Does It Seem Peculiar To You

Ponca Dan

MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Dec 7, 2003
That the only people God told He had designated an exact spot on earth they could have exclusively were the Jews, and really He only told one Jew, Abraham, who was their leader. Why didn’t God explain to all the non-Jewish people living there that they needed to leave? He’s omnipotent. Why didn’t He just snap his fingers and magically relocate all the non-Jews somewhere else? Somewhere they could be as happy as the Jews would be? He is supposed to love us all, is he not? Why did He create a situation in which hatred and violence would dominate? I find it odd that we are supposed to accept the word of one man who lived many thousands of years ago that God told him *and only him* that his people had His blessing to cause as much murder and havoc as they wanted in order to control the land He promised to them, but didn’t bother to tell anyone else, especially the ones who would be on the receiving end of the murder and havoc. Hey, God! A little head’s up would have been nice!
That the only people God told He had designated an exact spot on earth they could have exclusively were the Jews, and really He only told one Jew, Abraham, who was their leader. Why didn’t God explain to all the non-Jewish people living there that they needed to leave? He’s omnipotent. Why didn’t He just snap his fingers and magically relocate all the non-Jews somewhere else? Somewhere they could be as happy as the Jews would be? He is supposed to love us all, is he not? Why did He create a situation in which hatred and violence would dominate? I find it odd that we are supposed to accept the word of one man who lived many thousands of years ago that God told him *and only him* that his people had His blessing to cause as much murder and havoc as they wanted in order to control the land He promised to them, but didn’t bother to tell anyone else, especially the ones who would be on the receiving end of the murder and havoc. Hey, God! A little head’s up would have been nice!

Sounds like a tranny suicide note.
St. James the Moor-Slayer, please pray for Ponca Dodge and his paki man-servant, Ali Baba.

That the only people God told He had designated an exact spot on earth they could have exclusively were the Jews, and really He only told one Jew, Abraham, who was their leader. Why didn’t God explain to all the non-Jewish people living there that they needed to leave? He’s omnipotent. Why didn’t He just snap his fingers and magically relocate all the non-Jews somewhere else? Somewhere they could be as happy as the Jews would be? He is supposed to love us all, is he not? Why did He create a situation in which hatred and violence would dominate? I find it odd that we are supposed to accept the word of one man who lived many thousands of years ago that God told him *and only him* that his people had His blessing to cause as much murder and havoc as they wanted in order to control the land He promised to them, but didn’t bother to tell anyone else, especially the ones who would be on the receiving end of the murder and havoc. Hey, God! A little head’s up would have been nice!
If 6 million of your fellow atheists were murdered and a large percentage of the people on Earth think they and anyone like you are scum, would you fight for a small piece of land where you could live in peace?

The Palestinians are a made up race of people kicked out of everywhere they have lived mostly by Arabs. All they had to do is not try to kill Jews and not support terrorists and they'd be living in a free and prosperous country.

If the Jews wanted to commit genocide why did they wait until Oct. 7 to start? Could of done it back in the 60's when they whipped the dog shit out of all the surrounding hostile nations.
If 6 million of your fellow atheists were murdered and a large percentage of the people on Earth think they and anyone like you are scum, would you fight for a small piece of land where you could live in peace?

The Palestinians are a made up race of people kicked out of everywhere they have lived mostly by Arabs. All they had to do is not try to kill Jews and not support terrorists and they'd be living in a free and prosperous country.

If the Jews wanted to commit genocide why did they wait until Oct. 7 to start? Could of done it back in the 60's when they whipped the dog shit out of all the surrounding hostile nations.
Your second paragraph needs a small edit. It should say "All they have to do is accept their fate as second class citizens within an apartheid state which makes their conditions little better than slavery and they'd be living in a free and prosperous country for the Jewish population."

As for your third paragraph I've talked about this before. Israel could not commit genocide in 1967 as badly as the government wanted to because the American Israeli lobby had not yet softened the American public to accept mass murder, and it had not yet corrupted the American government to the point it could it tell it when to jump and how high it wanted it to jump. In the intervening half century it has pretty much accomplished its task, and now half the American public approves of the mass murder and 100% (less one lone Congressman) has been thoroughly bought by the lobby.
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