Deer Gun Season Reports- post em here!

Going to try to go tonight. Had a big buck cruise by wed at 200 yards. Little out of bow range.
new buck showed up




this guy is still around

I was busy all day yesterday but at dusk I looked out at my drought riddled pasture and a doe was standing there and then went left 50 yds and back and fourth. Got out my binocs and watched her and realized quicky a buck showing up was immenent. A couple of seconds later, 150 yds he came up over the pond dam and loped toward her. It was clear he had been on her trial for a long time and she knew it. He was near twin to 74's buck pictured above. Very nice but not a Boone and Crocket size. Very much like breeding behavior right now. Not far from the OK/Tx border. Deer, esp. bucks moving like made... perfect moon. Should be a great weekend guys!

I put the ought-six by the back door, and next time I'll be ready if they want to play that close to the house.

Keep the reports coming.
Saw 7 bucks yesterday, one shooter, that I jumped up after I put my tinks out. My friend missed a big ten where Jeff J.'s tripod use to be.
Originally posted by osumark:
Saw 7 bucks yesterday, one shooter, that I jumped up after I put my tinks out. My friend missed a big ten where Jeff J.'s tripod use to be.
Where is it now?
I shot 1 of the 2 on my wish list for the season. I saw this guy 2 weeks ago during the last weekend of black powder. I had quite a few pictures of him on 1 of my cameras. Not the biggest deer I have ever taken, but I have never taken a double main beam before, and only seen 1 other in my life.

This post was edited on 11/18 8:03 PM by Eden3408
Nicely done Eden. Very nice buck.

I left the gun by the door, and looked out this afternoon to find two coyotes about 60 yds from the house. I took out the first one, the second one I could get a shot at. No deer tonight. (clouds rolled in and got dark early is what I'm thinking).
Great deer eden. very cool. had a double main beam on cams my self but he broke the second off.

Killed a yote while filling feeders sunday.
I had a small 8 pointer come across the pasture at barely daylight to 30 yds from my porch. Well within bow range this am he was clearly smelling/looking for a doe. I'll put up a pic if I can get it off my video camera.

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