Dem threatening shutdown over Wall

So, Dems would place the needs of illegal aliens over the needs of everyday Americans with a government shutdown?
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Maybe this time they won't pay the workers for lost time when they return. Do that and those federal workers will be burning up dems phone lines.
Let's hold the nation hostage to get our agenda. Gee, same old Washington, D.C. I hope that means Congress does not get paid as well or their healthcare. Matter of fact, just turn off the electricity to Congress and lock the doors. Maybe we can figure out a way to function without all of those politicians and we can send them all home. Someone needs to pass a bill that if our Congress allows the government to shut down that by default all Congressional leaders immediately lose their seats and new elections must be held. Allowing a government shutdown is proof of joint incompetence and selfishness, if they can not figure out how to make decisions for this country send them all home. Disgusts me, this type of politics is unacceptable. Go ahead, shut it down, we do not need them anyway, they make our lives worse, not better.
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Please, please, please make this happen! One of the cornerstones of Trumps campaign and one of the primary things that got him elected, don't think too many people will appreciate these idiots doing this. Of course the media will carry their water, but seriously think they will paint themselves in a corner on this particular subject.
This is like a double win. Build the wall AND shut down the government saving some money.
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This why I've pretty much quit paying attention to politics. Politicians care for nothing but themselves. Would love to see it happen.