Euthanizing pets sucks sometimes

Ugh, that does suck. People did that themselves forever, now the only people that can't farm that job off to someone else are vets themselves.
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Ugh, that does suck. People did that themselves forever, now the only people that can't farm that job off to someone else are vets themselves.

Technically, I could have farmed it off to another vet. Just doesn't feel right though. I have always felt that I owed it to them to be with them. Kind of the Ned Stark philosophy. The man who passes the sentence should swing the sword.
But, it really sucks when you have to euthanize your own dog. Worse when he has been part of the family for 15+ years. What a crappy day.
Sorry Been. Hard enough making the call would hate to be in your shoes to actually have to do it.
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Been there done that. November 4th, 2007 I put my lab down. Could hardly see the catheter through the tears.

Cowboy76 couldn’t do his lab, so I did there on New Years day.

I feel for you. But I always remember that’s it’s also a blessing that we can respect our animals enough to know when it’s time.
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I hate to hear that Been. We stayed in the room with our dog as he was family and deserved not to be alone, but damn it was a bigger emotional punch than I expected.
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I did it last year with our 15 year old dog. I'm not a vet but I sat there talking to him and petting him the whole time. Hard as hell.

There were things I didn't know about when putting a dog down that I would have liked to know beforehand to be prepared for. I didn't know dogs wouldn't close their eyes when they pass like that. It was kinda freaky to me that he was just staring at me. Might let owners know those type of things beforehand.
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That sucks though.

My dog is nearly 13 and I just can’t bring myself to think about it.

EDIT - Apparently I wrote “isn’t nearly 13” the first time. I’ll be clearer now. My dog is damned old.
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We put our second dog down about 5 years ago. I still tear up thinking about it. Almost couldn’t open this thread. We have a new puppy now but as much fun as she is, it kind of makes me miss the other ones.
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But, it really sucks when you have to euthanize your own dog. Worse when he has been part of the family for 15+ years. What a crappy day.

Man, I cannot tell you how much I agree with you. I had to do the same with my 4-legged soulmate just over a year ago. It is challenging enough to euthanize patients that you have cared for over the years, but your own is such a deeper sadness. I am so sorry.
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