
If you think the fraud was only in 5-6'swing states....judicial watch reported that 353 counties in 29 states had voter registration over 100'percent. It was a coup- plain and simple.
People have shifted so that now - not only will people accept "decertification"......they will welcome it - part of the plan people...part of the plan (sorry Libbie turds)
If you think the fraud was only in 5-6'swing states....judicial watch reported that 353 counties in 29 states had voter registration over 100'percent. It was a coup- plain and simple.
In the Electoral College, only about 5 counties in different states is needed.

What was it they said about Georgia? Brandon won GA by 12 suit cases.

Chapter 10, The Trouble with Fulton County in Rigged by Mollie Hemingway. Investigator Mark Davis found thousands of voter addresses from hotels, rest homes, PARKING LOTS, Guess who these addresses voted for. You guessed it.
In the Electoral College, only about 5 counties in different states is needed.

What was it they said about Georgia? Brandon won GA by 12 suit cases.

Chapter 10, The Trouble with Fulton County in Rigged by Mollie Hemingway. Investigator Mark Davis found thousands of voter addresses from hotels, rest homes, PARKING LOTS, Guess who these addresses voted for. You guessed it.
Damn too bad they were smart enough to find those addresses prior to the election.
It will be done- question is when. And why is it taking so long.

Anyone that just wants to "move on" is very wayward in my opinion. I said it during the GA election- @they stole the Prez they're going to steal GA" and voila.

They going to steal 22 it's why they don't care about polls right now, plus they have so many Rinos they will vote with Libturds anyways- just enough each time.

Fix F In 2020 or it's over. Don't leave an installed Pedo in there
@HighStickHarry aren't you proud of your fellow MAGA brethren? We don't even have to go to Portland to find one, do we?

Never gets old, does it, watching the people that share your values and cult status embrace the dumbest shit out there?
Biden doing a great job getting everyone ready to decertify- will be a smooth transition away from communism 👍
but you like me have to be ready to put this nightmare behind us
We did put a nightmare behind us when Trump was fired by the American people in 2020.

I'm very happy with Biden being in the White House and I know, again know, that no decertification of the 2020 election will ever occur.
We did put a nightmare behind us when Trump was fired by the American people in 2020.

I'm very happy with Biden being in the White House and I know, again know, that no decertification of the 2020 election will ever occur.
Answer me something HONESTLY
I did. Now your turn...
If the media had loved Trump, Oogled all over him because you know he lowerEd taxes, achieved Middle East peace, and declared war on child traffickers, I just wonder if you would be so anti-Trump?

Or is the true reason you're anti-Trump is because the media told you because they hated him Then are you and your Libtard buddies should?

Is so is it the lowering taxes, Middle East peace, or declaring war on child traffickers that you hate Him so bad? We know Joe Biden is a known pedophile but you like him does that tell us something? We know Joe Biden raises taxes, Are you in love with higher taxes? Donald Trump achieve Middle East peace, are you a more warmonger like George Bush and love our soldiers getting killed in needless Wars?

I just wonder if the media would've loveD
Trump, how much different would you and your Libby turd friends Would be
Or is the true reason you're anti-Trump is because the media told you because they hated him
I'm anti-Trump because I oppose his political policies and I don't embrace neo-fascism. It has nothing to do with the media.

Donald Trump achieve Middle East peace
He did?


Do you really believe the nonsense you post or are you just trolling? I don't believe anyone can be this stupid.

Again though...

So soon as in the next year?
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I'm anti-Trump because I oppose his political policies and I don't embrace neo-fascism. It has nothing to do with the media.

He did?


Do you really believe the nonsense you post or are you just trolling? I don't believe anyone can be this stupid.

Again though...
Yes he did- don't you know anything?
How about his assault on the child traffickers- were you against that? Noticed you didn't answer.
How about high taxes- you like?
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Yes he did- don't you know anything?

So we have complete peace in the Middle East now?


How about his assault on the child traffickers- were you against that?
Trump Administration Gives Child Sex Traffickers a Break

Human Smugglers Are Thriving Under Trump

Look, I understand you are a Q nut. But at least do just a little research outside your Q websites before trying to have a reasonable conversation.

How about high taxes- you like?
Yes, I support high taxes on the weathly (Trump's friends) class. I don't support high taxes on the middle class and lower income Americans.

Now, are you ever going to answer this question...

So soon as in the next year?

So we have complete peace in the Middle East now?


Trump Administration Gives Child Sex Traffickers a Break

Human Smugglers Are Thriving Under Trump

Look, I understand you are a Q nut. But at least do just a little research outside your Q websites before trying to have a reasonable conversation.

Yes, I support high taxes on the weathly (Trump's friends) class. I don't support high taxes on the middle class and lower income Americans.

Now, are you ever going to answer this question...


Yes The certification will happen this year.

Now for some more questions, not just the wealthy's taxes are going up, it's everything from capital gains to income taxes to Energy cost etc., do you support this? And a big reason is he closed down our pipeline and let's Russia make all the money off selling the energy sources. Also he closed down the pipelineBut let's the oil still flow up and down the Canadian pipeline, but he does it with Warren Buffett's rail cars at four times the price. I guess you support this also, if you support a pedophile in the office why wouldn't you support all of this other agony on the people. You're such a douche
Yes The certification will happen this year.
Thank you.

Now when it doesn't happen, will you admit you were full of ****?

if you support a pedophile in the office why wouldn't you support all of this other agony on the people.
I don't support a pedophile in the office because there is no pedophile as President right now. That is just another one of your insane Q beliefs. You know, like JFK Jr. showing up in Dallas to help Trump. Has he shown up yet?

Thank you.

Now when it doesn't happen, will you admit you were full of ****?

I don't support a pedophile in the office because there is no pedophile as President right now. That is just another one of your insane Q beliefs. You know, like JFK Jr. showing up in Dallas to help Trump. Has he shown up yet?

Cmon dude- everyone knows he's a friggin POS pedophile
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If the media had loved Trump, Oogled all over him because you know he lowerEd taxes, achieved Middle East peace, and declared war on child traffickers, I just wonder if you would be so anti-Trump?

Or is the true reason you're anti-Trump is because the media told you because they hated him Then are you and your Libtard buddies should?

Is so is it the lowering taxes, Middle East peace, or declaring war on child traffickers that you hate Him so bad? We know Joe Biden is a known pedophile but you like him does that tell us something? We know Joe Biden raises taxes, Are you in love with higher taxes? Donald Trump achieve Middle East peace, are you a more warmonger like George Bush and love our soldiers getting killed in needless Wars?

I just wonder if the media would've loveD
Trump, how much different would you and your Libby turd friends Would be
Another hit piece came today by Lester Holt of NBC Nightly News. If a Democrat falls from grace with NBC, it's BAD, BAD, BAD.
No, "everyone" doesn't.

Again, seek some mental help. You seriously need it.
Anyone that doesn't - don't want to know- you know he showered with his own 13 year old daughter correct? How sick is that? Photos of him grabbing Psakis tits when she was a teenager, Hes on hunters laptop - photos and videos of him and his POS pedo son. He and the sick son in the diary the FBI is also keeping out of public. He opens the borders and single ya deadly creates more trafficking through that border than anyone on the planet- mass child trafficker- sick evil Punk

Everyone knows including your side- you just have your narrative of having him there and you won't admit he's a damn child banger- sick muther F er- as usual anyone who supports him.
Anyone that doesn't - don't want to know- you know he showered with his own 13 year old daughter correct?
He and the sick son in the diary the FBI is also keeping out of public.
So you think the FBI is covering up Biden's pedophilia? Do you honestly really believe this?

And if Biden's daughter really did write that, why is she one of her father's biggest supporters and hasn't reported him for child abuse? Is she a pedophile too according to you?

Everyone knows including your side
Again, no, everyone doesn't know. You are pushing a Q conspiracy theory meant to attack Biden's character.

You do realize that if there was any real evidence of Biden being a pedophile, it would be headline news everywhere, correct? No news agency in the world would pass on such a story regarding real evidence of the President.
So you think the FBI is covering up Biden's pedophilia? Do you honestly really believe this?

And if Biden's daughter really did write that, why is she one of her father's biggest supporters and hasn't reported him for child abuse? Is she a pedophile too according to you?

Again, no, everyone doesn't know. You are pushing a Q conspiracy theory meant to attack Biden's character.

You do realize that if there was any real evidence of Biden being a pedophile, it would be headline news everywhere, correct? No news agency in the world would pass on such a story regarding real evidence of the President.
She's not a supporter - what?! Child is freaked up- you're such a douche
So you think the FBI is covering up Biden's pedophilia? Do you honestly really believe this?

And if Biden's daughter really did write that, why is she one of her father's biggest supporters and hasn't reported him for child abuse? Is she a pedophile too according to you?

Again, no, everyone doesn't know. You are pushing a Q conspiracy theory meant to attack Biden's character.

You do realize that if there was any real evidence of Biden being a pedophile, it would be headline news everywhere, correct? No news agency in the world would pass on such a story regarding real evidence of the President.
Yeah there's been no censoring and suppression from our "so called" news- lol you have no credibility- none- zero- you're just a hack lefty POS
Yeah there's been no censoring and suppression from our "so called" news-
No way any news agency sits on real evidence that Biden is a pedophile. Dang, look at what they did when Clinton simply had a consensual affair with a woman.
Of course she is.

Dang, what world are you living in?🙄

Again, do you think the FBI is covering up Biden's pedophilia? Do you honestly believe this insanity?
Most agree with me- he's a sick POS, horrible horrible father and can't say he's a bad prez bc he's just a puppet
Do you think the FBI is covering up Biden's pedophilia?
Any idiot knows they cover - what are you going to tell
You don't know about the laptop and diary cover up? You're such a hack- you think bc you spin it on this board that you
Convince people it's not real? Really dude?
Any idiot knows they cover - what are you going to tell
You don't know about the laptop and diary cover up? You're such a hack- you think bc you spin it on this board that you
Convince people it's not real? Really dude?
Again, do you think the FBI is covering up Biden's pedophilia? Yes or no?
Read the reply slow douche
You said any idiot knows the FBI cover. That didn't directly answer the question though. Seems like a general statement.

Again, do you think the FBI is covering up Biden's pedophilia specifically? Yes or no?

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