Does anyone else think that "fact checkers" are the latest scam by the media to try to appear to be unbiased and only "checking the facts" when in fact the manner in which they go about checking facts is completely arbitrary and left to individual judgement? For example, I am sure most "fact checkers" rated Carson as a liar over his statements about the military academy because he called it a "scholarship" when in fact it may have just been a bad choice of words. I just keep seeing articles being shared that basically rate every Republican as the biggest liar ever and all the Democrats as exceedingly honest. I have linked a NY Times article that a friend of mine shared on FB. The five most honest are Bill Clinton, O'Malley, Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Bernie Sanders. Rubio then slips in ahead of Biden and then after that it's all Republicans as the biggest liars. How can anyone with half a brain think anything with results so partisan is legitimate?