Executive order


Heisman Candidate
Gold Member
Sep 2, 2005
So, if I understand correctly, up to this point in time, a federally licensed firearms dealer must perform a background check on the buyer of a firearm before the transaction is completed.

And up to this point, the occasional seller of a gun has been exempt from this requirement, creating what is referred to as a loophole.

The forthcoming executive order will change the way the federal government defines a "gun dealer" in the statutes. Now, anybody who sells a gun becomes a "gun dealer" at the time of the sale and will be required to do a background check on the buyer.

Can a president get away with what amounts to the rewriting of a law? From President Obama's point of view, if you view anybody who sells a gun as a "gun dealer", why not require that they also have a federal firearms license as a real dealer must have?
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He always seems to run his mouth about the same time I go to get a new gun. I just get annoyed by the extra long lines for background checks. So now you can't buy your dad a gun and give it as a gift or your son or daughter. There are more dealers who preform background checks at gun shows then private dealers IMO. I think this is just a way to get more gun laws on the books rather then help gun control. So the terrorist friend now will preform a background check on the said terrorist before selling him the gun..... right... See the fault in this law yet?
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This action will do nothing to fix whatever crazy perceptions he has. It's another example of him catering to his backers; in this case Michael Bloomberg. What it probably will do is make a bigger black market than already exists. The corner gun dealers in Chicago won't comply. It's likely to create criminals of otherwise law abiding citizens...most of what he does has that goal.

On another subject, notice how he and Jarrett are siding with Iran over Saudi in the latest brouhaha.
On another subject, notice how he and Jarrett are siding with Iran over Saudi in the latest brouhaha.

Iran armed is ok but not US citizens. Also on your black market comment it will make the value of those guns up also.

Also now that I have a little time to drink the morning coffee and think how the hell will this law be enforced? Will we have to register our firearms to our names? What about all the unregistered guns out there?
Only country in the advanced world where these types of mass shootings happen.

Huh, what? Is France not an advanced country? He stood up there and bald-faced lied to the world.
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Obviously. And then, after the next publicized shooting, it can be expanded upon, and so on and so forth.

This is why I am willing to fight so hard to keep the government from banning AR's/ If they ban them then semi auto pistols will be next. Then someone will go out and us a hunting rifle and snipe a bunch of people in a crowd and boom hunting rifles are banned. This is the problem in dealing with these super liberals on these issues. They are never happy and always want more.

In retaliation to King Obama today I made donations to Ted Cruz and the NRA. This is the only way to fight this dictator we have to fund the lobbyist group of our interest because common sense is gone in the White House.
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Isn't it already illegal to sell firearms to felons and non citizens? Honest question.
guy is just a huge pile of unburied dung! He has a Koran in one hand, a pacifier in the other, and wears a shirt that says "please like me." Suspect if cockroaches could talk and donate to his campaigns, he would outlaw "raid."

Gotta hand it to the they just stand by and let this little flop eared bastard do whatever he wants, then hope and pray the courts reverse it. No backbones or original thoughts, useless the whole group. Please please please do not vote for any more incumbents.
Why aren't you all more concerned with the ice caps melting and millions dying from ConservativeMadeGlobalWarming?
For the love of all cute and lovable puppies, global warming didn't pan out so now we refer to it as Climate Change. That term can blanket any sort of natural and unnatural phenomenon possible.

Stick to the talking points or you'll be supporting jihad in the eyes of Dear Leader.
So I am a little confused. Can you please clarify? Which of you want someone to be able to buy a gun without a background check?
So I am a little confused. Can you please clarify? Which of you want someone to be able to buy a gun without a background check?

Once again Obama drops a law and his ilk come around with well which of you wants people to have a gun with out a background check. Guess what dude there is no way to enforce this law. How in the hell is the government going to stop me from buying guns and selling them to someone else? How will they know they don't even know how many guns are in the USA. They don't even keep count of how guns are sold in the USA. They only way to make sure people aren't buying and then selling guns with out background checks is to make you register a firearm when you buy it. I am 100% against that. So my grandpa has a bunch of pistols and rifles. Over the last 5 years he has been passing them down to me and I have been adding them to my collection since they are family guns and guns he has hunted with basically just memories. Now under this law he can't give me anymore guns unless he does a back ground check on me even though I have a CCL. See why I think this is just stupid. This has nothing to do with background checks I am for background checks. Every new gun I have bought I have had a background check done. This "loophole" really isn't some major loophole like the POS POTUS wants you all to believe. All you wanting gun control at least educate yourselves god you all sound dumb.
Obviously. And then, after the next publicized shooting, it can be expanded upon, and so on and so forth.
Exactly! Textbook lib. Let me crack the door open so I can barge in the next time a shooting occurs by saying. "I didn't do enough". Then they'll change the rules and continue to do so as they work toward their ultimate goal.
So I am a little confused. Can you please clarify? Which of you want someone to be able to buy a gun without a background check?
So I am a little confused. Can you please clarify? If someone is mentally unstable enough to want to murder with a gun, they're going to get one.
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Here is what this seemingly small step law does.

Like Vito says, this now outlaws not only private sales between collectors, it presumably applies to any transfer of ownership. So within a few generations, the only way undocumented and unregistered guns can be declared illegal and confiscated.
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The ATF folks sold guns to folks without background checks. I'm very surprised anti gun enthusiasts like Barry didn't demand answers on how those guns ended up in the hands of criminals.

I think maybe this time the criminals are really going to make an effort to partake in the new executive action. Stranger things have happened like ISIS being contained and no threat to the homeland, reset buttons with Russia, you can keep your plan, and the utmost in transparency from the administration that proclaimed itself the most transparent ever.
Mexicans kill our border agents with our guns. Isis will shoot our own soldiers with American guns while driving American humvees. Black neighborhoods are ransacked and made into urban war zones with guns that weren't purchased at a fvcking gun show.

Our border is not and won't be secured by the end of this presidential nightmare. Isis is not and won't be defeated by the end of this presidential nightmare. Black neighborhoods will be no better off than they were at the beginning of this presidential nightmare.

Sandy hook would not be prevented by this law!! Wtf is Obama and Rachel maddow wanting from this sympathy parade?? How stupid is their base that they can not know the facts and be moved by this??
The day is approaching when I will no longer be able to enjoy hunting or sport shooting. I have several guns which have been passed down through generations of our family. I know who those guns will go to and there will not be any background check undertaken when those guns are passed along.
This is a ridiculous order.

Basically it's so vague that anyone could be convicted of a crime by selling a firearm. The only way to do a proper background check is to have an FFL. However, you can't just "get" and FFL. You need to be incorporated first, have somewhat of a business plan.

Tell me where I'm wrong bc I hope I am.
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As part of the executive order, Barry doesn't want privacy laws regarding your healthcare history to obstruct the government from obtaining and using your medical history against you in whatever fashion they wish as part of the background check.

Another part of the order wants to clarify that the ACA doesn't prohibit healthcare professionals from asking you about guns in your home. Interestingly, if the healthcare providers asks and you answer, it will likely be documented in your medical record which Barry wants authorities to have access to as part of a background check.

Talk about overreach. King Barry as outdone herself.
Here is what this seemingly small step law does.

Like Vito says, this now outlaws not only private sales between collectors, it presumably applies to any transfer of ownership. So within a few generations, the only way undocumented and unregistered guns can be declared illegal and confiscated.
I guess I did not make the jump to that presumption with you guys. I hear that this background check requirement applies to gun dealers. Granted this order is intended to expand what and who are classified as "dealers," but I did not hear anything about registration of all arms, private transferal or property, or inheritance of property. I am waiting for them to post the exact executive orders so that I can read them, but I think you might be yelling wolf here a little bit. If you are wanting to use the "it opens the door for them to do something in the future" argument, the COTUS opens the door for them to outlaw all gun ownership in the future too. I know that is taking the line of thinking to an extreme and executive orders do not have anywhere near the technical hurdles that a COTUS amendment would, but the point is that we have not even seen the executive order yet to make a presumption of what it classifies as a "dealer" and so impugning it by saying what "could" happen in the future is a bit rash and reactionary in my opinion.
@Medic007 @squeak How do you know this to make these statements as factual? I have been searching for the executive orders to read and the white house has not actually posted the executive orders yet. What I have read in news articles have been talking points with all different texts that are slanted for intended audience. If you have that actual text of the executive orders, I would love to read it. Thanks
I guess I did not make the jump to that presumption with you guys. I hear that this background check requirement applies to gun dealers. Granted this order is intended to expand what and who are classified as "dealers," but I did not hear anything about registration of all arms, private transferal or property, or inheritance of property. I am waiting for them to post the exact executive orders so that I can read them, but I think you might be yelling wolf here a little bit. If you are wanting to use the "it opens the door for them to do something in the future" argument, the COTUS opens the door for them to outlaw all gun ownership in the future too. I know that is taking the line of thinking to an extreme and executive orders do not have anywhere near the technical hurdles that a COTUS amendment would, but the point is that we have not even seen the executive order yet to make a presumption of what it classifies as a "dealer" and so impugning it by saying what "could" happen in the future is a bit rash and reactionary in my opinion.

If that's the case I'll certainly acknowledge it and retract my statement.
As part of the executive order, Barry doesn't want privacy laws regarding your healthcare history to obstruct the government from obtaining and using your medical history against you in whatever fashion they wish as part of the background check.

Another part of the order wants to clarify that the ACA doesn't prohibit healthcare professionals from asking you about guns in your home. Interestingly, if the healthcare providers asks and you answer, it will likely be documented in your medical record which Barry wants authorities to have access to as part of a background check.

Talk about overreach. King Barry as outdone herself.
OK, so this confounds me more than anything else. A LOT of people have decried that not allowing mentally ill people to have and use guns was a HUGE part of what was needed to stop some of these mass shootings. Doctors are the ones that can identify whether someone is mentally ill. But you don't want doctors to be able to tell the government that someone IS mentally ill so that we can keep them from having an AR-15? He wants the boots on the ground doctors to have an active participation in protecting us by urging them to start asking the questions about whether a mentally ill person has weapons he could use to hurt himself or others. He is putting more money in to mental health and holding the insurance companies feet to the fire about covering mental health issues. Sounds like great ideas to me. It sounds like these executive orders will do EXACTLY what people were asking when it comes to mental health. What am I missing?
@Medic007 @squeak How do you know this to make these statements as factual? I have been searching for the executive orders to read and the white house has not actually posted the executive orders yet. What I have read in news articles have been talking points with all different texts that are slanted for intended audience. If you have that actual text of the executive orders, I would love to read it. Thanks
OK, so this confounds me more than anything else. A LOT of people have decried that not allowing mentally ill people to have and use guns was a HUGE part of what was needed to stop some of these mass shootings. Doctors are the ones that can identify whether someone is mentally ill. But you don't want doctors to be able to tell the government that someone IS mentally ill so that we can keep them from having an AR-15? He wants the boots on the ground doctors to have an active participation in protecting us by urging them to start asking the questions about whether a mentally ill person has weapons he could use to hurt himself or others. He is putting more money in to mental health and holding the insurance companies feet to the fire about covering mental health issues. Sounds like great ideas to me. It sounds like these executive orders will do EXACTLY what people were asking when it comes to mental health. What am I missing?
Determining competence is something that the legal system does. That information is available through the legal system. Physicians don't have the power to declare somebody incompetent and that information is not available in a medical record.

The vagueness is unsettling. So is the apparent attempt to either rewrite HIPPA or willingly violate it. His order mentions being declared incompetent as being a factor in preventing the purchase of a firearm. I completely agree with that. But that information is not located in one's medical record.
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