Welcome, Mr. Fuller, to the world of independent thinking!
Yeah, nothing represents independent thinking like a socialist/marxist/communist collective, right Che?Welcome, Mr. Fuller, to the world of independent thinking!
Yeah, nothing represents independent thinking like a socialist/marxist/communist collective, right Che?
This Fuller joker sounds like the typical invertebrate RINO limpdick. Is he related to the OP?
Based on your response I assume you didn't bother to read the letter. The man is upset because the Republican Party has turned its back on its foundation of limited government. Doesn't sound like a member of the socialist/Marxist/communist collective to me.Yeah, nothing represents independent thinking like a socialist/marxist/communist collective, right Che?
This Fuller joker sounds like the typical invertebrate RINO limpdick. Is he related to the OP?
No, just calling out a spineless RINO when I see it.More anger. More rage. More canned machismo if possible.
The letter does not cite one single example of "authoritarianism." I guess out-maneuvering leftists is what he considers "authoritarianism."Based on your response I assume you didn't bother to read the letter. The man is upset because the Republican Party has turned its back on its foundation of limited government. Doesn't sound like a member of the socialist/Marxist/communist collective to me.
I think the problem with many Trump supporters is they think because Hillary is bad that makes Trump good. I for one am glad that Hillary lost, but I am not so foolish as to support Trump's version of authoritarianism, and from the sound of his letter neither is Mr. Fuller.
Here’s another commie RINO you can rage against. Damn! You must love you some Donald!The letter does not cite one single example of "authoritarianism." I guess out-maneuvering leftists is what he considers "authoritarianism."
Based on your response I assume you didn't bother to read the letter. The man is upset because the Republican Party has turned its back on its foundation of limited government. Doesn't sound like a member of the socialist/Marxist/communist collective to me.
I think the problem with many Trump supporters is they think because Hillary is bad that makes Trump good. I for one am glad that Hillary lost, but I am not so foolish as to support Trump's version of authoritarianism, and from the sound of his letter neither is Mr. Fuller.
Limited to powers the Constitution originally granted (and prohibited) the government, not what subsequent court rulings and legislation have usurped from the people. As Stockman points out government power grabs are not unique to Donald Trump, he's just the latest in a long line, and he is taking things to a new level. Exactly the opposite of what the Republican Party is supposed to stand for, exactly the opposite of decades of conservative thought.You'll need to be more specific at what you label "limited government." As it stands, your general statement doesn't hold up under scrutiny.
Based on your response I assume you didn't bother to read the letter. The man is upset because the Republican Party has turned its back on its foundation of limited government. Doesn't sound like a member of the socialist/Marxist/communist collective to me.
I think the problem with many Trump supporters is they think because Hillary is bad that makes Trump good. I for one am glad that Hillary lost, but I am not so foolish as to support Trump's version of authoritarianism, and from the sound of his letter neither is Mr. Fuller.
Nope. The biggest assaults on American liberty, other than the Brits in the 1700's, and the Axis in the 1940's, have been the post 1960s democrats/liberals/leftists. They're the ones shutting done opponents speeches/rallies. They're the ones burning cars, breaking windows, assaulting cops. They're the ones forcing bakers to participate in matrimonial abominations. They're the ones who want to take guns away. Hell, they're the ones who want to take plastic straws away.Limited to powers the Constitution originally granted (and prohibited) the government, not what subsequent court rulings and legislation have usurped from the people. As Stockman points out government power grabs are not unique to Donald Trump, he's just the latest in a long line, and he is taking things to a new level. Exactly the opposite of what the Republican Party is supposed to stand for, exactly the opposite of decades of conservative thought.
I'll say it again: Hillary being bad (and she is awful) does not make Donald Trump good. I don't think some of you guys realize that. You seem to believe anything that opposes Democrat/Leftist ideas is good. That's not true. Remember, the Nazis were virulent opponents of the communists, and the German people fell for their BS hook, line and sinker. I'm not calling Trump a Nazi. I'm saying he's leading us down that path. A couple more presidents in his image and who knows what will be the status of our liberty?