Originally posted by Dally1up:
I have a theory on this (sorta). Been around farm dogs (hunting dogs, sporting dogs, heelers, etc.) all my life. Farm dogs may or may not get shots, heartworm meds, etc. Farm dogs tear up varmints, skunks, oppossums, and the like while abusing their body along the way. They get kicked from cows and hit by cars. They get exercise daily because they are free to roam which generally for my theory, means they carry less weight late in life. Toothbrushes? Porcupine quills are the closest they will get to that. Food, they are fed the half a coffee can of the local co-op's dog food plus a bonus of Thursday nights leftovers from time to time. These dogs are happy, these dogs live a long fruitful life before being buried behind the barn for free.
House dogs are spoiled, they sit on couches, might have their nails done, and get vet checkups. They never miss a month of meds with their overpriced blue buffalo or science diet organic food. They go on occasional walks but for the most part are kicked out on the pad for a few minutes to do their chores before allowed back on the couch and are many times just carried from room to room by an owner who looks eerily similar to the dog. They get their teeth cleaned because the city vet said it is best for the dog. These dogs lives are cut short but live the $$$good$$$ life before their owners pay the money to be put down and buried.
My theory is that city dogs taken to city vets are overcharged, over medicated, over fed, etc. and generally find themselves overweight. I can think of countless acquaintances who have the typical lab for the typical family and if the dog makes it to 6 or 7 years of age is so big that it couldn't walk a mile if it had to. I guess my theory is that if you treat a dog like a human you are asking for trouble. That, and in choosing a vet, always choose the one who has a cattle crowding tub and squeeze chute in back. You will get common sense for a reasonable price.
I once had a vet (grew up on farm went to OSU) tell me the last place he would practice is back in the sticks. He said something along the lines that a woman with a dog in a purse is money in the bank. They will believe and buy anything and that dog is probably less off in the long run.
Just my theory.