Eric Adams Indicted

Wholly bat shit and robin. That huge and sad at the same time. Must be lower level crooks throwing the upper management under the bus. He should get the treatment anyone else would IF he is indicted and found guilty.
That's the first thing that came to my mind as well. He was and still is off the reservation. This smells of Pelosi or her surrogates.
Yep, he must have done something to piss off the power brokers or he refused to play ball.

Remember when they buried Andrew Cuomo? He announced he was considering a run for president, 5 mins later it was all over the media that he had sexually assaulted a woman or whatever they claimed. If you don't follow orders, the left will bury you.
like diddy
adams is a warmup for what’s coming

the ccp/dnc will be down to hardcore commies and trannies


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