Just a quick example on how its difficult to compare stuff like this.........My last couple years stationed at RAF Lakenheath , England, I was in charge of the Wings Deficiency Analysis section, the Wing Commander was trying to get authorization to build more housing on base. His justification was that the violent crime rate in the UK was much higher than in the US so it would be safer to have families living on base . He commissioned us to do a study on this, what we found was very interesting. Looking at the reported statistics the rate was significantly higher but........when looking at what each country reported as a violent crime it became very apparent why the rate was higher in the UK........at the time, a violent crime in the US was Murder, forcible rape and Aggravated assault, those were the only crimes considered violent. In the UK, a violent crime is Murder, any rape, any assault and any drug offense. When we applied the same US criteria to UK crime statistics the UK violent crime rate was less than half that of the US ( if I remember correctly it was 38%) needless to say, he didn't like our findings.