Edmond School has student REMOVE American flag

I'm betting the school administration wouldn't have a problem if the students wanted to have a school sponsored assembly to burn the American Flag in protest of some stupid leftist cause.
I also bet a fag flag or a terrorstinian flag on the same truck would have posed no “safety hazard”.
They're here. The Commies & Fascists. Watch out for those fender-bending-head-on-crash inducing American Flags.

Odios excerpts from the story:

"It is the practice of Edmond Public Schools to not permit students to fly or bring flags of any kind on our school campus... flying flags on vehicles creates safety issues in the parking lot as well as can cause damage to the vehicles."

In the case of the student who chose to display the American flag on his truck, it is important to recognize his actions as an expression of patriotism and personal belief. The rights of individuals, including the freedom to express oneself and the right to display symbols on personal property, are fundamental to our democracy.

"...there may be concerns regarding the display of symbols on school property, particularly when it involves student vehicles..."

Clear Guidelines: Establish clear, fair guidelines that allow students to display the American flag on their personal vehicles, provided that the display is respectful and does not interfere with the safety or operation of the school.
· Designated Display Areas: Consider designating certain areas on school grounds where students can proudly display the American flag or other patriotic symbols, whether on vehicles or other personal items.

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