Dems latest excuse: Blame the Constitution

When did people start forgetting this is the United States of America? This isn’t just America, one blanket country. It’s a country made up of states, and it was literally founded on each of those states having equal say. They wanted their states to have their own identity. Why is that hard for people to understand? Like the article says, the states being red or blue isn’t static, it’s all fluid. I have a feeling this isn’t new though, and the founders were very smart to make it unamendable.

This is what I don’t get about the plethora of hypocrisy from the left. You hate the patriarchy, you don’t feel safe around white men, you think the constitution is out dated, our cops are brutal brown people hunters and the poor don’t have a chance to get ahead.

Get the fvck out. Go to the place where these terrible things don’t exist. If diversity is our strength, give Africa some diversity. Give the Middle East and the Far East some diversity. Go to where it makes you the happiest and make them strong by introducing your liberal agenda.

Why are so many resources wasted on gay cakes when gays are imprisoned or killed in other places. University rape culture?? How about Muslim rape culture? Muslim women are looking at dr. Ford as a psychopath for complaining about being dry humped for thirty seconds. Or they are saying look how safe we are with our forced male relative companions and burkas.

Go where women are mandated to be in certain jobs and quotas. Go where women are treated as goddesses and feminism is thriving. Why are you wasting your lives fighting us when you could be enjoying yourselves or making a huge difference in another place?

Because when you expand your perspective to the globe, you are one percenters here and you don’t want to give up how great you have it. But libs don’t have perspective because the compartmentalizations that makes them libs, allows this mentality to be justified.

Aka mental illness.
When did people start forgetting this is the United States of America? This isn’t just America, one blanket country. It’s a country made up of states, and it was literally founded on each of those states having equal say. They wanted their states to have their own identity. Why is that hard for people to understand? Like the article says, the states being red or blue isn’t static, it’s all fluid. I have a feeling this isn’t new though, and the founders were very smart to make it unamendable.

Just like a five year old who gets tagged and wants to cry and change the rules immediately. They are children.
When did people start forgetting this is the United States of America? This isn’t just America, one blanket country. It’s a country made up of states, and it was literally founded on each of those states having equal say. They wanted their states to have their own identity. Why is that hard for people to understand? Like the article says, the states being red or blue isn’t static, it’s all fluid. I have a feeling this isn’t new though, and the founders were very smart to make it unamendable.
It doesn't take as much effort on the Dems' part to change one entity, the US, versus changing 50.

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