Fear the Walking Dead

Gave up on it about half way through season 1.

Same. That show blows goats. I caught half of a later episode while flipping channels. The Johny Depp look alike was covered in blood and limping along with a zombie horde. But, he wasn't doing it to fool them and get from one place to another. He was doing it because he thought he was one of them (or wanted to be one of them). Stupid ass writing.
I likewise bailed. The lost interest point to me was when the writers had every single character get to the point that they had to make a decision, share information, or otherwise not endanger themselves and everyone around them - they had them choose the stupidest option that presented itself.

Particularly infuriating to me was the weakest-ass of all "plot points" - the cliche of someone having information that could be crucial to survival of the group and instead of immediately sharing it (which would be the only logical thing to do) they instead decide to keep it a secret. Thus endangering everyone around them as well as themselves. As soon as I see writers pull that one - I'm usually out of there.

And "junkie depp" certainly didn't help things going from what he knows how dangerous the Z's can be, to wanting to be part of them? Even a freaking meth-head or oxy-addict isn't that stupid!
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I'm watching. It's summer. There's nothing on TV. Do you expect me to watch the NBA finals? My wife has watched Impractical Jokers about 5 times over. Pretty finny actually.
I'm still watching although they just killed off the only person I can relate to.
I've stuck with it. This season has been its best so far.

I agree with Murph...glad they brought back Salazar.
I agree this season has been the best after the failed time jump in the first season.

I could have done without most if not all of the Strand storyline this week. Seemed to just be filler.
Still watching. It's pretty entertaining but not the serious masterpiece they are trying to present. A lot of the characters act unnaturally and illogically even in a post apocalyptic world. Plus too many characters are able to turn into Rambo overnight. I think the original show did a little better in building the characters and story lines.

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