If crimes can be proven, sure those who broke the law should be punished.
If crimes can't be proven, will those on the right accept that conclusion?
This is funny!
You post about no time limit and unlimited scope, let me ask you a question, how long has the Clintons been under investigation for just about everything under the sun? What, over twenty-five years?
Perhaps you do okstate1, but many on the right (and even some on the left) don't. When it comes to investigating political leaders, many want to see the legal system satisfy their political opinions of those leaders. This is why some on the right refuse to accept that the Clintons aren't sitting in jail yet and while some on the left will not accept any result from the Mueller investigation that doesn't lead to impeachment.
Here is what hit me 2 weeks ago. I believe this country is fighting a political civil war. Obama militarized government agencies and the extent is starting to come out.
The extreme left thru corruption has now brought us lives ruined over 40 year old accusations not proven under a country that believes in innocent until proven guilty. We have seen Kirk Humphries have to step down from a position on the OU BOR for expressing his personal religious views while not representing OU, nor any evidence that he ever once has mingled his religious views with his actions as a OU BOR. Gays now have more freedom of speech rights then anyone in this country. Same for minorities, we see minorities making blatant racist statements towards white's with no accountability or consequences. Much of this is about acquiring power and votes.
I believe we are fighting a political civil war, and like war, laws and rules will be broken to win at all costs.
So, the ONLY way this all gets fixed, is that if Trump has done something illegal he is prosecuted, and if Obama militarized the US government towards its people he must be prosecuted. If the DOJ, FBI, and Hillary commited crimes they must be prosecuted. Doing one without the other will allow this civil political war to be won not by freedom of speech or at the ballot box, but inequitable application of the law, laws meant to protect all of us.
But seeing the above happen would take a miracle it appears. So, we are left with supporting "our guy" at all costs because the political stakes in this country have never been higher in terms of equality and civil freedoms.
Too much at stake today for the public to care about cleaning up corruption within their own party, civil policies being formed today is going to impact this country for generations. Just win baby, at all costs. That is America today.
Until Washington changes the rules, and eliminates all corruption, corruption will be how ground is gained or lost, and if that is the rules, why should either side capitulate unless the other side agrees to play fair?
This is all in the hands of the politicians until such time as the dumb @sses voting for the extreme leftists and right wingers to stop voting them in and elect more moderates that can build more common ground and not create a government that is about creating only winners and losers for our society.
We need a miracle, we really do.