Matthews must have been having another "tingle up his leg" moment.
This latest push of BS on the public is going to create a backlash on the Dems just like the election of Trump. If Moore maintains his innocence then I hope he gives the finger to the Dems to let them know they are not going to destroy due process rights and somehow enforce "laws" upon this country that is based on accusations. Seems like another way to overturn elections.
They cite some ridiculous percentage in which these allegations are true. I believe that when 2 things exist:
1. The victim reports the abuse or harassment in a somewhat timely manner.
2. The victim has no other motive to report other then justice.
We do not know how accurate these accusations are in the environment we are in now, we have never seen anything like this in our history, especially when it comes to politicians and how political times are today.
For all we know, Reps and Dems could be paying off women to come forward against each party. Far fetched? I think it is entirely possible, they are all scum.
When allegations come forward that are decades old, who is to say these allegations are not politically motivated? Or based on a vendetta? I have probably fired over 35 people in my career, half women. What if one of them makes an allegation from over 20 years ago and the real issue is that she feels she was terminated improperly? If I was fired from an anonymous source and I was innocent I would be suing the hell out of someone.
I personally could careless about what adults do in private, I could have cared less what BC did with ML. My problem was him looking me in the eye on TV and lying about it. I voted for BC first go round. All he had to say was his personal life was not up for public consumption and he was not going to discuss it, end of story. Him getting BJ's had nothing to do with his ability to govern IMO. Him lying to the entire country over something that he need not lie about was a huge problem for me.
They can all do the nasty with whoever they want as far as I am concerned as long as it is consensual.
This country is going to be in a bad place if it becomes conviction by twitter, facebook, and anonymous letters.
The people stepping down in the Media and Entertainment industry are stepping down because they know they are guilty. They do not want to face anymore scrutiny. If you are innocent, you want all the scrutiny you can get.