he looking for a chair when the music stops
He’s just asshurt because of the indictment
You got any updates on when all this stuff is going to hit? @HanAholeSolo2.0 got me all hot and bothered for last weekend. Today maybe?
Sigh... man that is a long time to wait. I thought the OIG report was going to rock everyone's world - isn't it in final review or something?Before the midterms. If nothing happens by then I’ll concede that I was wrong
Sigh... man that is a long time to wait. I thought the OIG report was going to rock everyone's world - isn't it in final review or something?
Sigh... man that is a long time to wait. I thought the OIG report was going to rock everyone's world - isn't it in final review or something?
Reading comprehension. Get some.were you the guy talking about korea while back?
something bout #winning?
Reading comprehension. Get some.
Merlot? Please biotech.sipping merlot and speaking google
you a legend in your own mind
Merlot? Please biotech.
I did have a couple of British Bombay IPA's over lunch...was giving benefit of the doubt
i’m sure it’s zima twist of lime on ice
Sigh... man that is a long time to wait. I thought the OIG report was going to rock everyone's world - isn't it in final review or something?
What's the phrase? Oh yeah... Now You Got Her!Lock her up
What's the phrase? Oh yeah... Now You Got Her!
What's the phrase? Oh yeah... Now You Got Her!
Pence is your best shot, the real drain the swamp movement is ahead of us yet... That is if he doesn't go down with the rest of them (low probability IMO).Maybe, maybe not but I feel like the best shot we have is the man in the white house now.
Pence is your best shot, the real drain the swamp movement is ahead of us yet... That is if he doesn't go down with the rest of them (low probability IMO).
Fight it as much as you like, progress happens.I have such low expectations for this country. It’s basically just keep you people from making any decisions. Trump, pence or next clown up as long as liberalism is stalled.
Fight it as much as you like, progress happens.
Nothing simple about it. What is simple is to think of your "traditional values" as somehow rooted in a long lived institution. The world is moving forward in fits and starts, that includes Christianity. I get that makes some uncomfortable, but it is reality.Trans kindergarten teachers and less Christianity is not my progress. It’s yours and that’s great but you are being simple using that word as some universal definition for how fast you want the culture flushed down the toilet.
You people will win. America will be just another country overrun with people from shitty countries who are blind to the irony, but trump with his Supreme Court picks has improved the chances I will have to see less of your kind of “progress.”
Nothing simple about it. What is simple is to think of your "traditional values" as somehow rooted in a long lived institution. The world is moving forward in fits and starts, that includes Christianity. I get that makes some uncomfortable, but it is reality.
So in your estimation racial divisions are worse or better in a 50 or 25 year view? Sexual equality?If I laid out my values it would be a mix of old and new. But we have two forces going on right now. I don’t want a world built on racial division, anti free speech, multi gender socialism. We will never be in Mayberry again, but we don’t have to sprint towards your progress.
I’m agnostic. But I recognize people need the gospels in their lives. You might not. Hollywood might not. Look what’s happened to the black community. look what you’ve done to kids like toon. He needs religion as a base and because of liberals attack on that specific institution he gets his religious fix in other irrational and unhelpful ways for himself or society.
So in your estimation racial divisions are worse or better in a 50 or 25 year view? Sexual equality?
As to religion, it's not for me nor would I take it from anyone else. My mom is quite devout (liberal flavor of course) and I would never undermine the peace it gives her.
So in your estimation racial divisions are worse or better in a 50 or 25 year view? Sexual equality?
As to religion, it's not for me nor would I take it from anyone else. My mom is quite devout (liberal flavor of course) and I would never undermine the peace it gives her.
When did an about face and blind folded marching become progress again?
Two people in O’s inner circle
Fight it as much as you like, progress happens.
Let me restate what I think you said... progress knows no party. Is that fair? If so, I certainly agree.Progress happens but it’s insane to think you can define it or predict it via your dogmatic tribal priorities.
More likely, self described progressives will overestimate their hand, overreach and create a massive boomerang effect because they have a fatal flaw and basic blind spot in their smug sense of heightened intelligence and enlightenment.
Same for old school Bush neocons. Everyone thought they were right until they weren’t.
Chaos will reign and no political ideology stays cool forever.
Let me restate what I think you said... progress knows no party. Is that fair? If so, I certainly agree.
Race relations for instance generally have progressed to greater and greater blending of races. Are some ideologies more accepting of this observable trend than others? Yes IMO.
BTW: this place is a cess pool. Good to have you back in the muck if only for a bit.