Coulter: “Trump Trying to Scam Stupidest People in His Base”


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
Austin Tx

“The only national emergency we have is that our president is an idiot.”
lol he's about to enjoy the fuzzy end of the demagoguery lollipop. She'll pick his eyeballs out like no lib could.

Did I see she dated JJ from Good Times?
And it’s working:

Trump Baser: “Donald could shoot my dog and I would still vote for him!”
And it’s working:

Trump Baser: “Donald could shoot my dog and I would still vote for him!”

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Leftists: “(Person X), is a right winger who can’t be trusted and spews lies constantly. Only morons would listen to them.”

Person X: “Trump is wrong about something. I don’t agree with him”

Lefties: “See! see! Even person x sees the truth!”

This scenario continues to play out and yet never ceases to be amusing.

Ann Coulter. LOL.

It’s like the “hate Gundy at all costs” crowd pointing out when Jim Traber has something negative to say about Gundy.
Is Ann Coulter still an idiot or did that change? I need to get the talking points right.

She's evil and racist. And its entertaining to watch her slice him up. At least, that's my take. You'll note all the libs dont agree on everything and don't need to reduce everything to a binary narrative.
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She's evil and racist. And its entertaining to watch her slice him up. At least, that's my take. You'll note all the libs dont agree on everything and don't need to reduce everything to a binary narrative.
She's pretty vile and also in my opinion a moron but pretty funny she's propped up now that she is "slicing him up."

The second part...come on. These tiffs are always broken down to a binary level. That's the state of our politics, and it's really quite stupid.

Nuance is dead, level headed discussion got shot in the head, civility aborted.
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She's pretty vile and also in my opinion a moron but pretty funny she's propped up now that she is "slicing him up."

The second part...come on. These tiffs are always broken down to a binary level. That's the state of our politics, and it's really quite stupid.

Nuance is dead, level headed discussion got shot in the head, civility aborted.

I see nobody "propping her up" or defending her in any way, just saying her wearing out Biff is entertaining. Neither she, me, or any lib on this board is being binary about this, imo. Make no mistake, she's evil.
I see nobody "propping her up" or defending her in any way, just saying her wearing out Biff is entertaining. Neither she, me, or any lib on this board is being binary about this, imo. Make no mistake, she's evil.

Evil, but today? convenient.

Question - when was the last time you saw any conshervativth (according to you) on this board quote or cite Ann Coulter?
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Evil, but today? convenient.

Question - when was the last time you saw any conshervativth (according to you) on this board quote or cite Ann Coulter?

I don't know. Is it okay if I observe and comment on political events and personalities, too? Is there a rule regarding the conservatives I can discuss?
I don't know. Is it okay if I observe and comment on political events and personalities, too? Is there a rule regarding the conservatives I can discuss?

yeah man! I'm all about free speech. just sayin, nobody here cites Ann because nobody likes her much, to be honest. However, her predicting Trump would win on Bill Mahr's show was pretty epic too.

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