Elected officials can and must implement school choice for the families of their state — or risk losing their political position.

What is sickening, if each state would operate their schools in the same manner many private schools do, we would not have this problem. That to me is what real problem is, it is sad that this is how it has to be "fixed". Why not contract it out to the private sector?

One dirty little secret is that most private schools spend less per student than public schools. In some cases, far less.

Part of the reason public schools do not work, is because they never expel kids that are constant problems in the class room and cause so much of a disturbance in a class room that other kids can't learn in a free for all environment. Don't believe me? Go teach Junior Achievement in a city school. I did back in the late 80's at Central Junior High in Warr Acres, OK and it was an EYE OPENER. SHOCKING.

Private schools also are under intense pressure from the parents for their kids to test well, be able to get in to a decent college, and possibly get a scholarship. They have to fire teachers that don't produce those results. Private schools compete to attract students based on academic achievement and price point.

Be careful for what you wish for parents, private schools don't put up with that shit and they kick you out if they can't get you to mind in class, which is what the WHOLE country needs, as well as eliminating teacher unions.

Take the waste out of the system and pay teachers more. Have accountability on teachers, parents, and the students. Eliminate all the stupid administrative levels and run schools like a private school in which the principal is the CEO and the buck stops with them and no need for several layers above. Small local board for that school and they hire and fire based on meritocracy and the achievement of test scores that proves students are learning. Pay teachers well, it is their job to get kids over the finish line. If they need to stay after school and mentor kids they need to do that to keep their job, no OT or charging the parents. Sorry, but you can work 8-5 or a little later like most professions and do some tutoring. I went to a private school and did some after class tutoring, never was charged for it. You were paying the school to educate your child.
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