Fighting Against A Ragtag Military Group Like Hamas

Halfway taking care of hamas isn’t going to work anymore. Whatever they need to wipe them out they need to devote to the cause.
If not for people like Dan and Dimtards this would have likely been over a long time ago but Hamas has tapped into the unlimited supply of useful idiots in the US to push their Terrorist Propaganda.
How would things be different if the "useful idiots" did not exist? What have the "useful idiots" done that has prevented the IDF from doing what you think they should do? The only thing I can think of is the complaint the Israeli official (I forget which one) made that world concern is the only reason Israel couldn't starve all of Gaza to death.
Dan, you gotta admire those spunky terrorists, right?
Admiring terrorists is not my style. But you gotta wonder why the IDF can't finish Hamas off. Billions upon billions of American taxpayer dollars have been spent on sophisticated military hardware and the IDF is running low on manpower. What's up with that? If that's the best the IDF can do against Hamas how do you think they'll fare against Hezbollah, who soundly trounced them in 2006? It should not come as a surprise that Netanyahu & Company are doing everything they can think of to get the US to pull their fat out of the fire.
Admiring terrorists is not my style. But you gotta wonder why the IDF can't finish Hamas off. Billions upon billions of American taxpayer dollars have been spent on sophisticated military hardware and the IDF is running low on manpower. What's up with that? If that's the best the IDF can do against Hamas how do you think they'll fare against Hezbollah, who soundly trounced them in 2006? It should not come as a surprise that Netanyahu & Company are doing everything they can think of to get the US to pull their fat out of the fire.
IOW you want us to abandon Israel so the Palenstines can move forward with their plans of genocide for jewish people?
Admiring terrorists is not my style. But you gotta wonder why the IDF can't finish Hamas off. Billions upon billions of American taxpayer dollars have been spent on sophisticated military hardware and the IDF is running low on manpower. What's up with that? If that's the best the IDF can do against Hamas how do you think they'll fare against Hezbollah, who soundly trounced them in 2006? It should not come as a surprise that Netanyahu & Company are doing everything they can think of to get the US to pull their fat out of the fire.
Simple, rules of engagement and politics.
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P-Dan, the number 1 global rule in dealing with terrorists is the following:


Now, braniac, tell me why this is. If you cannot, it likely means you are one of them.
Dan is not a terrorist. He's a useful idiot that Sinwar and the Iranian regime rely on to advance the goals of radical Islamist.
Ragtag Military Groups are hard to defeat. Ask England when they fought George Washington. Vietnam is another example that didn't fare well with us. Many other examples.... I think you destroy as much as possible to give you a break until they rise back up again. Rinse and Repeat.
P-Dan, the number 1 global rule in dealing with terrorists is the following:


Now, braniac, tell me why this is. If you cannot, it likely means you are one of them.
One man’s terrorist is another man’s resistance fighter. Which one is which?
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Ragtag Military Groups are hard to defeat. Ask England when they fought George Washington. Vietnam is another example that didn't fare well with us. Many other examples.... I think you destroy as much as possible to give you a break until they rise back up again. Rinse and Repeat.
I understand the sentiment, but the “rinse and repeat” part does not apply to the US vs England or the US vs Vietnam conflicts, so why must it apply to Israel vs Palestinians?
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What is that solution? What is the IDF doing wrong?
You still don't get it. You are so caught up in your feelings you can't see the big picture. This isn't about Israel and the Palestinians, this conflict is merely a tool implemented by Iran and I suspect, China.
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If you cannot differentiate, you are not in the discussion. You are, as stated above, nothing but a useful idiot.
Oh, but I can differentiate. Both sides are terrorists, any discerning eye can see that. The question to ask is which side terrorizes more people with more horror.
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You still don't get it. You are so caught up in your feelings you can't see the big picture. This isn't about Israel and the Palestinians, this conflict is merely a tool implemented by Iran and I suspect, China.
You’re right, I don’t get it. Why don’t you show your solution?
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You’re right, I don’t get it. Why don’t you show your solution?
The solution is the removal and replacement of the Iranian regime. That does not mean military intervention. They've been causing trouble in the Middle East since they took over.
You should read up on how and why they came to power. Then if you have any sort of common sense you can start to put it all together.
The solution is the removal and replacement of the Iranian regime. That does not mean military intervention. They've been causing trouble in the Middle East since they took over.
You should read up on how and why they came to power. Then if you have any sort of common sense you can start to put it all together.
Fine. How does Bearcat go about removing and replacing the Iranian regime? What you’ve written is not a solution to your perceived problem, it’s a goal.
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Kinda like back in the day when reactionaries told American blacks to go to Africa if they don’t like it here?

No this is a unique situation that can either be solved or left to go on for another hundred years. Are you saying blacks are terrorists or Palestinians are not terrorists in your comparison?
No this is a unique situation that can either be solved or left to go on for another hundred years. Are you saying blacks are terrorists or Palestinians are not terrorists in your comparison?
No, I’m saying racism is racism in both places. And I’m say the problem has been going on for three quarters of a century and Israel under the protective American umbrella continues to react the same way it has always reacted. A change needs to be made, and genocide is not the answer. And neither is bussing!
No, I’m saying racism is racism in both places. And I’m say the problem has been going on for three quarters of a century and Israel under the protective American umbrella continues to react the same way it has always reacted. A change needs to be made, and genocide is not the answer. And neither is bussing!

Xenophobia is older than prostitution.

We only started half conquering our enemies recently in human history. The only reason this is Israel’s fault is because they have sat there watching this fester instead of having the balls to end it. The Palestinians would be killing whoever they lived next to, history proves that. Israel should apologize to their own citizens for not kicking their ass out of Gaza and the West Bank 100% in the forties.

It’s an untenable situation. Diversity is not a strength in this instance.
Fine. How does Bearcat go about removing and replacing the Iranian regime? What you’ve written is not a solution to your perceived problem, it’s a goal.
Trump had the regime on it's knees. Then Biden came in, refused to enforce sanctions, freed up frozen money, refuses to hold Iran accountable for their support of terrorism and refuses to call out the regimes inhuman treatment of the Iranian people. Without the money and with international condemnation the Iranian regime would fall, which would in turn cease their support of terrorist groups like Hamas.
Trump had the regime on it's knees. Then Biden came in, refused to enforce sanctions, freed up frozen money, refuses to hold Iran accountable for their support of terrorism and refuses to call out the regimes inhuman treatment of the Iranian people. Without the money and with international condemnation the Iranian regime would fall, which would in turn cease their support of terrorist groups like Hamas.
That may have been true at one time (probably is a Bearcat pipe dream, but let's give you that one), but with the recent Iranian unification with Russia and China the Iranian regime is unlikely to fall any time soon. So what will President Bearcat do? Start a war with Iran for Israel's sake (it wouldn't be for America's sake, Iran is no threat to us) and take it up to nucleal lever? Actually that may indeed be Bearcat's solution.
That may have been true at one time (probably is a Bearcat pipe dream, but let's give you that one), but with the recent Iranian unification with Russia and China the Iranian regime is unlikely to fall any time soon. So what will President Bearcat do? Start a war with Iran for Israel's sake (it wouldn't be for America's sake, Iran is no threat to us) and take it up to nucleal lever? Actually that may indeed be Bearcat's solution.
Don't play stupid it's not a good look for you.

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