Fatman, WTH is going on in Virginia?

I’ll admit I haven’t read everything Mollie Hemmingway has written, nor have I heard her every time she’s been on a tv or radio show. There may have been times, maybe a lot of times she has been *harshly* critical of something Trump has said or advocated, in which case I am wrong about her. But I personally have never read a single harshly critical comment she has written about Trump, nor have I heard her say such a thing. Her diatribes against Democrats, OTOH, are common and legendary. She’s a partisan distributing partisan spin for folks like youto glom onto and repeat. And there’s nothing wrong about that. It is more common in the political discourse than uncommon. The Matt Taibbi’s of the world are very very rare.

DJT is not a conservative. I don’t know if there is a category he fits into. He’s a grifter, a conman, a carnival barker, a guy standing outside the club at the French Quarter opening the door just long enough for you to get a peek and hear the music to attract you in. I honestly don’t think the man has a single political principle he could explain in thirty minutes. He tosses out things like “building a wall” and “eliminate the Dept. of Education” knowing he wouldn’t do it even if he could, it’s just the con man talking.

Anyone who can’t see the truth about either Hemingway or Trump just doesn’t want to see it.

And by the way, Trump is still preferable to Harris.
Wow, doubling down on your lack of self awareness. LMAO
BTW it's worth noting, Trump has no trips to VA planned coming up and none of his surrogates do either. That tends to suggest he's not seeing it as being close.

Also interesting, they are hammering MI and WI, two states the media tells us Kamala has in the bag. MI, WI and PA are pretty much all they are visiting over the next 10 days.
He’s also pulled all ads

I’ve not seen one ad in the last 30 days
Let me put it this way. Do you believe if she had done her research and it showed her that the Democrats had not cheated she would have written a book saying that? I don’t.
In other words, she only writes anything when there’s something to write about. You’ve essentially just defined her as a journalist.
In other words, she only writes anything when there’s something to write about. You’ve essentially just defined her as a journalist.
You're not very bright, are you? I've called her what she is: a partisan pundit, not a journalist. I have not once called her a liar or someone who gives out misinformation. She writes things solely in support of Donald Trump and against Democrats at every turn.
You're not very bright, are you? I've called her what she is: a partisan pundit, not a journalist. I have not once called her a liar or someone who gives out misinformation. She writes things solely in support of Donald Trump and against Democrats at every turn.
Yet you incessantly post article after article from journalist against Israel. Yep your lack of self awareness is hilarious.
You're not very bright, are you? I've called her what she is: a partisan pundit, not a journalist. I have not once called her a liar or someone who gives out misinformation. She writes things solely in support of Donald Trump and against Democrats at every turn.
She’s as much a journalist as Woodward and Bernstein, and more so than all of the islamofascist propagandists that you cite ad nauseam. You’re simply not bright enough to understand what journalism is - ie. reporting on matters that are of interest. Maybe you should enroll in a 5th grade vocabulary course at Sylvan.
She’s as much a journalist as Woodward and Bernstein, and more so than all of the islamofascist propagandists that you cite ad nauseam. You’re simply not bright enough to understand what journalism is - ie. reporting on matters that are of interest. Maybe you should enroll in a 5th grade vocabulary course at Sylvan.
Mollie has been quite critical of Trump in the past, she just waits till the facts lead her there to report it.

Which is what a good journalist does.
Mollie has been quite critical of Trump in the past, she just waits till the facts lead her there to report it.

Which is what a good journalist does.
Our memories differ. She was quite critical of him until he won, at which point she became one of his staunchest defenders. I doubt she would call herself a journalist in the "classic" sense. She is a partisan spin-meister on Trump's behalf in the same way what's-her-name on MSNBC is a spin-meister against him. Neither one of them can be called bald faced liars; they both tell the truth as their research shows it. Mollie tells the truth from the Trump perspective, and as I have now said many times: there is nothing wrong with that.
Our memories differ. She was quite critical of him until he won, at which point she became one of his staunchest defenders. I doubt she would call herself a journalist in the "classic" sense. She is a partisan spin-meister on Trump's behalf in the same way what's-her-name on MSNBC is a spin-meister against him. Neither one of them can be called bald faced liars; they both tell the truth as their research shows it. Mollie tells the truth from the Trump perspective, and as I have now said many times: there is nothing wrong with that.
And then there's Catlyn. LMAO
If the reference is about Caitlin Johnstone she very loudly will tell you in no uncertain terms she has "biases" against tyranny. We should all have those biases. It's a shame that so many of you have picked one of the tyrannical teams and joined in preserving it.
How after all of your years on this earth can you still be so naïve?
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Bearcat retake control of your name!
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How after all of your years on this earth can you still be so naïve?
He's just a very bad troll.

"But tRuMp IsNt A rEaL cOnSeRvAtIvE!!!!"

LOL Well the Father of the Modern Conservative Movement, Rush Limbaugh, loved Trump. I'll take Rush's word over any Grey Poupon sniffing from @Marocain Poke or @22LR

BTW Marcolaine....about your 'widen the tent' theory. Rush said soon after Trump was inaugurated in 2017, he visited Trump at MAL. Him and Steve Bannon were walking the grounds with Trump. Trump told Rush that he was looking forward to MAGA, said that he knew the left didn't like his ideas, but Trump said once they understand my plan and how I wanted to Make America Great Again, that they would totally get on board and help him build a more prosperous America.

Rush stopped dead in his tracks. "Mr. President, with all due respect....that is NEVER going to happen!" Bannon sorta cocked his head and looked at Trump with a 'I told you so!' look on his face.

Rush said for decades that you do NOT unify with the left, that you cannot reach out to them. He said the reason why Trump won was because he REJECTED the 'grow the tent' BS. Rush said Mitt Romney and Rand Paul both came to him and told him exactly that. "Rush we can't win with Republicans alone! We gotta reach more voters than that!"

Trump said f*CK that, and proved them wrong.

Trump is trying to show us how to fight back and build a party and America we always said we wanted. We gotta be strong enough and smart enough to support him.
He's just a very bad troll.

"But tRuMp IsNt A rEaL cOnSeRvAtIvE!!!!"

LOL Well the Father of the Modern Conservative Movement, Rush Limbaugh, loved Trump. I'll take Rush's word over any Grey Poupon sniffing from @Marocain Poke or @22LR

BTW Marcolaine....about your 'widen the tent' theory. Rush said soon after Trump was inaugurated in 2017, he visited Trump at MAL. Him and Steve Bannon were walking the grounds with Trump. Trump told Rush that he was looking forward to MAGA, said that he knew the left didn't like his ideas, but Trump said once they understand my plan and how I wanted to Make America Great Again, that they would totally get on board and help him build a more prosperous America.

Rush stopped dead in his tracks. "Mr. President, with all due respect....that is NEVER going to happen!" Bannon sorta cocked his head and looked at Trump with a 'I told you so!' look on his face.

Rush said for decades that you do NOT unify with the left, that you cannot reach out to them. He said the reason why Trump won was because he REJECTED the 'grow the tent' BS. Rush said Mitt Romney and Rand Paul both came to him and told him exactly that. "Rush we can't win with Republicans alone! We gotta reach more voters than that!"

Trump said f*CK that, and proved them wrong.

Trump is trying to show us how to fight back and build a party and America we always said we wanted. We gotta be strong enough and smart enough to support him.

Corndog, what makes you think I'm not a Trump supporter?
You're not very bright, are you? I've called her what she is: a partisan pundit, not a journalist. I have not once called her a liar or someone who gives out misinformation. She writes things solely in support of Donald Trump and against Democrats at every turn.
"you're not very bright are you?"

A reminder: SiL is the one who answered 3 questions from my 60 question Mensa exercise in under 3 minutes at the old SoonerSpinZone proving an IQ in the mid 140s or higher. When I posted the questions, SiL was not a target, strictly a volunteer.

You couldn't answer one of the three until I provided the correct answers on these pages. Suggesting SiL is not very bright is probably not one of your best choices.

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