Epstein documents beginning to be released.

Trump and Clinton mentioned, but so far the only one implicated in crime is Prince Andrew
Al and Tipper Gore mentioned but not implicated.
Naomi Campbell and Heidi Klum mentioned but not implicated. (Campbell is accused of being very rude)
Bill Richardson implicated. Clinton chances of skating on this are plummeting
LOL some of this is actually... true?

WTF was CLinton doing on someone's private plane..... while he's President? Am I reading this shit right?
Surely this would have been either before or after his time as POTUS.


This is stuff from an old defamation case. Not seeing much smoking gun stuff here tbh... I'm ready for heads to roll, but airplane rides aren't molesting underage girls. I've taken private jets before and nobody got molested.
Lots of very powerful people benefited from him keeping his mouth shut.

Exactly right.

Wanna prosecute Clinton? Keep the sorry mf'er alive. No bitching now. Best case scenario is Biff's admin dropped the ball on this. I am incredulous that they let him die in custody. He already tried to hang himself once supposedly and then again????
The first time, there were whispers that another inmate might have been involved. I wonder if he was in solitary confinement this time, or if we will find out that this was not suicide. My understanding is that child molesters are the top targets of other inmates, with rapists 2nd.
The first time, there were whispers that another inmate might have been involved. I wonder if he was in solitary confinement this time, or if we will find out that this was not suicide. My understanding is that child molesters are the top targets of other inmates, with rapists 2nd.

His first cellie was a violent psycopath bad cop. They DELIBERATELY put him in with that psycho. I read that and shook my head. That's when he had his first "suicide attempt."
The first time, there were whispers that another inmate might have been involved. I wonder if he was in solitary confinement this time, or if we will find out that this was not suicide. My understanding is that child molesters are the top targets of other inmates, with rapists 2nd.
From what I’ve read he was on suicide watch and in solitary confinement. An investigation needs to happen and see who either missed a shift for supervision or if it was someone turning a blind eye on purpose. This guy should have been forced to face his victims and held accountable while more dirt was dug up. This sucks but I’m until we find out more I’m not placing blame.
From what I’ve read he was on suicide watch and in solitary confinement. An investigation needs to happen and see who either missed a shift for supervision or if it was someone turning a blind eye on purpose. This guy should have been forced to face his victims and held accountable while more dirt was dug up. This sucks but I’m until we find out more I’m not placing blame.

From what I’ve read he was on suicide watch and in solitary confinement. An investigation needs to happen and see who either missed a shift for supervision or if it was someone turning a blind eye on purpose. This guy should have been forced to face his victims and held accountable while more dirt was dug up. This sucks but I’m until we find out more I’m not placing blame.

I just read it's being reported he was taken off suicide watch. After he tried to commit suicide. Surely not. That has to be fake news.
Epstein dead when his court papers are coming out these type of things happen in Pakistan when big and rich are involved.
The galaxy brain take is that the Epstein death was faked.

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