Feels like Spring so (warning: fishing thread)


Heisman Winner
Gold Member
Oct 22, 2003
Small ranch North of Denton, TX
I don't fish as much as I used to, and more often than not, these days I'll just take the flyrod down to the pond for fun with bass and sunfish. With the fish not being on the surface this time of year I took the little bass boat and bass casting gear to the pond and found the bass ready and willing to bite with all the warm weather we've been having. Water temps are unseasonably warm. At noon today as the northern and a little spitting rain arrived, I averaged about one bass per 5 minutes, and they were all between 2 and 4 lbs.... fat and sassy. A fun start to spring. That is all. (My report is from far north Texas.)
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I've been taking the flyrod out here in Oklahoma and have had good luck so far with crappie and sunfish. I haven't had any luck with bass yet but I've been focused on crappie.
We are pulling some good rainbows and browns from the recently thawed creek and Platte.

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