This better be it. I applaud trump for changing course and trying something new, but the next meeting they have if there is no progress should be to assassinate him. He is enjoying himself way too much.
This better be it. I applaud trump for changing course and trying something new, but the next meeting they have if there is no progress should be to assassinate him. He is enjoying himself way too much.
Meh. They can meet every day or never for all I care. As long as NK isn't launching more missile tests (or real missiles) or doing nuclear detonation tests (both of which have halted since the first summit) then Trump is doing the right thing with Kim Jun.
The dictator in his thirties knows the democracy led temporarily by trump can be waited out. We can’t allow President Kamala Harris or president booker to inherit this problem.
I don’t know if Trump can get NK to de-nuke, but I just saw kids in Hanoi waving American flags. That was a surreal pic.
Why give a shit about NK? More Trump theatrics. Let Dennis Rodman deal with them.
Why give a shit about NK? More Trump theatrics. Let Dennis Rodman deal with them.
They were waving American flags when Obama visited also. Boss you say?There are major swaths of this globe that thinks trump is a boss.
That's an inherent problem with any governmental solution that rotates its leaders every 4 to 8 years. I trust that Trump moves the needle in the correct direction and hopefully the next president doesn't undo the progress. Thinking that you are getting denuclearization and "one Korea" in the span of a single presidential term is as ludicrous as thinking we should just print more money in order to pay for the world's health care.
Trump might want to listen to his intelligence agencies and the Wambier family before he spouts off.