Enter Sandmann lawyers up


Heisman Winner
Gold Member
Nov 13, 2009
MAGA kids family hires lawyer to sue media outlets for slander. L. Lin Wood who has represented Dr. Phil, Howard Stern and many others. It's happening! Andrea Mitchell, USA Today, Kathy Griffin, Washington Post, & NY Times are on the list. Hope he ruins them all.
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Not sure if he'll win, but he may. Some of the news media used their broadcast Twitter handles for some of their attacks and statements, which could be argued that they represent the networks. Frankly not sure what all was said on the various broadcasts. This could be interesting to see how it plays out.
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Good for him! Even if he loses he ties up these corporations and individuals in legal prep, depositions, and costly legal fees. Even if he loses he will be a pain in their azz.

Now here is the real kicker, if they do not settle out of court all of their emails, texts, etc....that could be damaging to their public image even if they were to lose the case would come out thru discovery. They of course could have embarrassing discovery and also win.

Can you imagine what might have been said in private?

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I hope he gets one of those giant checks the publishers clearing house presents for the cameras.

I hope he gets enough money he runs for Prez in about 25 years and wins, and he brings back the MAGA hat.

Libs created the notoriety for him that could give him a voice as to what is wrong with the lib mentality. They think they destroyed him, they may have just created a monster. He is not bending over, not backing down.

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