Finally! A poll on transgender athletes competing as women


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
Edmond, Oklahoma
June 5, 2019
Finally! A poll on transgender athletes competing as women
By Thomas Lifson

he concerted push for the public to accept the notion that men can become women by an act of will, perhaps with the aid of hormones and surgery, has always struck me as a measure intended to ratify mind control by means of institutional pressure and ostracism of non-compliant people. The fact that transgenderism is blatant scientific nonsense makes the exercise all the more important. A subject population that can be made to assent to such nonsense will accept totalitarianism as it creeps up.

That’s why until now I have not been able to find any poll asking the public what it thinks. The danger in mass mind control exercises is that people will recognize they are not alone in calling BS on what the media, the deep thinkers, and the activists tell them. But, as I expected, it turns out that a majority of the public isn’t buying the party line that the media, the education establishment, Hollywood, and the entire arts and culture establishment fanatically push.

Matt Margolis writes at PJ Media:

In a poll released Tuesday, Rasmussen reveals that “just 28% of American Adults favor allowing transgender students to participate on the sports team of the gender they identify with, letting biological males, for example, play girls’ sports.” Roughly the same number, 31 percent, favor allowing transgender students to use bathrooms of the opposite biological sex.

This is a policy that Republicans are in the mainstream, while Democrats are not. “Seventy-seven percent (77%) of Republicans and 52% of those not affiliated with either major political party oppose allowing transgender students on the teams of the gender they identify with,” according to Rasmussen. “Democrats support such a policy by a 43% to 36% margin, with 21% undecided. There’s a similar partisan breakdown when it comes to bathroom policy.”

As Margolis points out, the Orwellian-labeled “Equality Act” just passed the House of Representatives with 8 GOP votes, and would compel people to accept the claims of transgenders in bathrooms, sports, and employment.

"This is an all-out assault on parental rights, on the family, and on the millions of people of faith in this country," Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council (FRC), said in a statement. "The legislation goes far beyond just quarantining faith behind the four walls of a house of worship. This act quarantines faith within your mind and says that's where it must stay."

"It creates a world that punishes those who exercise their freedom to believe and live according to those beliefs. No institution or person of faith, be it a school, church, synagogue, mosque, business, or non-profit will escape its Orwellian reach," he warned. "The Religious Freedom Restoration Act will be committed to the 'memory hole.' We will then experience a catastrophic loss of religious freedom in America, and, as a result, every American, those who believe and do not believe, will suffer the consequences."

Yet the act may also remove religious freedom protections for health care providers. Without explicit protections written in the bill, The Equality Act would force health care providers to perform abortions if a woman asks for them. The bill prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex, defined as including "pregnancy, childbirth, or a related medical condition," including abortion.

"The egregiously misnamed 'Equality Act' is the latest back-door effort by extremists to expand abortion on demand through birth, funded with taxpayer dollars," former Congresswoman Marilyn Musgrave, vice president of governmental affairs at the pro-life group Susan B. Anthony List, said in a statement. "The bill’s definition of sex discrimination has already been interpreted by courts to put abortion in the same category as pregnancy and childbirth. As written, it could roll back decades of pro-life policy on the state and federal level, as well as forcing health care workers and entities to participate in abortion."

Margolis believes that this is an opportunity for the GOP:

Every single Democrat supported the bill, and 2020 Democrats were falling all over each other to declare their support for it, including the “centrist” Joe Biden. The misnamed “Equality Act” would codify the rights of biological men to use bathrooms and changing rooms with girls, and play on their sports teams.

The American people are clearly not cool with having boys playing on girls' teams, or changing in front of little girls. Yet, Democrats endorse this madness wholeheartedly. We are always one election away from this insanity becoming the law of the land. The so-called Equality Act may not pass the Senate in 2019, but if Trump doesn’t win reelection in 2020, and Democrats gain control of the Senate, our wives, sisters, and daughters, will all be potential victims of radical policies like the “Equality Act” — be it by the invasion of privacy and safety in bathrooms, or in the realm of competitive sports, where biological males can easily power over their female counterparts.

It is important that compassion for people experiencing strong feelings that they are the opposite sex be part of the GOP message. If someone wants to live and act as the opposite sex, that’s fine. They deserve our sympathy for their psychological travails. But that freedom to live as the opposite sex ends at the bathroom door and the athletic field. The other side is just waiting to paint is as cruel bigots. But what about the girls and women who no longer have privacy and who longer have athletic competitions that they can win? They deserve compassion, too, and they are far more numerous than people who want to be transgender.
I'm betting lots of liberal social engineering shifts were unpopular when the transition first occurred.

20 years from now, most polled will think it's wonderful. If I'm still alive, they'll think I'm an out of touch old coot for calling transgenders mentally ill. (Of course today, I say the same about homosexuals.)
Several states, not blue ones, are enacting laws to disallow "women" with dicks to compete with women without dicks.
Do the transgenders not remove their dicks? That's not very committed of them to keep those male body parts if so.
Do the transgenders not remove their dicks? That's not very committed of them to keep those male body parts if so.
I'm no expert in this and don't care but I believe transsexuals have their junk removed and transgenders just wish they had the balls to do the operation.

Mike Leach used to say, "It's like bacon and eggs...the chicken is involved but the pig is committed.".
I honestly think at some point in time, transgendered people will have their own sports competing category at international competitions. You may think that sounds crazy but three generations from now, there will be a heck of lot more in our society.

I spent several years in Thailand and was interested to learn that they actually have 4 genders in their society; men, women, ladyboys (kathoey) and toms (butch lesbians). Toms are simply everywhere. Twenty percent of the women over there look like Roy Orbison. And Thai people are very accepting of alternative sexes as they strongly believe in reincarnation and transgendered are people that were the opposite sex in a previous life. The real contrast here between our two cultures is 'faith' as our religions denounce it and the other considers it a part of Buddhism.

But one thing I did learn about ladyboys that makes me disagree with their competing with female athletes; ladyboys are still very much men despite the insistence they are psychologically female. Ladyboys are EXTREMELY aggressive which is in complete contrast to female behavior. As men in America, we don't really understand the #metoo movement and sexual harassment. However, move to Thailand and you'll experience it first hand. If simply walking down the sidewalk to your office, ladyboys will grab you by your arm, shoulders, your junk, whatever to get your attention. And they are STRONG. On the train, I've had 'buffalo gays' (what they call unattractive, large kathoey) sit across from me and blow kisses and try and get my attention the entire way to work. Normal women don't behave like this. This is crap men do.....and women experience this from men all the time around the world. I personally have never experienced this type of behavior from a woman.

I'm a big supporter of gay rights and support gay marriage but I also believe that having a sex change doesn't necessarily make you a woman. You're a man who thinks and desires to be female but you still have the instincts and strength of a man.
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I honestly think at some point in time, transgendered people will have their own sports competing category at international competitions. You may think that sounds crazy but three generations from now, there will be a heck of lot more in our society.

I spent several years in Thailand and was interested to learn that they actually have 4 genders in their society; men, women, ladyboys (kathoey) and toms (butch lesbians). Toms are simply everywhere. Twenty percent of the women over there look like Roy Orbison. And Thai people are very accepting of alternative sexes as they strongly believe in reincarnation and transgendered are people that were the opposite sex in a previous life. The real contrast here between our two cultures is 'faith' as our religions denounce it and the other considers it a part of Buddhism.

But one thing I did learn about ladyboys that makes me disagree with their competing with female athletes; ladyboys are still very much men despite the insistence they are psychologically female. Ladyboys are EXTREMELY aggressive which is in complete contrast to female behavior. As men in America, we don't really understand the #metoo movement and sexual harassment. However, move to Thailand and you'll experience it first hand. If simply walking down the sidewalk to your office, ladyboys will grab you by your arm, shoulders, your junk, whatever to get your attention. And they are STRONG. On the train, I've had 'buffalo gays' (what they call unattractive, large kathoey) sit across from me and blow kisses and try and get my attention the entire way to work. Normal women don't behave like this. This is crap men do.....and women experience this from men all the time around the world. I personally have never experienced this type of behavior from a woman.

I'm a big supporter of gay rights and support gay marriage but I also believe that having a sex change doesn't necessarily make you a woman. You're a man who thinks and desires to be female but you still have the instincts and strength of a man.

Before I met my wife dated a lady in Singapore. When I would go to see her we always got away for 3 or 4 days to Phuket. One day I’m in a drug store looking for sunblock and this “lady” goes by, nice looking, huge hooters all and all very nice. Then this “lady” circles back and ask me if I needed help. Knew instantly something was amiss because “her” voice reminded me of Richard Sterban the bass singer for the Oak Ridge Boys. Later my gf told me it is very common in Thailand.
When I would go to see her we always got away for 3 or 4 days to Phuket.

Gawd, talk about teeing one up!:D

Let me guess; it's the other version of Fouquet's in Paris?

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Eh, I'm very accepting of all the genders. People are people and the world would be a very boring place if everyone were like me.

Still amazed you have isolated one psychological disorder and decided to indulge it, but not others. Would you talk to schizophrenic’s imaginary delusions? Would you set the imaginary person a place for dinner if asked to?
Still amazed you have isolated one psychological disorder and decided to indulge it, but not others. Would you talk to schizophrenic’s imaginary delusions? Would you set the imaginary person a place for dinner if asked to?
First I disagree with your assertion. But even if you are correct, I'm still going to accept, love, and not discriminate against someone with schizophrenia.

Why not set them a place to eat? Whos it hurt?

How someone chooses to express their gender is their's to own. And it shouldn't be grounds to deny them a job or housing - equal protection under the law is my big issue. I'm not trying to force acceptance for you. I just think your sexual orientation or gender expression aren't traits that should be discriminated against.

If you don't like it, fine. Just don't use the innate traits as discrimination topics.
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First I disagree with your assertion. But even if you are correct, I'm still going to accept, love, and not discriminate against someone with schizophrenia.

Why not set them a place to eat? Whos it hurt?

How someone chooses to express their gender is their's to own. And it shouldn't be grounds to deny them a job or housing - equal protection under the law is my big issue. I'm not trying to force acceptance for you. I just think your sexual orientation or gender expression aren't traits that should be discriminated against.

If you don't like it, fine. Just don't use the innate traits as discrimination topics.
I just cant decide on transgender in sports. We have had transgenders in our culture
for centuries, in the olden time kings used (or made them) for their harems.
I see them all the time on roads all made up and begging. I have no idea if these guys have dicks or not neither I have tried to investigate. I have read a lot of articles on them
but still cannot decide.
As far as that south african athlete who was banned, In this day and time I tend to agree with ostatedchi let the harmones decide.
In regards to the South African runner Caster Semeyna's discrimination, that is just clear cut, old-school racism. The woman is in fact a woman....and has naturally elevated levels of testosterone. She has a body made for running. Notice they don't go after Michael Phelps' biological flukes such as low lactic acid production or joint hyperextension, or say he wasn't born to swim competitively.

This is just an extension of a long history of racism and misogyny which we still see with Serena Williams and Michelle Obama. But as far as questioning the fairness of allowing transgendered people to compete with biological females, I don't think that's the same thing at all.
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In regards to the South African runner Caster Semeyna's discrimination, that is just clear cut, old-school racism. The woman is in fact a woman....and has naturally elevated levels of testosterone. She has a body made for running. Notice they don't go after Michael Phelps' biological flukes such as low lactic acid production or joint hyperextension, or say he wasn't born to swim competitively.

This is just an extension of a long history of racism and misogyny which we still see with Serena Williams and Michelle Obama. But as far as questioning the fairness of allowing transgendered people to compete with biological females, I don't think that's the same thing at all.
I didn't know that about the south african athlete.
I agree with you.
In regards to the South African runner Caster Semeyna's discrimination, that is just clear cut, old-school racism. The woman is in fact a woman....and has naturally elevated levels of testosterone. She has a body made for running. Notice they don't go after Michael Phelps' biological flukes such as low lactic acid production or joint hyperextension, or say he wasn't born to swim competitively.

This is just an extension of a long history of racism and misogyny which we still see with Serena Williams and Michelle Obama. But as far as questioning the fairness of allowing transgendered people to compete with biological females, I don't think that's the same thing at all.

Explain how “she’s” a woman with no uterus, no ovaries, testes and xy chromosomes.

It’s not racism. It’s common sense.
In regards to the South African runner Caster Semeyna's discrimination, that is just clear cut, old-school racism. The woman is in fact a woman....and has naturally elevated levels of testosterone. She has a body made for running. Notice they don't go after Michael Phelps' biological flukes such as low lactic acid production or joint hyperextension, or say he wasn't born to swim competitively.

This is just an extension of a long history of racism and misogyny which we still see with Serena Williams and Michelle Obama. But as far as questioning the fairness of allowing transgendered people to compete with biological females, I don't think that's the same thing at all.
Her case is actually much more complicated than comparing it to Phelps and the media reporting that is incredibly misleading. She was born w XY chromosomes and no reproductive organs. She is the classic intersex case. It’s a really hard decision to make and I don’t know the right one. I lean towards just letting her compete as is, but I also understand the argument. Do you make it “fair” for intersex females or do you and it “fair” for ‘normal’ females?
Wait, this is now racist? Haha ok.
Her case is actually much more complicated than comparing it to Phelps and the media reporting that is incredibly misleading. She was born w XY chromosomes and no reproductive organs. She is the classic intersex case. It’s a really hard decision to make and I don’t know the right one. I lean towards just letting her compete as is, but I also understand the argument. Do you make it “fair” for intersex females or do you and it “fair” for ‘normal’ females?
Wait, this is now racist? Haha ok.
She has internal testes. That's where the testosterone comes from.
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She has internal testes. That's where the testosterone comes from.
I know. And she has an external vagina. Which one supersedes the other? Again, I don’t know the answer. It’s not a clear cut answer either way.
I know. And she has an external vagina. Which one supersedes the other? Again, I don’t know the answer. It’s not a clear cut answer either way.
The testes since they produce the sex hormone. If you have a Y chromosome and male gonads, you're a male. If you have a Y chromosome and female gonads, you're a female. Ovaries will not produce the levels of testosterone required to produce masculine features and male physiology.
The testes since they produce the sex hormone. If you have a Y chromosome and male gonads, you're a male. If you have a Y chromosome and female gonads, you're a female. Ovaries will not produce the levels of testosterone required to produce masculine features and male physiology.
Sounds fair enough to me. Can’t really argue much w that.
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In regards to the South African runner Caster Semeyna's discrimination, that is just clear cut, old-school racism. The woman is in fact a woman....and has naturally elevated levels of testosterone. She has a body made for running. Notice they don't go after Michael Phelps' biological flukes such as low lactic acid production or joint hyperextension, or say he wasn't born to swim competitively.

This is just an extension of a long history of racism and misogyny which we still see with Serena Williams and Michelle Obama. But as far as questioning the fairness of allowing transgendered people to compete with biological females, I don't think that's the same thing at all.

So if your not a Serena Williams fan or you believe that Michelle O is Chewbacca's first cousin your a misogynist and or racist?
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Thinking Obama is a transsexual is either racism, stupidity or just old-fashioned hillbilly humor.

At times, the line that separates them is extremely difficult to distinguish.
Thinking Obama is a transsexual is either racism, stupidity or just old-fashioned hillbilly humor.

At times, the line that separates them is extremely difficult to distinguish.

No matter what that isn’t racism or misogynistic. Safe bet that she’s a transsexual, absolutely not, hillbilly humor possibly, poor taste for some. Wouldn’t shock me to find out the ex-rodent in chief went both ways. The ex-rodent in chiefs wife was shoved down our gullets from the git go, whatever she is, she is not that attractive in fact I could get a sharpie and draw a face on a bulldogs ass that would look better.

Accusing people of being racist or misogynistic or hillbillies is actually just a means to give the person they are bagging on a standing that they themselves can’t or won’t attain. It’s also an attempt to shame them into total silence, which from past history here won’t work.
I think supporting and pushing for allowing a transsexual (male to female) to compete as a female against actual female is a strong form of discrimination against women.
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