Don Rickles


Heisman Candidate
Gold Member
Jun 2, 2001
Passed away today.

One of the more unique comics. The stuff he could get away with was insane.
was watching some of his videos on you tube... the dude was very funny, he and Sinatra had a very funny relationship.
Sinatra's story about saying hello to him at dinner is one of my favorites. Only Rickles could get away with doing that to Sinatra.
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He was slated to do a show at the Creek/Margaritaville Casino here in Tulsa that was just postponed earlier this week. Guess it ain't happening.

I always thought he was funny and was great in Kelly's Heroes and Casino.
Sinatra's story about saying hello to him at dinner is one of my favorites. Only Rickles could get away with doing that to Sinatra.
Funny now that I think about it, I really thought he was hilarious as a child--and most of it probably wasn't too kid-appropriate by today's standards. He, Jerry Lewis, and Carol Burnett, the three comics that really defined comedy to me as a kid.

Don't think kids today really have those kinds of figures in today's pop culture, not that there aren't comics, but that they're not ones kids would be exposed to. Comedy seems to have gone the way of boxing in the past 30 years.
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Yeah I'm a Rickles, Mel Brooks, Bob Newhart fan. Those guys really shaped the way I view things in a comedy lense. My daughter doesn't have many folks like them to watch. She's become a big Jim Gaffigan fan but when I look around the comic landscape today it seems comedy has become a game of "so how gross or offensive can I be?"
He was the first insult comedian who really push the boundaries for his time. For those of you too young the Dean Martin celebrity roast and his tonight show stuff are classic. He was funny but never mean. Never a shock jock. A lot of comedians today could learn from him.
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He was great on Gilligan's Island. Which incidentally is the greatest TV show of all time.

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Wow....wondering if anyone seated at that table is even alive today.
Ruth Buzzi was the only one I saw, and I think that's only because she was doing her "old lady" act, when she was really about 30 yrs younger than everyone else on stage. (She's 80 yrs old now)

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