Election Predictions . . .


Nov 21, 2001
10 days to go, lets get down to what you really think is going to happen.


Lets try to keep this a predictions only thread so they are easier to find. We have plenty of other threads for discussion.
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I think Biden flips 'Zona and thats it for the changes. Rest of the map stays unchanged from 2020 and post-election rioting lasts past the inauguration.
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AZ will stay red. Las Vegas makes NV a wild card but will probably stay blue. Their system is ripe for mail in fraud.

3 states that I have no idea about is Wisconsin, Michigan and Minnesota. I think Biden blew Pennsylvania with last nights debate. NC is also borderline but I think it will go red. Not worried about Georgia or Florida they will be red.
AZ will stay red. Las Vegas makes NV a wild card but will probably stay blue. Their system is ripe for mail in fraud.

3 states that I have no idea about is Wisconsin, Michigan and Minnesota. I think Biden blew Pennsylvania with last nights debate. NC is also borderline but I think it will go red. Not worried about Georgia or Florida they will be red.
RNC internal shows MI governor is helping Trump and Senate seat flip. Auto jobs moved back to MI under Trump. NC is looking good for Trump. WI is looking better. MN is kinda looking up for Trump. NV is looking better and better but the mail fraud part worries. PA looks better and better. Thank you, Joe for admitting evil Big Oil shut down plans.

I can't count the times Mark Levin has told me Joe's the Senate's stupidest.
This thread is reminiscent of Mitt Romney just days before the 2012 election. So much confidence.

My prediction?

Biden wins.

Trump sits on the sideline for four years pissing, moaning and tweeting.

Trump runs for prez in 2024.
Sitting on the sideline pissing and moaning is more of a Democrat thing. You’re probably right about the tweeting, at least for a little while, but not for four years. In 2024 Trump will be Biden’s age now, and will likely be just as cognitively challenged as Biden is today. So I don’t see him running. And I don’t see the Republicans wanting him to run. While he has been sporadically good for the country he has been equally sporadically bad. His loyalists are LOYAL! But the allure will have worn off by 2024. If Trump loses to Harris (excuse me, I mean Biden) he will slowly fade into the background and will not be a player in 2024. My opinion.
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Seems like if Biden can be sworn in at 78 years of age, Trump could be as well at 78 in 2024.

I don't know. I don't see Trump fading into the sunset like Bush and Obama.
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Seems like if Biden can be sworn in at 78 years of age, Trump could be as well at 78 in 2024.

I don't know. I don't see Trump fading into the sunset like Bush and Obama.
It’s probably a moot point anyway. I expect Trump to beat Harris (Oops! I did it again! I mean Biden.).
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Prediction: Biden wins, but doesn’t complete his term.
President Harris flakes out after Beijing attempts to “Reunify” Taiwan.
President Pelosi’s term sees the start of the mass reorganization of state boundaries as states with large rural/urban disparities pull apart (Chicagoland vs the Corn/Soybean/Coal belt, New York City vs the rest of the state, San Angeles vs the Inland Empire, etc)
Trump starts and makes even more money selling trinkets and preparing for a 2024 run.
Hillary Clinton attempts to run for a retiring Chuck Schumer’s sear but loses against AOC in the primary.
In-n-Out is elected to the position of “most overly hyped fast food”
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Only a white government can believe one can cut a foot off one end of a blanket, sew it on the other, and have a longer blanket. Daylight Saving Time will remain part of the year, even with Senator Rubio trying his best to put the country on Daylight Saving Time year round.

These idiots. We heard all the same tired “EMREGHERD SOCIALISM” tropes in 2008 and 2012. None of it happened, and Obama didn’t take their guns. In fact, the gun industry posted historic profits off the simpletons who took the bait. 🙄 Nor will Diamond Joe take anyone’s guns, but we all know what PT Bynum said......makes me wish I’d invested in a gun shop last year. Also LOLOLOLOL that this board is lousy with goons. BOOMER!!!!
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These idiots. We heard all the same tired “EMREGHERD SOCIALISM” tropes in 2008 and 2012. None of it happened, and Obama didn’t take their guns. In fact, the gun industry posted historic profits off the simpletons who took the bait. 🙄 Nor will Diamond Joe take anyone’s guns, but we all know what PT Bynum said......makes me wish I’d invested in a gun shop last year. Also LOLOLOLOL that this board is lousy with goons. BOOMER!!!!

Lolololololololol and EMREGHERD?
Are you 10?
They always come out at night when the lights go off and recently have infested the board since Trump lost. Biden Bandwagon fans.
Caught this one out in the open.
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Lolololololololol. Are you 10?
They always come out at night when the lights go off and recently have infested the board since Trump lost. Biden Bandwagon fans.
Caught this one out in the open.
EEEK. You should mop the floor occasionally dude. You need to be smarter about starting shit with home boarders. You'll get your ass bounced here like you did over at the Scoop.
EEEK. You should mop the floor occasionally dude. You need to be smarter about starting shit with home boarders. You'll get your ass bounced here like you did over at the Scoop.

Never have been bounced from the Scoop. And have never said one bad thing about OSU here only positive things about the Cowboys. I have been a good guest, its people like him and you that like to throw the Goons and Gooner shit around. You should be a more gracious host but you are a libtard like he is so its not something you tards are capable of obviously.
If I get bounced so be it. Won't lose one wink over it.
Never have been bounced from the Scoop. And have never said one bad thing about OSU here only positive things about the Cowboys. I have been a good guest, its people like him and you that like to throw the Goons and Gooner shit around. You should be a more gracious host but you are a libtard like he is so its not something you tards are capable of obviously.
If I get bounced so be it. Won't lose one wink over it.
You are so dumb sometimes. Have a bit of respect to the long timers here and you'll get less shit.
You are so dumb sometimes. Have a bit of respect to the long timers here and you'll get less shit.

Dumb? If I said something negative towards OSU here I would agree and deserve to be bounced. If visitors are not allowed to say something back to someone because they are long timers here, where has he been I have not seen him on here since I came over quite a few months ago, then some of you tards need to grow thicker skin. Good grief and you call me dumb? Don't be such a whiny bitch Dave.
Dumb? If I said something negative towards OSU here I would agree and deserve to be bounced. If visitors are not allowed to say something back to someone because they are long timers here, where has he been I have not seen him on here since I came over quite a few months ago, then some of you tards need to grow thicker skin. Good grief and you call me dumb? Don't be such a whiny bitch Dave.
Whiny? Dude, when are you not a whiny little turd? Do yourself and others a favor - hover over AggieSpice, WLSN, any of these other folks you are feeling threatened by, and take a look at when they joined before you start acting like such an entitled prick.
Whiny? Dude, when are you not a whiny little turd? Do yourself and others a favor - hover over AggieSpice, WLSN, any of these other folks you are feeling threatened by, and take a look at when they joined before you start acting like such an entitled prick.

Entitled? Like you act? Who cares when someone joined? I have been on the Scoop since 2004 and it doesn't mean I am entitled to anything like you think it does for you here. Like I said stop being a whiny bitch. Go watch Portland burn or better yet just go your cranky ass to bed and don't worry about what I post.
Entitled? Like you act? Who cares when someone joined? I have been on the Scoop since 2004 and it doesn't mean I am entitled to anything like you think it does for you here. Like I said stop being a whiny bitch. Go watch Portland burn or better yet just go your cranky ass to bed and don't worry about what I post.
Somebody call the Goon a Wahmbulance.
Sitting on the sideline pissing and moaning is more of a Democrat thing. You’re probably right about the tweeting, at least for a little while, but not for four years. In 2024 Trump will be Biden’s age now, and will likely be just as cognitively challenged as Biden is today. So I don’t see him running. And I don’t see the Republicans wanting him to run. While he has been sporadically good for the country he has been equally sporadically bad. His loyalists are LOYAL! But the allure will have worn off by 2024. If Trump loses to Harris (excuse me, I mean Biden) he will slowly fade into the background and will not be a player in 2024. My opinion.
Kind of a fun thread here with some interesting predictions.

What's everyone predicting for 2024?
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