Elizabeth Warren

Ponca Dan

MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Dec 7, 2003
The other day I started a link on "gravitas," or the lack of it within the ranks of the Democrats vying for the presidential nomination (with the single exception of Tulsi Gabbard). I've been thinking about Elizabeth Warren, and wonder if anybody realistically thinks she has what it takes to assume the office. My conclusion is she does not have what it takes, just the opposite in fact.

Can you picture her in stressful negotiations, I mean life and death negotiations? Curling her little hands into tiny fists as she exhorts against her opponent in her school-marmish, grandmotherly hoarse little voice filled with righteous indignation? I can picture it, and I can see her opponent smiling back at her without the least concern.

We should all hope the Democrats come to their senses before they give her the nomination.
The other day I started a link on "gravitas," or the lack of it within the ranks of the Democrats vying for the presidential nomination (with the single exception of Tulsi Gabbard). I've been thinking about Elizabeth Warren, and wonder if anybody realistically thinks she has what it takes to assume the office. My conclusion is she does not have what it takes, just the opposite in fact.

Can you picture her in stressful negotiations, I mean life and death negotiations? Curling her little hands into tiny fists as she exhorts against her opponent in her school-marmish, grandmotherly hoarse little voice filled with righteous indignation? I can picture it, and I can see her opponent smiling back at her without the least concern.

We should all hope the Democrats come to their senses before they give her the nomination.
Holy shit.
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Besides attempted fraud of her race for college and employment opportunities, she has a horrible plan on wealth tax, income tax, and increasing regulations on technology. Besides De Blasio, she is the worst Dem candidate, IMO.
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For a party that screams from the roof tops about diversity they don't have much diversity running to lead their party.

If they really were “all in” on their rhetoric, their nominee should be an illegal female Hispanic from Mexico married to an African American female with 2 adopted kids from shit hole countries. That is our American dream!!!
If they really were “all in” on their rhetoric, their nominee should be an illegal female Hispanic from Mexico married to an African American female with 2 adopted kids from shit hole countries, and f*king around on the side with a two-hump, one-ball Quaisimodo ringing a bell on the street corner.

In the words of the immortal Paul Harvey, you forgot "the rest of the story".
She's surging. She can and just might be the nominee.
Watching her eyes bulge out and her shrill voice crack as she fumes at Donald Trump during a debate would be one of the great political moments in US history.

One question will trigger it. 'How you going to pay for it'.
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Pocahontas claimed Cherokee. Cherokee are of the 5 civilized Nations. They are civilized because they are easy for white man to sneak up on.

The Comanches, Kiowa, Flatheads, Pamunky, Umatila, Blackfeet, Mohawks and the Lakota are not civilized.

As we all know, Heather Locklear of the Lumbee is far from civilized.
There soon will be pictures of Ponca Dan in a KKK robe and hood circulating on the web.
Pocahontas claimed Cherokee. Cherokee are of the 5 civilized Nations. They are civilized because they are easy for white man to sneak up on.

The Comanches, Kiowa, Flatheads, Pamunky, Umatila, Blackfeet, Mohawks and the Lakota are not civilized.

As we all know, Heather Locklear of the Lumbee is far from civilized.
What about the Modoc, SI ? Where do they land in the scheme ?
Pocahontas claimed Cherokee. Cherokee are of the 5 civilized Nations. They are civilized because they are easy for white man to sneak up on.

The Comanches, Kiowa, Flatheads, Pamunky, Umatila, Blackfeet, Mohawks and the Lakota are not civilized.

As we all know, Heather Locklear of the Lumbee is far from civilized.
Do you know who else is a famous Lumbee? former OU men’s head basketball coach Kelvin Simpson.
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What about the Modoc, SI ? Where do they land in the scheme ?

The Modoc are probably less civilized than even the Fort Sill Apache. The Fort Sill Apache are different than all the other Apaches and the Division only numbers about 600. The Modoc likely numbers less. Even counting the Kalifornia and Oregon Modoc. I believe there's only about 200 Oklahoma Modocs.

I grew up at the heart of the Comancheria. Fort Sill. Now I live at the edge of the Comancheria. Waco.

It's been some time since I've visited the heart of the Apacheria. Santa Fe.
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Yes indeed. Kelvin Simpson is Lumbee. Heather Locklear's father is Lumbee. Her mother is Scottish. Locklear is a common name among the Lumbee.

Elvis Presley was a tri-racial isolate and claimed Cherokee. Some historians believe Lumbee because where his great grandparents came from and sir names.

Famous tri-racial isolates include Abraham Lincoln, Ava Gardner, Tom Hanks, George C. Scott, Heather Locklear and Elvis Presley.
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The other day I started a link on "gravitas," or the lack of it within the ranks of the Democrats vying for the presidential nomination (with the single exception of Tulsi Gabbard). I've been thinking about Elizabeth Warren, and wonder if anybody realistically thinks she has what it takes to assume the office. My conclusion is she does not have what it takes, just the opposite in fact.

Can you picture her in stressful negotiations, I mean life and death negotiations? Curling her little hands into tiny fists as she exhorts against her opponent in her school-marmish, grandmotherly hoarse little voice filled with righteous indignation? I can picture it, and I can see her opponent smiling back at her without the least concern.

We should all hope the Democrats come to their senses before they give her the nomination.

Well the last time we had an ex-college professor turned senator turned presidential nominee and then president it was a disaster......she would be even worse. That said if she is the nominee, look for a horrific VP pick and an absolute drubbing at the ballot box because she cannot possibly enact all the BS she is talking and will have to walk back so much people will think she invented the moon walk by MJ. Folks this years liberal platform promulgated at the convention will be a hoot and a turn off to many people who will be on the fence.
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A Warren / Sanders ticket would be formidable, and would pose major challenges for Trump.

Especially if we go into a recession.
If I had $200 to bet on this primary, I'd put $100 on Warren, $50 on Bernie, $25 on Biden, $25 on Harris.
For whatever reason it seems most Americans could careless about the economy, just seems weird. I think if the economy slows, it will hurt Trump some but will not be a death sentence.

The economy will not be the #1 issue with swing voters and has not been for awhile, and will not be even if the economy is strong and Trump has been horrible anyway in keeping on point in regards to the economy.

Based on polling, I believe the 2 big issues is Immigration and Healthcare. I saw a poll recently that said over 60% of Americans will not vote for a candidate that does not want to enforce immmigration laws.

Whoever the Dem candidates are, they will be judged the most on immigration and healthcare by swing voters.

I could be totally wrong because I do not consider myself an expert at predicting what people are going to do when they vote and why. Sad reality is most Americans are not informed well enough to make good decisions when voting.
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A Warren / Sanders ticket would be formidable, and would pose major challenges for Trump.

Especially if we go into a recession.

Think this would be a very easy ticket to beat, barring an economic meltdown. Two east coast socialist vs the US and DJT. Aside from CA, WA, OR, MA, VT, NH and NY what other states would carry those two? Think that would be an automatic loss in FL, OH, PA and TX.

Also can’t see Bernie being the undercard ever.
If we go into a recession, Trump loses

We go in to recession, how do you win on a platform of higher taxes and free shit for everyone? That is a recipe to go past a recession in to all an out crash and historical unemployment and deficit spending. Not ONE Dem candidate says ANYTHING today about how to build the economy and jobs, Trump has shown he can create jobs. Who do you want trying to turn it around? Trump already has once. How do Dem candidates shift from their current platform and explain how they are going to fix the economy and do all this with higher taxes and free shit for everyone? It is impossible and absolute recipe for disaster.
We go in to recession, how do you win on a platform of higher taxes and free shit for everyone? That is a recipe to go past a recession in to all an out crash and historical unemployment and deficit spending. Not ONE Dem candidate says ANYTHING today about how to build the economy and jobs, Trump has shown he can create jobs. Who do you want trying to turn it around? Trump already has once. How do Dem candidates shift from their current platform and explain how they are going to fix the economy and do all this with higher taxes and free shit for everyone? It is impossible and absolute recipe for disaster.
People are dumb... and most voters have no idea about the economy.. that's how. Most evade the question of higher taxes for the middle class. Warren did the 2-step in the last debate because they can't answer it. The Moderators at CNN just let them get away with it.

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