Epstein report....interesting...Forbes reporting


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
Edmond, Oklahoma
August 17, 2019
Epstein reportedly spent 2 hours locked in a private room with an attractive young woman the day after suicide watch ended
By Thomas Lifson

Yet another ‘irregularity’ in the handling of Jeffrey Epstein that surely must be on AG Barr’s radar. Richard Behar reports at Forbes:

The day after he was taken off suicide watch, disgraced financier Jeffrey Epstein spent at least two hours locked up alone with a young woman, in a private room reserved for inmates and their attorneys, according to an attorney who was visiting the prison that day.

"The optics were startling. Because she was young. And pretty,” said the visiting attorney, who asked that his name not be used because he didn’t want to create friction with the prison administration. He speculated the woman could be a lawyer—NBC News has reported that Epstein paid members of his team to sit with him in a room for eight hours a day for attorney-client meetings, allowing him to avoid his cell.

The visiting attorney went to the Manhattan Correctional Center on July 30, a day after Epstein was reportedly taken off suicide watch and transferred into the Special Housing Unit (SHU). During the hours the visiting attorney was present, it wasn’t Epstein’s main lawyer, Reid Weingarten, or other named attorneys who visited him.


2013 mugshot (State of Florida photo)

The young female has not been identified publicly, but I presume she must have had to show some identification to get into the facility. But then again, there may be another “irregularity” here. Along with these:

David Patton, executive director of the Federal Defenders of New York, a nonprofit that provides low-cost or free legal representation for people, said that spending eight hours a day in the MCC meeting rooms is unusual, and that attorneys typically couldn’t do that. “We don't have the ability to spend that kind of time on a single visit,” Patton said. Mostly, “the waits can be very long and aggravating.”

As for Epstein’s companion, the visiting attorney noted that she didn’t seem to have any files with her. He speculated that she could have been a first-year associate, and that she was dressed casually. “It was slacks and a blouse. ... Could have been jeans or another kind of pants,” he said. “But, like, Sunday brunch attire.”

It’s pretty clear from his behavior that Epstein was compulsive about sex, so it is not that hard to believe that with his mysterious powers he was able to arrange for a conjugal visit, though finding a14-year-old plausible as an attorney may have been beyond even his abilities to bend the rules.

But don't forget that you must be a paranoid conspiracy theorist to doubt the autopsy verdict of suicide.
But don't forget that you must be a paranoid conspiracy theorist to doubt the autopsy verdict of suicide.
Then several of Epstein's defense attorneys are paranoid conspiracy theorists as they have sued challenging the autopsy findings.

I'm thinking the attorney's motivation is simply draining Epstein's bank accounts.

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