Feeding the slack-jaw, mouth-breathing useful idiots like @PoncaDan

Marocain Poke

Sep 1, 2020
Tangier, Morocco
Oh, don't let Dan fool ya.
Until ole Dan ups and makes a trek to Israel, does extensive walkabout, hands out some candy & cash to the waifs/terrorists in town, he should not be allowed to bash the good Israelis & continue to praise those muslim terrorists here. Get a ticket Dan-o, or cease & desist or quit getting all your words from obscure commie internet sites.

Of course this is only my opinion. He is so far off the rez with his diatribes that it's not even funny anymore.
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Until ole Dan ups and makes a trek to Israel, does extensive walkabout, hands out some candy & cash to the waifs/terrorists in town, he should not be allowed to bash the good Israelis & continue to praise those muslim terrorists here. Get a ticket Dan-o, or cease & desist or quit getting all your words from obscure commie internet sites.

Of course this is only my opinion. He is so far off the rez with his diatribes that it's not even funny anymore.
I think he's just a troll saying racist things to get people to notice him. Remind you of anyone, @fatman76?
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Hadn’t heard the phrase “slack-jaw” since I lived in the Walker Tower dorm in Norman in the mid-late 80s. Guy from Tahlequah would refer to certain girls as “slack-jawed sluts” and certain guys as “slack-jawed fa.ggots”. Although his meaning was clear, I never really understood the “slack-jaw” part. 🤔
Mouth breather.

If you stand at rest and don't close your mouth your IQ takes an automatic 30pt hit.

Think Eli Manning.
Hadn’t heard the phrase “slack-jaw” since I lived in the Walker Tower dorm in Norman in the mid-late 80s. Guy from Tahlequah would refer to certain girls as “slack-jawed sluts” and certain guys as “slack-jawed fa.ggots”. Although his meaning was clear, I never really understood the “slack-jaw” part. 🤔
I was on Walker 9 in the mid-70's. Never heard that term but there were plenty of easy Kappa pledges on the other side of the elevators.
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I was on Walker 9 in the mid-70's. Never heard that term but there were plenty of easy Kappa pledges on the other side of the elevators.
Would that be Kappa Delta? They had been banned from OU for a few years by the time I arrived. Rumor was some sort of lesbian sex scandal. Only instance I ever heard of a sorority getting in trouble.

BTW, Walker is scheduled for demolition, as is Couch Tower. Adams Center is already gone. “Dormpartments” are the new thing, where you share a small living area and bathroom with 3-4 other people, and you have a private bedroom about the size of a phone booth.
Would that be Kappa Delta? They had been banned from OU for a few years by the time I arrived. Rumor was some sort of lesbian sex scandal. Only instance I ever heard of a sorority getting in trouble.

BTW, Walker is scheduled for demolition, as is Couch Tower. Adams Center is already gone. “Dormpartments” are the new thing, where you share a small living area and bathroom with 3-4 other people, and you have a private bedroom about the size of a phone booth.
I work lax camp at VT and that’s how the dorms are. It sucks.

Is McCasland still up? 7th floor holds some memories for me.
Would that be Kappa Delta? They had been banned from OU for a few years by the time I arrived. Rumor was some sort of lesbian sex scandal. Only instance I ever heard of a sorority getting in trouble.

BTW, Walker is scheduled for demolition, as is Couch Tower. Adams Center is already gone. “Dormpartments” are the new thing, where you share a small living area and bathroom with 3-4 other people, and you have a private bedroom about the size of a phone booth.
Negative Ghostrider that would be those Kappa Kappa Gammas. Their house was across the street from the one I lived in for a couple of years. Coed was the ticket.

I and my 3-sons all resided in Walker for freshman year. I drove around the place not too long ago and it is almost unrecognizable.

The KD house you referred to was only approached after being thrown out of the bar, then being thrown out of Denco's by Pat, then the KD house.

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