Doctor Strange


Oct 29, 2008


This is the one upcoming Marvel film I know nothing about; still excited because of the quality Marvel has put out the past several years.
My brother is going to be in town this weekend. Pretty sure we will hit the theater Saturday afternoon.
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I got tickets for Friday night... will post a spoiler free review :)

low expectations but have faith in marvel.
I got tickets for Friday night... will post a spoiler free review :)

low expectations but have faith in marvel.
I'll be hitting the warren Friday night. Wife loves her some cumberbatch. He is great in Sherlock and I liked him as Khan
I thought I saw that it was doing well over seas I guess they released it earlier over there. I am really interested in seeing how this film does. If this movie does well then IMO Marvel will never have a failed movie. Now people might lose interest eventually but they won't make a bad movie.
I thought I saw that it was doing well over seas I guess they released it earlier over there. I am really interested in seeing how this film does. If this movie does well then IMO Marvel will never have a failed movie. Now people might lose interest eventually but they won't make a bad movie.

Hello? Ironman 2 and 3? All of the Thor movies? Avengers 2? The Hulk movies?
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Hello? Ironman 2 and 3? All of the Thor movies? Avengers 2? The Hulk movies?

I will give you Avengers 2 and Iron Man 2 and the Hulk. IM 3 and both Thor movies were not on the level of the best Marvel movies, but they were still good movies IMO.
I think they are all good movies. Not top notch like some of the others but I have never watched a Marvel film and thought man wish I hadn't wasted my time. LAdy in the Water is the bar for awful films.
Anything by M Night Shamalamadingdong since the sixth sense sets the bar for awful films!
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Saw it today. Thought it was great. Didn't go in with high expectations. I wouldn't put it in a group with my favorite Marvel movies (i.e. GOTG, Civil War, Winter Soldier), but it was as good as any other Marvel movie, IMO. Definitely superior to a handful of them.

If you go see it, I strongly rec that you see it in 3D. I generally try to avoid 3D movies (a bit distracting and too costly), but from the previews I felt like this was one that would be better in 3D. I was dead on. This movie was made for 3D.
Do they use the jittery camera technique? If so, 3D is out for me due to motion sickness.
Do they use the jittery camera technique? If so, 3D is out for me due to motion sickness.

No jittery camera.

I saw it in three 3D. Those BS, POV jittery cam movies give me motion sickness with or w/o 3D. No problem for me with this movie.

I thought it was good. Worth a see. Not spectacular.

Two post credit scenes, btw. Stick around for both.
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Very good, not great like top Marvel movies IMO.

Great actor choices... the touches of humor were great.
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Just got finished with it. I really liked it, it isn't in the top of Marvel movies, but its very solid.
Excited to buy this on DVD in a few weeks and watch again.

I feel i'm going to appreciate this movie more after a few watches.

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