First day of official contact with the 2026 class


2nd Team
Mar 14, 2016
So what's the scoop in Cowboy land? The obvious kids are Bassett and Jax, but who else is on your radar? Any idea if DT was active last night and today with visits or calls? Cael has always been active (midnight visits etc), so I'd expect Taylor to splash like his mentor. Kids and parents like that kind of love.

Highest ranked Oklahoma wrestler is Joseph Jeter at Edmond North, who is projected at 165 by Willie. Ranked #22 on the big board. Who else is interesting beyond the top two? Willie has Bo #1 and Jax #2.
Anyone know if Jeter is from the same family as the AGR Jeters?
We’ll be more than happy to have him if y’all don’t want him 😉
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he seems awfully excited about getting the DT call👀
I think you misinterpret. He had the call with DT and had a bowel movement at the same time. The "finally" was for #2. Seems obvious to me... 💩 :p

The important thing is his excitement, and for you guys that is the important takeaway. My problem with the list is that we don't know if DT called him nine times before that and got a busy signal. He could have been #3 if luckier.
Ah of course. That makes much more sense.
Back to serious, he only had words regarding the Ohio State and Oklahoma State calls. Logan was on the tOSU (THE Ohio State) call which I think is what they are selling. Access to Logan, who I think will be the Ohio State head coach before Bo graduates. So even though you have DT and we have Cael, we need to remember that Logan has street cred too. I think Bo has idols, and let's face it, DT is this generation's idol. A call from him strokes the ego. He didn't seem to have anything to say about Cael's call, but he spends a ton of time in Happy Valley, and doesn't need a midnight call to get validation.

My opinion. Bo does not want to be a part of an orchestra. He wants to solo. I can see PSU losing him if I'm honest. He has a little Spencer Lee in him. I hope I'm wrong. I think Iowa, tOSU, and OSU have equal chances with PSU.
Why are there 2 different lists on that X post?

One in red, the other in blue with teams in different order, and the hand writing being the same (from the same person)…..Just curious.🥸
Why are there 2 different lists on that X post?

One in red, the other in blue with teams in different order, and the hand writing being the same (from the same person)…..Just curious.🥸
Red was Sat and Blue was Sun. The running number overall in the right for the blue
Listening to Flo this morning. Apparently they are covering Jax and Bo during the recruiting process. It has been stated that these two maybe arent thinking to much about whether they wrestle together on the same team but apparently that IS something theyve thought about and think would be really cool. They also (if I heard correctly during work) made some comments about being with Dee and "getting the gang back together". Also they made it sound like Bo was DEFINTELY waiting on that DT phone call.
I'm not sure that I'm a fan of blasting out the call list like that. It says, "look at how important I am". There is no good reason to publish that. It concerns me.
I'm way out of the loop on social media and don't interact directly with X, but that post didn't appear to come from Bo Bassett. Regardless, can't blame a kid for maintaining a list of calls. Maybe a little strange but perhaps it's a motivation factor. Kid's going to be one of the highest recruits ever and I'm guessing he's looking for things to stoke the fires otherwise just put in a spreadsheet.

That noted, I think he's as likely to end up at OSU as anywhere.
I dont think Bo made that list either. Pat Mineo probably made it hence why Rutgers is number one in red and starred. Cale wouldn't of waited until Sunday to make contact.
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I dont think Bo made that list either. Pat Mineo probably made it hence why Rutgers is number one in red and starred. Cale wouldn't of waited until Sunday to make contact.
To Dixi and Okie_Pat,

I guess my problem isn't Bo and his list, it's that Mineo is that close that he was given permission to publish that list. IMO, Mineo is a huckster out to monetize clicks without regard to how it plays out for anyone else. I guess everyone gets tainted by him in my view.
To Dixi and Okie_Pat,

I guess my problem isn't Bo and his list, it's that Mineo is that close that he was given permission to publish that list. IMO, Mineo is a huckster out to monetize clicks without regard to how it plays out for anyone else. I guess everyone gets tainted by him in my view.
Yeah but you need those guys or info never gets out. You have to have the idiot who tells all because guys like @smalls103 are usually protecting the trust (as they probably should)
Back to serious, he only had words regarding the Ohio State and Oklahoma State calls. Logan was on the tOSU (THE Ohio State) call which I think is what they are selling. Access to Logan, who I think will be the Ohio State head coach before Bo graduates. So even though you have DT and we have Cael, we need to remember that Logan has street cred too. I think Bo has idols, and let's face it, DT is this generation's idol. A call from him strokes the ego. He didn't seem to have anything to say about Cael's call, but he spends a ton of time in Happy Valley, and doesn't need a midnight call to get validation.

My opinion. Bo does not want to be a part of an orchestra. He wants to solo. I can see PSU losing him if I'm honest. He has a little Spencer Lee in him. I hope I'm wrong. I think Iowa, tOSU, and OSU have equal chances with PSU.
I don't think you're wrong. Wrestling ability aside, he doesn't feel like a Cael type kid to me. I know OSU thinks Jax is all theirs but I'd bet anything he's the real "prize" in Caels eyes. He won't go down without a fight...
Don't tell anyone else but I think you're right.
I'm trying to be reserved over on our board. Everyone loves his ability...hell... I do too but things rubs me the wrong way with Bo. It almost feels like he wants be THE SHOW and not the program that gets him. PSU fans will just say I'm just saying these things in case we don't get him. Not the case at all. For a long time I've been hoping for Blaze and Jax. Long shot I know. My prediction is Bo to Ohio State.
I'm trying to be reserved over on our board. Everyone loves his ability...hell... I do too but things rubs me the wrong way with Bo. It almost feels like he wants be THE SHOW and not the program that gets him. PSU fans will just say I'm just saying these things in case we don't get him. Not the case at all. For a long time I've been hoping for Blaze and Jax. Long shot I know. My prediction is Bo to Ohio State.
I'm not a fan of happy talk and group think so I know what you mean. I prefer under the radar type guys. Quiet killers. I'm just afraid that a social influencer type guy upsets the apple cart somewhat. I know that ages me to a degree, but there is a difference between a nonconformist that works within the system and a nonconformist that does not. I don't know where Bo lands on that scale, and maybe my ingrained bias against self promotion is working against me here. I wish Bo the best and hope it's PSU and that it all works out. So I see my bias but when I take that away, I'm still somewhat concerned. All of the Willie's of the world can tell me I'm a dinosaur but I've been to quite a few rodeos and I've seen enough horses to notice a difference here. So I'm not negative or positive on this new way so I'll withhold judgment.