solution nets it the most money. But also note that it will only take one real winner to come back to open the floodgates. I expect over the next 12-18 months you will start seeing a lot of companies (Walmart has already started) marketing their products as "Made in the USA", and that in this environment, that will be provide a competitive advantage rather than the current fiscal disadvantage.

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