Does supporting Hamas terrorists qualify as political discussion?


Heisman Candidate
Dec 1, 2015
Or is it something far deeper, more sinister and comes from the darkness of a hate-filled soul?

If I were a mod for one day, I'd take out the garbage and his redundant posting until after the election, and return this board to it's political-discussion theme.

Rest in peace.

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Or is it something far deeper, more sinister and comes from the darkness of a hate-filled soul?

If I were a mod for one day, I'd take out the smelly garbage and his redundant posting (until after the election), and return this board to it's political-discussion theme.

Rest in peace.

Come now, no one interferes with your and your buddies’ echo chamber of hatred of all things and people who disagree with you. You spout diatribes against Kamala, Sleepy Joe, everything Democrat, all things “left wing” (which is all things that trigger your delicate sensibilities), and God forbid anyone from ever saying anything but praise for Donald Trump, and no one calls for you to be banned from the board. My goodness you are tissue-paper-thin-skinned!

By the way, your overzealous sorrow for the six Hamas murder victims, a crime of unimaginable wickedness, while simultaneously shrugging nonchalant shoulders at the IDF murder of tens of thousands of innocent Palestinians is living proof of what Caitlin Johnstone was writing about recently. What’s stunning is your unwillingness to see the contradiction of your attitude.
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Come now, no one interferes with your and your buddies’ echo chamber of hatred of all things and people who disagree with you. You spout diatribes against Kamala, Sleepy Joe, everything Democrat, all things “left wing” (which is all things that trigger your delicate sensibilities), and God forbid anyone from ever saying anything but praise for Donald Trump, and no one calls for you to be banned from the board. My goodness you are tissue-paper-thin-skinned!

By the way, your overzealous sorrow for the six Hamas murder victims, a crime of unimaginable wickedness, while simultaneously shrugging nonchalant shoulders at the IDF murder of tens of thousands of innocent Palestinians is living proof of what Caitlin Johnstone was writing about recently. What’s stunning is your unwillingness to see the contradiction of your attitude.
Come now, no one interferes with your and your buddies’ echo chamber of hatred of all things and people who disagree with you. You spout diatribes against Kamala, Sleepy Joe, everything Democrat, all things “left wing” (which is all things that trigger your delicate sensibilities), and God forbid anyone from ever saying anything but praise for Donald Trump, and no one calls for you to be banned from the board. My goodness you are tissue-paper-thin-skinned!

By the way, your overzealous sorrow for the six Hamas murder victims, a crime of unimaginable wickedness, while simultaneously shrugging nonchalant shoulders at the IDF murder of tens of thousands of innocent Palestinians is living proof of what Caitlin Johnstone was writing about recently. What’s stunning is your unwillingness to see the contradiction of your attitude.

You didn't answer my question.
You didn't answer my question.
Oh, please forgive me. Yes, criticizing the political state of Israel for its abundant crimes against humanity absolutely qualifies as political discussion.
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Oh, please forgive me. Yes, criticizing the political state of Israel for its abundant crimes against humanity absolutely qualifies as political discussion.
Oh, let me add: in America it especially qualifies as political discussion because Israel is only capable of committing its abundant crimes against humanity because our own government provides it the wherewithal to do it. On its own it would never be able to commit its crimes.
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Oh, let me add: in America it especially qualifies as political discussion because Israel is only capable of committing its abundant crimes against humanity because our own government provides it the wherewithal to do it. On its own it would never be able to commit its crimes.

OK. You've convinced me. Thus, I've had a change of heart from the OP. Instead, if I were a moderator, I'd use the tool that allows selecting all 24 to 35 new and redundant pro-Hamas, Israel-hating threads that you start each week, and merge them into a single thread, a thread of your very own. That would clean up the board and make it more readable. Of course, the threads you start on different topics would not be merged. But those threads don't actually exist.

I always find it funny when you blow your top and fly off the rails - while calling someone "thin skinned".
OK. You've convinced me. Thus, I've had a change of heart from the OP. Instead, if I were a moderator, I'd use the tool that allows selecting all 24 to 35 new and redundant pro-Hamas, Israel-hating threads that you start each week, and merge them into a single thread, a thread of your very own. That would clean up the board and make it more readable. Of course, the threads you start on different topics would not be merged. But those threads don't actually exist.

I always find it funny when you blow your top and fly off the rails - while calling someone "thin skinned".
I am unaware of when I’ve blown my top. Would you provide a few examples? And if you want to censor my ability to express my opinion on this board why don’t you just man up and say it? There’s no need to dance around what you’re really after.
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On my screen as currently configured, there are 40 thread topics displayed on page 1. 12 of them are Dan’s continuous blather/tripe about the nonexistent genocide. The dude really needs professional help for his irrational obsession.
This is exactly why I put him on Ignore. He is a troll and he trolls racist topics in order to draw attention to himself. People that do this typically have some hole in their lives that they hope to fill with attention on boards like this. So you can't outlast them, they will always be more invested in keeping this going than you are. You cannot get through to them, you cannot reason with them.

They are only here to get you to pay attention to them. If you do that, they have won.
OK. You've convinced me. Thus, I've had a change of heart from the OP. Instead, if I were a moderator, I'd use the tool that allows selecting all 24 to 35 new and redundant pro-Hamas, Israel-hating threads that you start each week, and merge them into a single thread, a thread of your very own.
This is actually a very good idea, it cleans up the board, and dumps all the troll posts into one thread. If the poster continues to start new threads on the same topic, then you ban them.

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