Democrats Were The Ones Colluding With The Russians, Not Trump


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Oct 30, 2010

In what is becoming routine for Democrats everything they accuse you of they are in fact doing. Danchenko, a known Russian asset, has admitted to being the primary source for the Steel Dossier. The FBI used the Steel Dossier and planted news articles written by their stooges in the MSM to open a counter intelligence operation against Trump that they knew was false. Then in turn Democrats used the falsified Steel Dossier to justify numerous investigations into Trump including the Mueller Special Council Investigation. The entire time they all knew the allegations were false but not only continued the investigations they knowing lied about having evidence.
Do any of you Democrats voters who swalled the lies have any problem with manipulated by you political party? My guess is absolutely not, you totally supported using lies to try and remove or severly limit a duly elected President you didn't like.
I can’t imagine being so gullible as to have fallen for the Russian hoax all that time. What an embarrassment.
In the beginning of the phony scandal, we were told that Trump was a Russian asset guilty of committing treason against our country. Serious allegations that most every person that puts the country above their politics wanted investigated just to insure there was no merit to those allegation. Some, like myself, thought the allegations were ridiculous and didn't make sense but supported an investigation to make sure. As the investigation progressed and we heard more of the evidence it became obvious, almost from the start, the allegations were nothing but a political witch hunt. We heard about those in charge saying they had a insurance policy against Trump, we heard elected Democrat leaders tell us they had hard evidence confirming the allegations but refused to disclose it to the public. We had the MSM making up complete and utter BS all based on unnamed officials close to the investigation, we had the FBI committing fraud on the FISA courts. We had a Special Council staffed with known rabidly Anti Trump investigators and attorneys, leaking knowingly false information to the MSM in an effort sway public opinion to support the impeachment of Trump along with numerous other nefarious activities committed by Democrat to long to list. We now know all of this is true without question.
I post this to ask where do we go from here? Do we ever listen to any of the Democrats that lied to us much less vote to put them back in office. What accountability do those in the intelligence community, FBI and the MSM face? Will Democrat voters who willingly swallowed the lies, without question, come to their senses and support holding those responsible for what essentially amounts to treason accountable? Or is all of this proof we have a segment in this country so intent on ruling the country they are willing to commit crimes against the country to gain and hold onto that power? With the reaction we see from the leftist from these revelations I'm becoming more convinced they fully supported all of this merely because their party didn't win an election to rule the country.
This is very dangerous to the security and prosperity of this country and I fear our best days are behind us if we do not come together to insure this criminal and arguably treasonous activity is not held to account.
In the beginning of the phony scandal, we were told that Trump was a Russian asset guilty of committing treason against our country. Serious allegations that most every person that puts the country above their politics wanted investigated just to insure there was no merit to those allegation. Some, like myself, thought the allegations were ridiculous and didn't make sense but supported an investigation to make sure. As the investigation progressed and we heard more of the evidence it became obvious, almost from the start, the allegations were nothing but a political witch hunt. We heard about those in charge saying they had a insurance policy against Trump, we heard elected Democrat leaders tell us they had hard evidence confirming the allegations but refused to disclose it to the public. We had the MSM making up complete and utter BS all based on unnamed officials close to the investigation, we had the FBI committing fraud on the FISA courts. We had a Special Council staffed with known rabidly Anti Trump investigators and attorneys, leaking knowingly false information to the MSM in an effort sway public opinion to support the impeachment of Trump along with numerous other nefarious activities committed by Democrat to long to list. We now know all of this is true without question.
I post this to ask where do we go from here? Do we ever listen to any of the Democrats that lied to us much less vote to put them back in office. What accountability do those in the intelligence community, FBI and the MSM face? Will Democrat voters who willingly swallowed the lies, without question, come to their senses and support holding those responsible for what essentially amounts to treason accountable? Or is all of this proof we have a segment in this country so intent on ruling the country they are willing to commit crimes against the country to gain and hold onto that power? With the reaction we see from the leftist from these revelations I'm becoming more convinced they fully supported all of this merely because their party didn't win an election to rule the country.
This is very dangerous to the security and prosperity of this country and I fear our best days are behind us if we do not come together to insure this criminal and arguably treasonous activity is not held to account.
To right that ship, the FBI must be disbanded. Out of all of that, the worst aspect is the weaponization of the FBI for a political witch hunt, in which the leadership played a role in lying to a FISA court, pursuing investigations they knew to be false, and then covering it all up.

Remember Dancheko wasn't put on the FBI CHS (confidential human source) list because he was telling truth. Look at the dates, he was placed there after the FBI had determined that he was full of sheet. (The FBI suspected the Steel dossier was fake as early as Oct to Nov 2016, and knew it was paid for by Fusion GPS)(January-February of 2017, the FBI knew Dancheko was intentionally misleading Steele)(March 2017 Dancheko placed as a CHS) If the FBI knew he was full of sheet they also knew they used his words, at best, to mislead the FISA court to signing warrants. The FBI placed him on the CHS list to hide the false witness behind confidential vail of secrecy. Forcing the US tax payer to pay Dancheko for his lies.

The FBI must go. This is beyond the pale, and even worse than I thought years ago, and I was ready to get rid of them then.
To right that ship, the FBI must be disbanded. Out of all of that, the worst aspect is the weaponization of the FBI for a political witch hunt, in which the leadership played a role in lying to a FISA court, pursuing investigations they knew to be false, and then covering it all up.

Remember Dancheko wasn't put on the FBI CHS (confidential human source) list because he was telling truth. Look at the dates, he was placed there after the FBI had determined that he was full of sheet. (The FBI suspected the Steel dossier was fake as early as Oct to Nov 2016, and knew it was paid for by Fusion GPS)(January-February of 2017, the FBI knew Dancheko was intentionally misleading Steele)(March 2017 Dancheko placed as a CHS) If the FBI knew he was full of sheet they also knew they used his words, at best, to mislead the FISA court to signing warrants. The FBI placed him on the CHS list to hide the false witness behind confidential vail of secrecy. Forcing the US tax payer to pay Dancheko for his lies.

The FBI must go. This is beyond the pale, and even worse than I thought years ago, and I was ready to get rid of them then.
I don't know if I support fully disbanding the FBI but I damn sure support holding everyone of those treacherous POS accountable and a complete top to bottom restructuring to insure this doesn't happen again.
I don't know if I support fully disbanding the FBI but I damn sure support holding everyone of those treacherous POS accountable and a complete top to bottom restructuring to insure this doesn't happen again.
Our current admin is using the FBI as a weapon against political opponents. We will have to for an intelligent reply. 👍
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I don't know if I support fully disbanding the FBI but I damn sure support holding everyone of those treacherous POS accountable and a complete top to bottom restructuring to insure this doesn't happen again.
Who can you trust in the FBI? I have no doubt that there are good agents, but who is a good agent and who is a bad agent? How do you begin to sort that out? The barrel of apples has to be assumed to be rotten.
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The FBI must go. This is beyond the pale, and even worse than I thought years ago, and I was ready to get rid of them then.
I don't know if I support fully disbanding the FBI but I damn sure support holding everyone of those treacherous POS accountable and a complete top to bottom restructuring to insure this doesn't happen again.

Cynical old bastard here, but you'll see donkeys flying first.
Who can you trust in the FBI? I have no doubt that there are good agents, but who is a good agent and who is a bad agent? How do you begin to sort that out? The barrel of apples has to be assumed to be rotten.
Pretty good starting place would be to look at those that rose up in the ranks under Obama. Obama wasn't lying when he said he was days away from fundamentally transforming the country. But you maybe right, the agency has to much power and doesn't seem to be accountable to anyone or anything.
JimmyBob, do you think one of the twins is one of the slowest of the 9?

It's too early to call. The twins are obviously in a race to the basement of the Mariana Trench which will be decided by the number of douche emojis since neither is capable of intelligent responses to legitimate questions. Stay tuned; no film at eleven.
It's too early to call. The twins are obviously in a race to the basement of the Mariana Trench which will be decided by the number of douche emojis since neither is capable of intelligent responses to legitimate questions. Stay tuned; no film at eleven.
I don't often get a really good laugh but this in one of those times. :D

In what is becoming routine for Democrats everything they accuse you of they are in fact doing. Danchenko, a known Russian asset, has admitted to being the primary source for the Steel Dossier. The FBI used the Steel Dossier and planted news articles written by their stooges in the MSM to open a counter intelligence operation against Trump that they knew was false. Then in turn Democrats used the falsified Steel Dossier to justify numerous investigations into Trump including the Mueller Special Council Investigation. The entire time they all knew the allegations were false but not only continued the investigations they knowing lied about having evidence.
Do any of you Democrats voters who swalled the lies have any problem with manipulated by you political party? My guess is absolutely not, you totally supported using lies to try and remove or severly limit a duly elected President you didn't like.
LMFAO you'jre something else.


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