Evil Bastards Probably Cheered On Oct 7

Thank you for posting that 8 year old article. It occurs to me that by 2023 those boys were probably of the age to join Hamas and participate in the Oct 7 slaughter. Which should confirm the notion that all Palestinians are evil, the literal spawn of Satan, and the only moral and proper thing to do is exterminate the entire race. Israel is right to commit genocide. It may be this first time in history that the mass murder is the moral thing to do. The Israelis are doing the world a favor. As many as it takes! As many as it takes! As many as it takes!
Just curious how much propaganda you'll swallow whole cloth.
What propaganda have I swallowed? I’m on your side 100% in favor of killing as many evil Palestinians as it takes. Eradicate the vermin! Right? Aren’t we supposed to cheer when Palestinians get murdered? If the attack and massacre didn’t really happen, if the buildings in the pictures are fake, if the children in the picture aren’t really dead or wounded, that’s a disappointment, isn’t it? Don’t we want as many of them to be killed as possible? Isn’t that what “as many as it takes” means? Isn’t that what we want?
And got what they deserved. As many as it takes. As many as it takes. As many as it takes.

Wow you'll gobble up anything!! Would you like to buy this amazing time-share?

Thank you for posting that 8 year old article. It occurs to me that by 2023 those boys were probably of the age to join Hamas and participate in the Oct 7 slaughter. Which should confirm the notion that all Palestinians are evil, the literal spawn of Satan, and the only moral and proper thing to do is exterminate the entire race. Israel is right to commit genocide. It may be this first time in history that the mass murder is the moral thing to do. The Israelis are doing the world a favor. As many as it takes! As many as it takes! As many as it takes!
I’m sure there’s been no similar instances in the last eight years, eh Dodge? 🙄 My bad.
I’m sure there’s been no similar instances in the last eight years, eh Dodge? 🙄 My bad.
What has your panties in a bunch? I merely pointed out those boys in the 2016 article were probably participants in the 2023 attack. And therefore it is of utmost importance that all Palestinians, no matter what age, be killed, because the young ones just grow up to become terrorists. Maybe not all of them, but they all look alike, so how are we supposed to know which ones are terrorists, and which ones aren't? Just kill them and be done with it. Isn't that the attitude we're supposed to have? Otherwise why would we recite the mantra "as many as it takes?"
What propaganda have I swallowed? I’m on your side 100% in favor of killing as many evil Palestinians as it takes. Eradicate the vermin! Right? Aren’t we supposed to cheer when Palestinians get murdered? If the attack and massacre didn’t really happen, if the buildings in the pictures are fake, if the children in the picture aren’t really dead or wounded, that’s a disappointment, isn’t it? Don’t we want as many of them to be killed as possible? Isn’t that what “as many as it takes” means? Isn’t that what we want?
Being the optimist that I am, I must acknowledge the bright side that the dead thug-larvae pictured in the OP will never commit any terrorist acts. #glasshalffull
What has your panties in a bunch? I merely pointed out those boys in the 2016 article were probably participants in the 2023 attack. And therefore it is of utmost importance that all Palestinians, no matter what age, be killed, because the young ones just grow up to become terrorists. Maybe not all of them, but they all look alike, so how are we supposed to know which ones are terrorists, and which ones aren't? Just kill them and be done with it. Isn't that the attitude we're supposed to have? Otherwise why would we recite the mantra "as many as it takes?"
A flippant dismissal of your lunacy does not constitute “having one’s panties in a bunch”. Your grip on reality is even weaker than I thought.
Thank you for posting that 8 year old article. It occurs to me that by 2023 those boys were probably of the age to join Hamas and participate in the Oct 7 slaughter. Which should confirm the notion that all Palestinians are evil, the literal spawn of Satan, and the only moral and proper thing to do is exterminate the entire race. Israel is right to commit genocide. It may be this first time in history that the mass murder is the moral thing to do. The Israelis are doing the world a favor. As many as it takes! As many as it takes! As many as it takes!
Sinwar appreciates the ease in which you are manipulated.
As many as it takes is one of Sinwar's priciples.
You mean you are Sinwar? I've heard you say "as many as it takes" several times. You people don't seem to be able to maintain any consistency. Don't we want those evil Palestinians dead, as many as it takes? Hell, those bastards cheered Oct 7, every last one of them, and that is proof they are evil and deserve annihilation.
Your mindless blathering and ranting certainly has a “Telltale Heart” vibe to it, Danny Boy. I think mama needs to give you your medicine, perhaps. (Dan reading Wikipedia article on Telltale Heart now)
Please give me a few minutes before I reply. I need to go to Wikipedia to read up on Telltale Heart.
Hate to break it to you but you're one of Sinwar's greatest assets. You should be proud.
Yeah, an anonymous poster on a very minor opinion page from Oklahoma is what Sinwar is counting on. A great asset. A great asset. Unfortunately for him I want him dead, along with every Palestinian on the planet. Those people are churlish evil. As many as it takes! As many as it takes! Kill 'em all! Let's say it together, Bearcat: As many as it takes! As many as it takes!
Yeah, an anonymous poster on a very minor opinion page from Oklahoma is what Sinwar is counting on. A great asset. A great asset. Unfortunately for him I want him dead, along with every Palestinian on the planet. Those people are churlish evil. As many as it takes! As many as it takes! Kill 'em all! Let's say it together, Bearcat: As many as it takes! As many as it takes!

LMAO you love Sinwar and his principle of sacrificing as many civilians as it takes to provide the much needed propaganda that makes Israel the bad guy. Hamas purposely targets and brutally murders innocent Israeli citizens yet somehow people like you are convinced Israel is the bad guy? What kind of insane thinking is this?
LMAO you love Sinwar and his principle of sacrificing as many civilians as it takes to provide the much needed propaganda that makes Israel the bad guy. Hamas purposely targets and brutally murders innocent Israeli citizens yet somehow people like you are convinced Israel is the bad guy? What kind of insane thinking is this?
It would be insane if that was my thinking. But it is not. You, OTOH, say Palestinian en masse are the bad guys and deserve to be killed "as many as it takes." That's insane! We both know "as many as it takes" is code for "every last one of them!" Kill 'em all, right, Bearcat?
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It would be insane if that was my thinking. But it is not. You, OTOH, say Palestinian en masse are the bad guys and deserve to be killed "as many as it takes." That's insane!
It's pretty simple Dan, do the Palestinians support Hamas or not? If they do, as suggested by every poll I've seen, they are not innocent. Stop supporting Hamas, decide to live in peace and put their efforts into creating a peaceful prosperous life for themselves. Until then, Israel has ever justification for continue the war.
It's pretty simple Dan, do the Palestinians support Hamas or not? If they do, as suggested by every poll I've seen, they are not innocent. Stop supporting Hamas, decide to live in peace and put their efforts into creating a peaceful prosperous life for themselves. Until then, Israel has ever justification for continue the war.
Yes! Yes! Yes! The Palestinians support Hamas 100%! They cheered on Oct 7! They're evil incarnate! Kill them! Kill them all! As many as it takes means kill them all! I'm with you, Bearcat! Palestinians are evil! You said so! So let's just have Israel kill them on our behalf so we can relax and the Israelis can have a peaceful prosperous life without having to live near those evil vermin.
Yes! Yes! Yes! The Palestinians support Hamas 100%! They cheered on Oct 7! They're evil incarnate! Kill them! Kill them all! As many as it takes means kill them all! I'm with you, Bearcat! Palestinians are evil! You said so! So let's just have Israel kill them on our behalf so we can relax and the Israelis can have a peaceful prosperous life without having to live near those evil vermin.
Seeing as how Hamas pretty much murdered all the other Palestinians, this is actually quite accurate.
Yes! Yes! Yes! The Palestinians support Hamas 100%! They cheered on Oct 7! They're evil incarnate! Kill them! Kill them all! As many as it takes means kill them all! I'm with you, Bearcat! Palestinians are evil! You said so! So let's just have Israel kill them on our behalf so we can relax and the Israelis can have a peaceful prosperous life without having to live near those evil vermin.
Would rather see them decide to live in peace but I guess that's to much to ask of people like you.
Seeing as how Hamas pretty much murdered all the other Palestinians, this is actually quite accurate.
I know, right? Hamas is the source of all evil in the Middle East if not the whole world. Hamas = Palestinians, Palestinians = Hamas. Ergo: kill the evil vermin, kill 'em all.
Would rather see them decide to live in peace but I guess that's to much to ask of people like you.
No, no, no. The bastards don't understand that in order to live in peace with Israelis they have to accept second class citizenship as near slaves in an apartheid state. What idiots! You'd accept those conditions, right?
  • Haha
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I know, right? Hamas is the source of all evil in the Middle East if not the whole world. Hamas = Palestinians, Palestinians = Hamas. Ergo: kill the evil vermin, kill 'em all.
No, Hamas is not the source of all evil in the Middle East. There’s also Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, Iran, Al Quaeda, Isis, and Islam in general.
No, no, no. The bastards don't understand that in order to live in peace with Israelis they have to accept second class citizenship as near slaves in an apartheid state. What idiots! You'd accept those conditions, right?
LMAO, spoken like a broken man.
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LMAO, spoken like a broken man.
Exactly, you broke me. It took months of persistent persuasion on your part, but at last I see your point: kill all the Palestinians so the Israelis can be free of fear. And as nice side hustle they'll get all of Gaza and the West Bank. It's a win-win for them, a two-fer!
  • Haha
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And got what they deserved. As many as it takes. As many as it takes. As many as it takes.

In you mind 100%. But why do you care? As many as it takes. As many evil bastards that cheered on Oct 7 as it takes. Right? Isn’t that what you say?

You may be right. The attack and massacre probably never happened. But who cares if it did? As many as it takes. As many as it takes. As many of those evil bastards as it takes.

Thank you for posting that 8 year old article. It occurs to me that by 2023 those boys were probably of the age to join Hamas and participate in the Oct 7 slaughter. Which should confirm the notion that all Palestinians are evil, the literal spawn of Satan, and the only moral and proper thing to do is exterminate the entire race. Israel is right to commit genocide. It may be this first time in history that the mass murder is the moral thing to do. The Israelis are doing the world a favor. As many as it takes! As many as it takes! As many as it takes!

What propaganda have I swallowed? I’m on your side 100% in favor of killing as many evil Palestinians as it takes. Eradicate the vermin! Right? Aren’t we supposed to cheer when Palestinians get murdered? If the attack and massacre didn’t really happen, if the buildings in the pictures are fake, if the children in the picture aren’t really dead or wounded, that’s a disappointment, isn’t it? Don’t we want as many of them to be killed as possible? Isn’t that what “as many as it takes” means? Isn’t that what we want?

What has your panties in a bunch? I merely pointed out those boys in the 2016 article were probably participants in the 2023 attack. And therefore it is of utmost importance that all Palestinians, no matter what age, be killed, because the young ones just grow up to become terrorists. Maybe not all of them, but they all look alike, so how are we supposed to know which ones are terrorists, and which ones aren't? Just kill them and be done with it. Isn't that the attitude we're supposed to have? Otherwise why would we recite the mantra "as many as it takes?"

There's the uncontrolled racist we love to see coming out of you!

You mean I'm *not* supposed to gobble up "as many as it takes?"

"As many as it takes" is lunacy? Make up your mind!

I'm Sinwar's worst nightmare. I want every Palestinian dead with their heads on sticks! As many as it takes! As many as it takes! As many as it takes!

I have no doubt your racism is very real.

You mean you are Sinwar? I've heard you say "as many as it takes" several times. You people don't seem to be able to maintain any consistency. Don't we want those evil Palestinians dead, as many as it takes? Hell, those bastards cheered Oct 7, every last one of them, and that is proof they are evil and deserve annihilation.

Please give me a few minutes before I reply. I need to go to Wikipedia to read up on Telltale Heart.

Yeah, an anonymous poster on a very minor opinion page from Oklahoma is what Sinwar is counting on. A great asset. A great asset. Unfortunately for him I want him dead, along with every Palestinian on the planet. Those people are churlish evil. As many as it takes! As many as it takes! Kill 'em all! Let's say it together, Bearcat: As many as it takes! As many as it takes!

It would be insane if that was my thinking. But it is not. You, OTOH, say Palestinian en masse are the bad guys and deserve to be killed "as many as it takes." That's insane! We both know "as many as it takes" is code for "every last one of them!" Kill 'em all, right, Bearcat?

Yes! Yes! Yes! The Palestinians support Hamas 100%! They cheered on Oct 7! They're evil incarnate! Kill them! Kill them all! As many as it takes means kill them all! I'm with you, Bearcat! Palestinians are evil! You said so! So let's just have Israel kill them on our behalf so we can relax and the Israelis can have a peaceful prosperous life without having to live near those evil vermin.

I know, right? Hamas is the source of all evil in the Middle East if not the whole world. Hamas = Palestinians, Palestinians = Hamas. Ergo: kill the evil vermin, kill 'em all.

No, no, no. The bastards don't understand that in order to live in peace with Israelis they have to accept second class citizenship as near slaves in an apartheid state. What idiots! You'd accept those conditions, right?

Exactly, you broke me. It took months of persistent persuasion on your part, but at last I see your point: kill all the Palestinians so the Israelis can be free of fear. And as nice side hustle they'll get all of Gaza and the West Bank. It's a win-win for them, a two-fer!

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