Favre, Barbour, African Americans save Cochran's bacon

You are full of sh**. This is far from over. Interesting he was able to cater to libs like yourself to get across the finish line. That's a stupid state law but it very well might bite him in the ass as many libs voted in a primary on June 3rd and then voted yesterday. Don't start gloating quite yet even if he holds on as november is going to be an ass kicking of epic proportion for your party.
Yea H Barbour....there's a guy I would want next to me in a fox hole, NOT! He also thinks john McCain is a conservative and he supported W dUPe, kind of a weird world you live in huh?

This post was edited on 6/25 11:27 AM by windriverrange
I'm confused.

Wouldn't logic indicate "if" democrats crossing over in an open primary to "save Cochran's bacon" that the Tea Party is doing well instead of on it's deathbed.
Overwhelming majority of Americans want government to work for all Americans.

Tea Party are socialists too but they only want it to work for them.

Cantor was a fluke--arrogance did him in. Didn't even show up to vote on election day in his home state.

McDaniel joins Palin, Angle, Shannon, the witch, Bachmann, Cruz (Canuck), Walsh etal on the pantheon of Tea Party flops.

Demise of Dem Senate majority now being guaranteed by same conservative pollsters and Obama haters who guaranteed Romney and we all know how that worked out where Romney carried 1 battleground state... we'll see in November if Dem base shows up to counter GOP/conservative kangaroo court "impeachment"...maybe saw a clue of that last night in Mississippi

This post was edited on 6/25 3:00 PM by CowboyUp
I think the chance that a flyer got sent out to black neighborhoods saying that the Tea Party was going to take away their vote has a better chance of being responsible for Cochran's win than any of your political soothsaying.

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