Democratic Debate: Night One


Heisman Winner
Oct 13, 2017
Winner: Cory Booker

Runner-Up: Julian Castro

Honorable Mention: Bill de Blasio & Elizabeth Warren
Warren and Castro close 2nd. Booker got the most time to talk. Inslee would have been a good President in the 90s.
Warren and Castro close 2nd. Booker got the most time to talk. Inslee would have been a good President in the 90s.

Warren had the high expectations coming in. She didn't have any blunders but she also played it safe. Probably wise decision.

I really think Booker looked strong tonight. He made an impression as did Castro.

de Blasio surprised and looked strong. His message seems solid too. He didn't get a lot of air time though but what he did get, he made use of.
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Only thing I saw about Castro was that he spoke Spanish. So did Beto. Booker tried and apparantly failed based on what I've read, although I don't pretend to understand what he actually said. I had to laugh that Deblasio called Russia the greatest threat. And that was after others had called out better answers in China, Iran, and Nuclear proliferation. Not sure anyone there really moved the needle, but I recognize I'm not the target audience. That said, to me, Tim Ryan and Delaney actually sounded reasonable and pragmatic, whereas most of them just sounded like they were giving leftist wet dream campaign speeches.
Disagree on the winner

Winner: Warren (no one challenged her, big time free airtime for her)

Runner(s) Up: Booker and Castro
Castro whipped Beto IMO

Hot, Anti-War, VP Candidate for someone: Tulsi

Meh: Klobuchar

Waste of Space on Stage: Inslee, Ryan, de Blasio
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Nope. He was only the winner with those who are already supporting him and refuse to listen to anyone else

Which is a minority of Americans.

I listened to everything said. There wasn't one person on that stage tonight that looked like he or she could drive party enthusiasm and pull the moderate vote in 2020. Warren simply verified her leftist bonafides which will hurt her (above and beyond the Indian Heritage issue) with the moderates. Booker might as well have been invisible in the last hour of the debate. And none of the other minor candidates (DNC labeling, not mine) moved the needle enough to be a threat. Based on this, I do think Trump won tonight. Tomorrow remains to be seen.
Nope. He was only the winner with those who are already supporting him and refuse to listen to anyone else

Which is a minority of Americans.
Voices chirping in the wilderness.

MAGA, loser bitches!

Only thing I saw about Castro was that he spoke Spanish. So did Beto. Booker tried and apparantly failed based on what I've read, although I don't pretend to understand what he actually said. I had to laugh that Deblasio called Russia the greatest threat. And that was after others had called out better answers in China, Iran, and Nuclear proliferation. Not sure anyone there really moved the needle, but I recognize I'm not the target audience. That said, to me, Tim Ryan and Delaney actually sounded reasonable and pragmatic, whereas most of them just sounded like they were giving leftist wet dream campaign speeches.
Even Colbert was making fun of Beto for suddenly switching to Spanish.
Warren and Castro close 2nd. Booker got the most time to talk. Inslee would have been a good President in the 90s.
The guy that all of you apparently agree came in 2nd said that trans females have a right to an abortion and that "reproductive justice" demands that they shouldn't be denied that right just because they're too poor to pay for it.

Or not actually females.
I think anything can make babies these days.

Riddle me this. A pregnant Guatemalan trans man wants to get an abortion on the most Christian side of the southern border. He’s in a wheelchair, but is NOT handicapped. Where do you bury the survivors?
I think anything can make babies these days.

Riddle me this. A pregnant Guatemalan trans man wants to get an abortion on the most Christian side of the southern border. He’s in a wheelchair, but is NOT handicapped. Where do you bury the survivors?
Depends on who is in charge.
The guy that all of you apparently agree came in 2nd said that trans females have a right to an abortion and that "reproductive justice" demands that they shouldn't be denied that right just because they're too poor to pay for it.

Or not actually females.
Definitely not a position I agree with at all (many of you know my stances on abortion). Castro shined when he slapped Beto for his lack of knowledge on actual immigration policies. Beto looked uncomfortable when he couldn’t use his Spanish speaking as an edge over the field, Castro (an actual Hispanic) and the only Black guy on stage both took away his thunder there.

2nd place isn’t saying much tonight though. The real battle is tomorrow.
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Disagree on the winner

Winner: Warren (no one challenged her, big time free airtime for her)

Runner(s) Up: Booker and Castro
Castro whipped Beto IMO

Hot, Anti-War, VP Candidate for someone: Tulsi

Meh: Klobuchar

Waste of Space on Stage: Inslee, Ryan, de Blasio

Warren came in with high expectations, and IMO, she broke even. Yes, she didn't make any major blunders and got air time (although she kinda disappeared for a bit). If someone thinks that is winning, I can understand that.

I just think both Booker and Castro made more of an impression, as did de Blasio. Those three had good nights and they needed them. Will be interesting to see if it helps with their poll numbers at all.

Gabbard appeared to be running for Secretary of Defense or Secretary of State last night. You are right though, she could easily get on the VP list for the eventually nominee.
I'll register to own a gun, as long as I'm not required to show an ID to verify who am I when I purchase it. I think this would align exactly like our similarly protected right to vote.
I could go along with this. Don't hate getting a specific ID that says I'm a gun owner just as long as the government doesn't know how many legal firearms I have and where they are located.
Warren came in with high expectations, and IMO, she broke even. Yes, she didn't make any major blunders and got air time (although she kinda disappeared for a bit). If someone thinks that is winning, I can understand that.

I just think both Booker and Castro made more of an impression, as did de Blasio. Those three had good nights and they needed them. Will be interesting to see if it helps with their poll numbers at all.

Gabbard appeared to be running for Secretary of Defense or Secretary of State last night. You are right though, she could easily get on the VP list for the eventually nominee.
I get your point of view but we all knew she was the top dog in this group for the debate, they placed her right in the middle, and no one challenged her. That what makes her the victor in my eyes. For all that Booker and Castro did to improve their situation they did have a few moments ("lynching" and "female reproduction rights, men having babies" respectively for each) where they had me head scratching as a moderate gen pop voter.

I disagree on de Blasio, many are thinking his comments on healthcare and insurance is a big win for him but largely the rising premiums + deductible issue is due to the Affordable Care Act and Pharm Companies that have gone unchecked for decades. That's not just a Trump problem, that's a big time establishment government issue. If you go the Medicare for All route you damn sure need private insurance stipulations because I'm going to be pissed if the plan I've worked my ass off to get is stripped away only to get a cookie cuter government plan.
Watch warren during the clip of Beto and Castro arguing. She looks like a confused old lady at an airport.
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