Crazy laws that Oklahoma SHOULD pass


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Jan 5, 2002
If it were up to you, what dumbass laws would be on the books in Oklahoma. I know I have a few.

Ban the planting of all Bradford Pear trees.
Require all semi-trucks to drive only in the right lane.
Ban the entire pitbull dog breed.
Ban window flyers

But mostly the Bradford Pear thing.
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If it were up to you, what dumbass laws would be on the books in Oklahoma. I know I have a few.

Ban the planting of all Bradford Pair trees.
Require all semi-trucks to drive only in the right lane.
Ban the entire pitbull dog breed.
Ban window flyers

But mostly the Bradford Pair thing.
Do Bradford Pairs (Pear) come in twins?

No on trucks in right lanes. Bunching them up makes getting on and off roads extremely difficult. If anything make them stay 500 feet apart.
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No billboards. You don’t notice how clean it looks until you see a town that has height restrictions on billboards.
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No jogging on major streets. Plus double fine if jogger is on a street and there is a sidewalk 15 feet away.
The main road leading to my area of town is an old 2-lane asphalt road. It has no sidewalks. Kids walking home from school walk in the road due to drainage ditches and no sidewalks. The city is paying millions to rip up the old road, put in sidewalks, a new concrete road and drainage pipes. Why not just put in sidewalks and drainage pipe and save several million dollars and avoid the major inconvenience of replacing all that? There is no room to expand the road so it will remain 2 lanes. But, no, an asphalt road is not as visually appealing as concrete notwithstanding the trees have grown together and formed a canopy over the road.
I don't want trucks forced to just the right lane, but on Interstates, there should be no trucks in the left lane. Here in Florida, I'd like to see a law that set left lanes for passing only (and was actually enforced). I hate the f'n 80 year old snowbirds who do 55 in a 70 in the left lanes of the interstate.
I don't want trucks forced to just the right lane, but on Interstates, there should be no trucks in the left lane. Here in Florida, I'd like to see a law that set left lanes for passing only (and was actually enforced). I hate the f'n 80 year old snowbirds who do 55 in a 70 in the left lanes of the interstate.
Yes, what you said with full autobahn penalties for violators.
In Germany you get a big fat ticket for STAYING in the acceleration, or left lane.
They don't eff around.
I don't want trucks forced to just the right lane, but on Interstates, there should be no trucks in the left lane. Here in Florida, I'd like to see a law that set left lanes for passing only (and was actually enforced). I hate the f'n 80 year old snowbirds who do 55 in a 70 in the left lanes of the interstate.
Sorry, I don't move over if I'm exceeding the speed limit by 5-10 mph for people going 15-20 over the speed limit especially if there are open lanes next to me. I also don't go less than the speed limit in inside lanes.
If it were up to you, what dumbass laws would be on the books in Oklahoma. I know I have a few.

Ban the planting of all Bradford Pear trees.
Require all semi-trucks to drive only in the right lane.
Ban the entire pitbull dog breed.
Ban window flyers

But mostly the Bradford Pear thing.
I agree to each.
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If it were up to you, what dumbass laws would be on the books in Oklahoma. I know I have a few.

Ban the planting of all Bradford Pear trees.
Require all semi-trucks to drive only in the right lane.
Ban the entire pitbull dog breed.
Ban window flyers

But mostly the Bradford Pear thing.
Me thinks this is subliminal hate of Sam Bradford.
I could be woefully wrong, and probably am.
Why ban pit bulls!? Like anything else, irresponsible ownership does not equal a ban.
Semis can pass like anyone else. Not sure why that should be a law.
Bradford Pears...meh don't care.
Flyers, meh, don't care.
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Sorry, I don't move over if I'm exceeding the speed limit by 5-10 mph for people going 15-20 over the speed limit especially if there are open lanes next to me. I also don't go less than the speed limit in inside lanes.

I don't care how fast you are driving. If you aren't passing people, and are being passed on the right, YOU are the traffic hazard.
Every single car/truck on Oklahoma roads should have back wheel flaps that are at a minimum of 4” off the ground when the vehicle is not moving.

Anyone abusing children should be eligible for the needle.

Every store that sells Chinese crap should create a section for said crap. WalMart should change their name to “ChinaMart.”

Bring back vehicle inspections and drivers should pass a mandatory test every 5 years.

Upgrade vehicle insurance verification to work just like pike passes.
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Every single car/truck on Oklahoma roads should have back wheel flaps that are at a minimum of 4” off the ground when the vehicle is not moving.

Anyone abusing children should be eligible for the needle.

Every store that sells Chinese crap should create a section for said crap. WalMart should change their name to “ChinaMart.”

Bring back vehicle inspections and drivers should pass a mandatory test every 5 years.

Upgrade vehicle insurance verification to work just like pike passes.
The insurance verification deal is solid.
I likey.
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I don't care how fast you are driving. If you aren't passing people, and are being passed on the right, YOU are the traffic hazard.
I'm always passing someone...maybe a mile or two away but I will pass them. Thing is if there is nobody to pass then the other person can go around and pound themselves with the crappy lane. My car is just as valuable as theirs.
Upgrade vehicle insurance verification to work just like pike passes.

We are actually getting pretty close to this. Vehicle insurance database connected to license plates/VINs that is accessible to all law enforcement through OLETs is now a law. OK HiPo struggling with some technical issues re: real time updating, but working on it. The last couple of times I got my tag stickers and the one time I got stopped commuting to Enid, I wasn’t even asked for proof of insurance because I was in the database.
We are actually getting pretty close to this. Vehicle insurance database connected to license plates/VINs that is accessible to all law enforcement through OLETs is now a law. OK HiPo struggling with some technical issues re: real time updating, but working on it. The last couple of times I got my tag stickers and the one time I got stopped commuting to Enid, I wasn’t even asked for proof of insurance because I was in the database.
Yep, last I heard, 31% of tagged Okie cars don't have a whit of insurance.
That blows.
Need to get that number down to ZERO.
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Slow down.:p

Only in Crescent and Covington.

Otherwise, it’s balls to the wall on Highways 74 and 62. I kinda have a free pass for minor infractions between my house and the courthouse....except in those two speed traps.

Driving the backroads between OKC and Enid is really interesting. I see lots of things. Just this week I saw two live coyotes, one dead deer...and a rolling domestic abuse at 6:30 in the morning.
Only in Crescent and Covington.

Otherwise, it’s balls to the wall on Highways 74 and 62. I kinda have a free pass for minor infractions between my house and the courthouse....except in those two speed traps.

Driving the backroads between OKC and Enid is really interesting. I see lots of things. Just this week I saw two live coyotes, one dead deer...and a rolling domestic abuse at 6:30 in the morning.
Been waiting for you to show up here. How’s the job going?
Keep right except to pass is Oklahoma state law as it is in all states on rural roadways.

Correct road signs. Muskogee City Limits is incorrect. Muskogee City Limit is correct. Visit Texas. See the Waco, Dallas, Woodway, et al City Limit signs. They're correct.
Keep right except to pass is Oklahoma state law as it is in all states on rural roadways.

Correct road signs. Muskogee City Limits is incorrect. Muskogee City Limit is correct. Visit Texas. See the Waco, Dallas, Woodway, et al City Limit signs. They're correct.

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The hell with penalties for returning shopping carts. Arrest the store managers that won't fix the wobbly wheels on the dam things. I always get them when I go shopping.

Arm yourself with WD-40...........
Been waiting for you to show up here. How’s the job going?

Only here because my youngest graduated today and I’m drinking and feeling nostalgic.

New job is really good. In court every day making my bones. Already got several fun war stories. I mostly already knew all the defense counsel up in Enid from my days at the OSBI so none of them even tried to BS the newbie.
We are actually getting pretty close to this. Vehicle insurance database connected to license plates/VINs that is accessible to all law enforcement through OLETs is now a law. OK HiPo struggling with some technical issues re: real time updating, but working on it. The last couple of times I got my tag stickers and the one time I got stopped commuting to Enid, I wasn’t even asked for proof of insurance because I was in the database.

Had no idea JD. Really happy to hear that, way to many uninsured drivers out there and of course the tertiary costs are passed on to the people who do pay.

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