Delaney: Harris, Sanders, & Warren economic dodos


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Sep 21, 2005

You need to push this guy.

Hickenlooper just said says he's "pragmatic" versus their irresponsible ideas.

How hard is that @Syskatine ? Not hard at all.

Klobuchar: Her ideas "grounded in reality."

Francis is a dramatic clown.
Boot edge edge: Reflects in the poor economy and endless wars that causes Trump to even get elected. LMAO

Warren: All I hear is screeching. She's got crazy eyes. Oh here we go: "he's part of a corrupt system" that got him elected. She wants "big, structural change." Whatever the fuq that means.

Sanders: 87 million Americans is uninsured or underinsured. Ah oh, attacking Amazon for making "billions" of untaxed. Fossil fuels receive 100s millions in subsidies as they destroy this country. Teymp is racist, sexist, xenophobic.
Nice question Tapper.

To Sanders "Delaney says your healthcare is insane" go.....
Sanders promising the moon.

Delaney rightfully standing back up to it. Nice. He wants a private market/government mix.

Warren categorizing Delaney as using "Republican talking points."

Warren cut off halfway, she apparently doesnt know the rules.
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Now Warren says "total costs" wont go up...she's blending increased taxes with reduced out of pocket expenses.

Montana ex governor says voodoo economics by Warren, Sanders, etc...

Buttgigigigityy implies Americans will leave Corp ins to go to one payor. Wont answer if it raises taxes (yes).
I dont know what Warren is saying.

Says forms are why companies say no (to coverage).
So many "let's be clear"

Sanders saying that insulin is cheap in Canada bc their companies dont lobby.
Sanders "Medicare for all will be better (than union provided insurance)"

I like that their are a few non-crazies on stage. Like Rep Ryan.
AGT is on, no time to listen to a bunch of fantasies.

When one of them steps into the ring with the heavy weight champ I'll pay attention.
Delaney saying Sanders plan obviously reduces quality of healthcare.

That's not insane.
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Buttgigigigityy: coming across border will still be illegal. Should be handled on civil law.

Francis: Waive citizenship fees. Stop prosecuting families and children for coming.

Liarwatha: Laws are what allow Trump to take children from families. Then says she wants secure borders. Will decriminalize border crossings.

Hick: something

Klobucher: zzzzzzzzzzz

Sanders: Free healthcare and free college for illegals but will have strong border security. But they are not criminals.

Montana: If we decriminalize 100,000 swells greatly. (Not insane @Syskatine ) Cites Obama's admin.
Montana = Bullock. Got it.

Says Warren's plan is craptastic. Making salient points.

Warren about to cry again talking decriminalizing.

Rep Ryan: Sanders plan is catastrophe. Keep it criminalized, but cant give free tuition and healthcare.

Sanders: Reiterates healthcare as human right so applies to illegals.
CNN: So and so candidate, what is your exact reasoning on such and such stance on this issue?
Candidate: It is what it is but really Trump is a horrible person and his policies are tearing this country apart!
CNN: Sure, Trump is awful, but what’s your reasoning on your stance?
Candidate: Whatever the opposite Trump is saying is correct bc Trump!

These debates are such a joke.

Buttgigigigityy: 90% of Republicans want universal background checks. OMFG he just said "he began shaking then crying" when asked by a 13 year old what he would do about school safety.

Hick: zzzzz. Take on nra. Did basic work in Colorado.

Klobucher: zzzzzzz. Says Trump folds after meeting NRA but had previously said 9x he wanted universal background checks.

Bullock: Owns guns. 11 year old nephew shot and killed. Wants to look at as a public health issue. @Syskatine not crazy. Kick dark money out of elections.

Francis: there's nothing exciting at all about this guy. Ban PACs.

Sanders: No magical solution.
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Buttgigigigityy: 90% of Republicans want universal background checks. OMFG he just said "he began shaking then crying" when asked by a 13 year old what he would do about school safety.

Hick: zzzzz. Take on nra. Did basic work in Colorado.

Klobucher: zzzzzzz. Says Trump folds after meeting NRA but had previously said 9x he wanted universal background checks.

Bullock: Owns guns. 11 year old nephew shot and killed. Wants to look at as a public health issue. @Syskatine not crazy. Kick dark money out of elections.

Francis: there's nothing exciting at all about this guy. Ban PACs.

Sanders: No magical solution.

Buttgigity...nice ring.

From here on, Mayor Buttgigity.
Hick: Green New Deal is disastrous.

Sanders: Every credible poll has me beating Trump. $15/hour minimum wage.

Hick: You're radical. Us governors have to implement this stuff.

Sanders: I was a mayor.

Ryan: Hillary was winning too (to Sanders). He's punching their radical ideas. Wants to focus on working class issues.

Francis: Texas is a battleground state. Suggests the Dem nominee visit all 254 Texas counties.

Bullock: I'm only one who has won in a Trump state. "Wish list economics " good line.

Tapper: Warren you repeat that you're a capitalist. Is that your way of trying to convince people you aren't far left? She's rambles in response. She appeals to emotion.

Delaney: No we win when we run on solving issues and don't promise "fairy tell economics."

Warren then I guess plays victim to his pragmatic statement. Hahahahaha

Delaney: Says solutions have to be workable. Damn he just WRECKED them on their ideas. Says if you tried to start SS today but also said "sorry 401ks are now illegal" that it would be dead on arrival.

Sanders: Trade policy something something. Cancel student debt (to big applause).

Klobuchar: Trump has told over 10,000 lies. Candidates who say they are for free healthcare are liars. And free tuition is a lie.

Francis: leadership is delivering on commitments. LOL. He turned around VA in El Paso. Claims he helped make a turnaround happen nationally.
Sanders promising the moon.

Delaney rightfully standing back up to it. Nice. He wants a private market/government mix.

Warren categorizing Delaney as using "Republican talking points."

Warren cut off halfway, she apparently doesnt know the rules.

I have had no time to check in on the debate, but put me squarely in Delaney's corner because of that plan.

Delaney: Sweeping changes not realistic from these others bc these others is they tie climate to healthcare, tuition etc.
Is honest about creating a carbon market and growing DOE. Incentivize private industry.

Warren: We're dooooooomed. @AC2017 Innovate and create, but you gotta build in America. Sell those products around world.

Hick: Guarantee of a job (by Green New Deal) is farcical. After that zzzzzz..... he's going nowhere.

Warren: I put a real policy on the table. Says it will be part of a 21 trillion dollar market. Rambles.

Ryan: Wants a sustainable ag industry.

Sanders: Tired of scared Dems. Wants to take out fossil fuel industry.

Ryan: Why you yelling? We have to invent our way out. Tries to speak to a market solution. He needs to be in consolidated debate.

Sanders: platitudes

Bullock: Dems promoting Green energy economy makes Dems sound like they (energy workers) are part of problem.
Sanders: We'll transition.
Bullock: We set this up as a false choice. Let scientists drive this (that's dumb).
Francis: We don't have more than 10 years to get this right.
Buttgigigigityy: Doesnt even talk about climate. Talks about going after Trump in the debate.
Talking about Flint.

I'm bored.

Williamson talking about racism of infrastructure injustice and collective hatred of Trump.

Gets biggest cheers of night.
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So far...

Sanders is easily winning this debate.

He has already knocked a number of these candidates out of the race tonight.

CNN: Trump is racist, go:

Francis: We wont tolerate Trump calling Mexicans rapists.

Hick: Dead man walking.

Warren: White supremacy is domestic terrorism. Trump is racist in every way. Pick a word, then put racism behind it. Trump is that. Expand Pell Grants, Erase student loan for 95% of students.

Buttgigigigityy: Racial divide lives inside me. Wut?
Says Doctors are racist, apparently. Maybe I misheard.

Klob: some Trump voters aren't racist, wanted better economic situation. Black Americans most hurt in last decade. DAMN.

Francis: Legacy of slavery is alive and well, echoing Sys. Reparations.

CNN: Williamson why do you get to put price tag on reparations (500 million or billion proposed?)

Williamson: 250 years slavery. 100 years domestic terrorism. 200-500 billion politically feasible (to pay in reparations). Big applause.

Sanders: Supportive of 10-20-30. As a result slavery and institutional racism, we gotta focus on something. Something like 73% of African Americans are in favor of cash payments.


As Delaney, Ryan, and Bullock point out, there's a bunch of fairy tell, wish list policy up there.

So far they are still the only non-crazies.
Trump commercial for fundraising at commercial break. Smart. Dirt cheap ad rates.

Donating again now....
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CNN: Trump is racist, go:

Francis: We wont tolerate Trump calling Mexicans rapists.

Hick: Dead man walking.

Warren: White supremacy is domestic terrorism. Trump is racist in every way. Pick a word, then put racism behind it. Trump is that. Expand Pell Grants, Erase student loan for 95% of students.

Buttgigigigityy: Racial divide lives inside me. Wut?
Says Doctors are racist, apparently. Maybe I misheard.

Klob: some Trump voters aren't racist, wanted better economic situation. Black Americans most hurt in last decade. DAMN.

Francis: Legacy of slavery is alive and well, echoing Sys. Reparations.

CNN: Williamson why do you get to put price tag on reparations (500 million or billion proposed?)

Williamson: 250 years slavery. 100 years domestic terrorism. 200-500 billion politically feasible (to pay in reparations). Big applause.

Sanders: Supportive of 10-20-30. As a result slavery and institutional racism, we gotta focus on something. Something like 73% of African Americans are in favor of cash payments.


He pulled 73% from his ass.

That figure isn't correct, by a lot.
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