Epstein, Stone, Kraft, Broidy

When you come to grips that there are slimeballs on both sides of the political aisle let me know.

Roy Moore
Kevin Spacey
Bill Cosby

What do they all have in common? They are disgusting human beings who prey on women (in some cases young men). They come in all shapes, sizes, skin color, and political ideals.

I’m holding out judgement on Kraft, if it’s truly a rub-n-tug situation you’re talking about a misdemeanor. Yeah, it’s going to hurt his reputation and the situations the women are in are horrible, but it’s not even in the same conversation as the others.
When you come to grips that there are slimeballs on both sides of the political aisle let me know.

Roy Moore
Kevin Spacey
Bill Cosby

What do they all have in common? They are disgusting human beings who prey on women (in some cases young men). They come in all shapes, sizes, skin color, and political ideals.

I’m holding out judgement on Kraft, if it’s truly a rub-n-tug situation you’re talking about a misdemeanor. Yeah, it’s going to hurt his reputation and the situations the women are in are horrible, but it’s not even in the same conversation as the others.

You left out Anthony Wiener. You know the convicted pedophile who was married to Clinton's chief of staff.
I'm just glad that Jussie Smollett didn't take any pictures with the Obamas. Otherwise, you would be trying to make them out as being victim frauds too!
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So this lady sold the spa five years ago. I see the headlines changing rapidly but resident puppets did their thing like good little soldiers.
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