
I have a feeling none of this comes to a head until Republicans take back Congress. If Durham brought it all out now Democrats in Congress and their lackeys in the DOJ would do everything possible to cover whatever wrong doings have been found. Still not sure it goes anywhere with the leftist activist judges I'm sure Democrats will try to steer the case to.
I have a feeling none of this comes to a head until Republicans take back Congress. If Durham brought it all out now Democrats in Congress and their lackeys in the DOJ would do everything possible to cover whatever wrong doings have been found. Still not sure it goes anywhere with the leftist activist judges I'm sure Democrats will try to steer the case to.

trump made a deal

the ccp/dnc won the information battle of 2020. they went so far as to tell you how they did it in newsweek and the needle of public outrage stayed at a solid 50%.

four more years to destroy this country and attempt to cover their nefarious tracks after 12 months have resulted in a dismal 30% approval and administration even ccp/dnc dave is attempting to wash his hands of.

trump has always had the goods

we are now at the point where political prosecutions become politically palatable

10% for the clinton otard big guy the ccp and the dnc resulting american blood shed in ukraine will create an inferno

crap like this is not a good look

  • Haha
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Twitter blocked a lot of replies citing offensive language. I opened them anyway. There was no offensive language, just further discussion of the Durham case.
I give Durham 10 percent chance of being the real deal and NOT getting blackmailed or bribed and doing the right thing. Sickening how corrupt and anti WTP our gov is.

Lordy I hope I'm wrong- that would make my century to see big POS corrupt scumbags start falling

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