Do a Google search for


Heisman Winner
May 29, 2001
Edmond, OK
"Who won the second debate"

Every result on the first page of my search is liberal media all saying Hillary won easily.

I just don't get it.

All I can say is they must have the analytics to show if you plaster something in enough places you can dictate thought.

Any reasonable person watching would have a hard time coming away thinking Clinton won easily. However, any reasonable person doing that same search would also come away thinking that she did win easily if every one of the results says she did.

It really pisses me off the level of manipulation and media bias we continue to allow.
The "fact checking" by CNN is hilarious. Worth a read. They should be embarrassed but we all know they won't be.

Just drones doing the queen's bidding.
His apology still is a huge miss, but he pretty much won the rest of the debate.

I don't see how anyone would see it differently. She was very uncomfortable.
His apology still is a huge miss, but he pretty much won the rest of the debate.

I don't see how anyone would see it differently. She was very uncomfortable.

Objectively, what do you think is a good strategy regarding the apology?

History is full of contrite politicians caught with their dick in something it shouldn't be in - issuing tearful apologies. I can't think of any of their names right now because they usually dry up and blow away in the wind shortly thereafter.
Google "American Inventors."

How much of those results are from how often black Americans are called African-American. I bet quite a bit. I assume Google is picking up on African American inventors. Do a search for 'famous inventors'. And you get a much different selection.
Objectively, what do you think is a good strategy regarding the apology?

History is full of contrite politicians caught with their dick in something it shouldn't be in - issuing tearful apologies. I can't think of any of their names right now because they usually dry up and blow away in the wind shortly thereafter.
Just a "I never should have said it. It's not who I am, and I've always regretted it."

That's it. Don't tell me a description of sexual assault is locker room talk. It normalizes bad behavior.

Also, don't bring someone else's faults into your own problems. I know it's politics. Just let someone else from your campaign bring up Clinton's past.

Had he done the above, he would have walked away from this pretty clean. People actually like an apology.
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How much of those results are from how often black Americans are called African-American. I bet quite a bit. I assume Google is picking up on African American inventors. Do a search for 'famous inventors'. And you get a much different selection.
Ok that would explain it.

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