"Evil Losers" Trump at his best.

I agree with this. An important component of defeating the ideology of terrorism will simply be to screw their brand into the ground and make it uncool.

This is how it starts.

As you know, I can't stand the guy. But. The link in the tweet has a point. You don't convince ignorant young men to quit engaging in terrorism with lofty, statesmanlike language. Communicate with them.

In fact, the international community should adopt the "loser" mantra to describe terrorists. Get muslim celebrities to join in. I've heard crazier ideas. Maybe hitting the anti-loser button plays to a uniquely american perspective, but it's worth a shot.

And that concludes my annual "Maybe they have a point" post.
Scott Adams is one of the more observant people on the planet.

Why don't you like him? He's funny and logical.
You're probably standing in front of a mirror as we speak in your t-shirt and trunks, worried.

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