Immune Boosting Vitamin Regimen (Covid-19)


Gold Member
Aug 5, 2001
DISCLAIMER: Always consult YOUR physician before adding any new vitamins or supplements to your diet. DO NOT take any of the maximum doses for an extended period of time (no more than 5-7 days). Be sure to read each pill label for minimum and maximum dosage information.

Here's what a Covid-19 doctor recommends. Dr Roger Seheult is a QUADRUPLE BOARD CERTIFIED in internal medicine, pulmonary, critical care, and sleep medicine and is an associate professor of medicine who used to teach and write questions for MCAT. He has been recommending the following vitamin regimen to boost the immune system since the beginning of the pandemic (April of 2020). The good news is anyone can add this regimen to their daily routine whether they get the vaccine or not. Remember, just because a person gets the vaccine DOES NOT make them immune from Covid-19. Listed below are the video times where you can find him discussing each vitamin and supplement in the video.

VIDEO (start at 2:14)
1) Liposomal Vitamin C (2:14)
2) Vitamin D (4:21)
3) Quercetin (7:02)
4) NAC (8:17)
5) Zinc Picolinate (9:47)


Personally, I take this vitamin regimen each day to help boost my immune system. However, I stopped taking NAC every day for two reasons. I already have high blood pressure (which is also a possible side effect) and it has only been shown to help IF you get Covid-19 (not as a prophylactic). Below is what I take daily, versus what I take when exposed to Covid-19, versus what others have taken when they've been diagnosed with Covid-19.

1) Liposomal Vitamin C (1x day) = 600-800mg
2) Vitamin D (1x day) = 25-50mcg (1000 IU to 5000 IU but depends on age for example 20's & 30's= 2000 IU; 40's = 3000 IU; 50's = 4000 IU; +60's = 5000 IU)
3) Quercetin (1x day) = 500-800mg (only taken when possibly exposed to virus - like large groups indoors)
4) NAC (1x day) = 500-600mg (only taken when possibly exposed to virus - like large groups indoors)
5) Zinc Picolinate (1x day) = 25-50mg (only taken when possibly exposed to virus - like large groups indoors)

1) Liposomal Vitamin C (2x day) = 1200-1600mg total
2) Vitamin D (2x day) = 100mcg (4000 IU total for day, but depends on age)
3) Quercetin (2x day) = 1000-1600mg total
4) NAC (2x day) = 1000-1200mg total
5) Zinc Picolinate (2x day) = 100mg total

1) Liposomal Vitamin C (3x day) = 2400mg total
2) Vitamin D (3x day) = 125-250mcg (5000 IU to 10,000 IU total and never go over 10,000 IU)
3) Quercetin (3x day) = 1500-1600mg total
4) NAC (3x day) = 1800mg total
5) Zinc Picolinate (3x day) = 150mg total

Additionally, I add alkaline water (above 9.5 alkalinity) to this vitamin regimen because I believe it makes the vitamins more effective (my personal opinion). I take the alkaline water on an empty stomach at least 1-2 hours before a meal because it decreases the acidity levels in the stomach (which isn't good when your body needs the acidity to digest your food). I have also stopped drinking any pop or coffee (which are highly acidic and saved for only special occasions). Typically, I drink about 16 oz in the morning immediately after waking up and another 16 oz before going to bed (which also helps with my acid reflux and inflammation due to both knees having ACL surgeries and back pain due to degenerative disc disease). I will only drink more than the two 16 oz glasses on days that I workout (but no more than an additional 20 oz on those workout days or I end up with a headache).

Here are the WARNINGS for each of the vitamins. Please read them.

1) WARNING, too much vitamin C can cause diarrhea.

2) WARNING, too much vitamin D can cause heart palpitations, headaches, nausea and vomiting, weakness, and frequent urination. Vitamin D toxicity might progress to bone pain, kidney problems, and the formation of calcium stones.

3) WARNING, if you are pregnant or have kidney problems consult your doctor who may tell you to avoid Quercetin.

4) WARNING, if you are pregnant, have asthma, have bleeding problems, or have high blood pressure, consult your doctor who may tell you to avoid NAC.

5) WARNING, too much zinc can cause a decrease in copper & iron levels in your body, cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, metallic taste, headaches, kidney and stomach cramps, fever, coughing, stomach pain, fatigue, and other side effects. NOTE: To add copper & iron in your diet the richest dietary sources are shellfish, organ meats, and pumpkin seeds.
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The following over-the-counter vitamins and supplements can be found at and, but you can also purchase these locally at stores like Sprouts, Akins Natural Foods, Trader Joe's, Whole Foods, etc.

1) Liposomal Vitamin C - is an anti-inflammatory and antiviral. Specifically liposomal vitamin C has a much higher absorption rate than regular vitamin C (from ascorbic acid) and the only thing better is intravenous vitamin C. Vitamin C also helps reduce the risk of developing pneumonia and lung infections, lowers the risk of stroke, aides in the formation of collagen, absorption of iron which helps with hair growth, immune function, wound healing, skin repair, and the maintenance of cartilage, bones, and teeth. Warning, too much vitamin C can cause diarrhea.

Amazon product ASIN B07K8QLGHN

2) Vitamin D - helps with the absorption and regulation of calcium, magnesium, and phosphate. It also helps with cellular growth, immune function, weight loss, bone health, skin and hair growth, nerve and muscle function, reduces inflammation, reduces depression, and reduces the risk of MS, diabetes, cancer, and heart disease. People who are at risk of not getting enough vitamin D are those with darker skin pigmentation (they have a built-in natural sunscreen called melanin which keeps the skin from synthesizing vitamin D), vitamin D deficiency also plays a role with high blood pressure, obesity is an important factor because fat cells absorb vitamin D and keep it from circulating throughout the bloodstream, and age plays a role in vitamin D deficiency because older people absorb less vitamin D from the sun and their diet. This is why it is important to take a vitamin D supplement and could explain why MINORITIES, the ELDERLY, and OBESE people have been hit the hardest by this virus.

Everyone should probably be taking a vitamin D supplement daily. However, it is important to talk to your doctor and get your vitamin D levels tested to get the correct dosage. Typically, when a person reaches their 20's they need about 1000 IU, in the 30's about 2000 IU, in the 40's about 3000 IU, in the 50's about 4000 IU, and in the +60's about 5000 IU.

Amazon product ASIN B08X4V8QMQ

3) Quercetin - is a zinc ionophore and it has the ability to interfere with the enzyme in your cells that the coronavirus requires to get in your cells and begin replicating. A zinc ionophore helps to activate the port which allows zinc to enter a cell. Once in the cell, zinc is then able to block the enzyme RNA-dependent RNA polymerase, which turns off viral replication.

Quercetin is also a flavonoid that helps with lowering blood pressure, chronic inflammation, seasonal allergies, prostate infections, heart disease, cancer treatment, Upper Respiratory Tract Infection (URI), and helps with athletic performance (endurance, improved lean body mass, total body water, basal metabolic rate, and total energy). It some clinical studies quercetin has helped children with autism show significant improvement in adaptive functioning and overall behavior. Food sources of quercetin include red onions, asparagus, capers, kale, apples, berries, red grapes, buckwheat, teas, red wine, and in some herbs such as ginkgo biloba, St. John's wort, and pau d'arco. Warning, quercetin can cause headache and tingling of the arms and legs and if you are pregnant or have kidney problems consult your doctor who may tell you to avoid Quercetin.

Amazon product ASIN B00S59NYT2

4) NAC also called N-Acetyl Cysteine - is a sulfur-based derivative of the amino acid L-cysteine (which can sometimes smell like rotten eggs). The use of NAC in Covid-19 patients has shown to decrease the chances of a Cytokine Storm. After administration, it is rapidly converted to cysteine, which is a precursor to glutathione, leading to significant increases in plasma and alveolar glutathione concentrations. Glutathione is an antioxidant that is frequently depleted in patients with oxidative stress or systemic inflammation. NAC has the ability to disrupt respiratory mucus. Because patients with COVID-19 have evidence of systemic inflammation (including possible cytokine release syndrome), they often have their course complicated by respiratory mucus buildup limiting adequate airflow (such as endotracheal tube obstruction due to mucus).

NAC is also used by healthcare providers to treat acetaminophen (Tylenol) poisoning. It works by binding the poisonous forms of acetaminophen that are formed in the liver. It is commonly used to help with things like phlegm, mucous, and airway issues (like bronchitis and pneumonia). NAC is also an antioxidant, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory that helps shorten cold, flu, & sinus infections. It is used to increase levels of glutathione, which is one of the body's most important antioxidants and helps with detoxification. It also helps diminish and prevent liver and kidney damage, helps people with sleeping issues, helps relieve symptoms of respiratory conditions by reducing inflammation in your bronchial tubes and lung tissue, and helps to reduce heart disease risk. It also helps burn fat more effectively through its ability to improve insulin sensitivity, which means it helps the body use insulin more efficiently to help treat Type 2 diabetes. NAC's ability to replenish & regulate glutamate levels helps improve brain health for conditions like Alzheimer's, depression, anxiety, bipolar, insomnia, and other brain disorders. Warning, if you are pregnant or have asthma, bleeding problems, heart arrhythmias, or high blood pressure, consult your doctor who may tell you to avoid NAC.

5) Zinc Picolinate - it is well known that zinc (Zn) possesses a variety of direct and indirect antiviral properties. It also helps with hair and nail growth, helps to balance sex hormones (including estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, etc), helps with immune function, reduces inflammatory response, and helps with wound healing. Zinc also protects or stabilizes the cell membrane, which contributes to the blocking of the virus into the cell and inhibits viral replication. A zinc deficiency can cause skin rashes, chronic diarrhea, poor wound healing, poor immune function, behavioral issues, and can even reduce your ability to TASTE or SMELL. Zinc deficiency is caused by a low zinc intake or poor zinc absorption, which is common in the elderly population and individuals with underlying diseases (two groups that are more prone to severe COVID-19). Multiple studies have shown that a significant number of COVID-19 patients who were zinc deficient ended up developing more complications, had prolonged hospital stays, and a higher death rate.

The consensus seems to be zinc picolinate is one of the best and most absorbent form of zinc. Chelated zinc is a general form of supplementary zinc in which the zinc is chelated — or bound — to a compound to make it easier for the body to absorb. Zinc picolinate or zinc gluconate are formed when zinc is chelated to picolinic acid or gluconic acid, so the main difference between zinc gluconate and picolinate is what compound it is bound to. Warning, too much zinc can cause a decrease in copper and iron levels in your body (richest dietary sources for copper & iron include shellfish, organ meats, pumpkin seeds), cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, metallic taste, headaches, kidney and stomach cramps, and other side effects.

Amazon product ASIN B000TMJZ4G

6) Alkaline Water - this was not mentioned in the above video, but has been mentioned in other videos. It is used to raise your alkaline levels and it is a powerful anti-inflammatory (which has been known to help with joint and back pain). It has also been shown to help with muscle soreness from workouts when taken before and during workouts (which helps to neutralize the buildup of lactic acid). Warning, too much alkaline water can cause headaches.

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Vitamin D deficiency seems to be the biggest factor as to whether a person has mild or severe symptoms. Additionally, multiple studies have proven the effectiveness of vitamin D towards fighting Covid-19. In an early study from Indonesia looking at 780 Covid-19 patients (without taking into consideration how old a patient was or any underlying health conditions), those with normal vitamin D levels had a death rate of 4% (this study was done early in the pandemic when little to no treatments were known). In patients with insufficient levels of vitamin D, the death rate was 88%. In patients with deficient levels of vitamin D, death rate was 99%. However, too much vitamin D can cause heart palpitations and headaches.

1) normal levels = death rate 4%
2) insufficient levels = death rate 88%
3) deficient levels = death rate 99%

Some doctors using Vitamin D for COVID-19 prevention & treatment.

Over 80% of Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients Have Vitamin D Deficiency, Study Finds.

Two population groups most commonly affected by Vitamin D deficiencies are African Americans and the elderly, the two groups also most impacted by COVID-19.

African Americans tend to be more deficient in Vitamin D.

Vitamin D Could Play a Role in Avoiding Severe Omicron Symptoms, According to New Research

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If you know anyone that ends up with pneumonia or on a ventilator, you should consider forwarding this video to that family. This video aired on the TV Show 60 Minutes.

This older gentleman almost died from swine flu. He ended up in ICU with white-out pneumonia on a ventilator (which is happening to some severe cases of Covid-19 patients). They were going to pull the plug on him, but his family insisted they try high doses of intravenous vitamin C (25 gm).

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Zinc is a decidedly anti-viral mineral. High intracellular concentrations inhibit the replication of RNA type viruses. Zinc does this by blocking RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp), the core enzyme of their multiprotein replication and transcription complex that is critical for the copying of viral RNA.

In high concentrations, zinc can block coronavirus reproduction. Enter zinc ionophores, which act as facilitators to enhance the entry of zinc into the cell.

Over-the-counter supplements like quercetin and to a lesser extent EGCG (green tea) are zinc ionophores. As of the summer of 2020, quercetin plus zinc was being tested as an anti-viral in human clinical trials for the treatment of Covid-19. Plans are underway for a large scale trial in China for patients with Covid-19.

So how zinc ionophores work? Zinc ions stay outside the cell. The cell’s membrane and binding molecules limit the ability of zinc to penetrate into the cell. A zinc ionophore activates the port to allow zinc to enter a cell. Once in the cell, zinc is then able to block the enzyme RNA-dependent RNA polymerase, which turns off viral replication.

The use of NAC in Covid-19 patients has shown to decrease the chances of a Cytokine Storm. After systemic administration, N-acetylcysteine (NAC) is rapidly converted to cysteine, which is a precursor to glutathione, leading to significant increases in plasma and alveolar glutathione concentrations. Glutathione is an antioxidant that is frequently depleted in patients with oxidative stress or systemic inflammation, including those with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and acute respiratory distress syndrome. Administration of NAC leads to anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects in a number of pulmonary diseases, including viral pneumonia and acute respiratory distress syndromes.

NAC also has the ability to disrupt respiratory mucus. Because patients with COVID-19 have evidence of systemic inflammation (including possible cytokine release syndrome), they often have their course complicated by respiratory mucus buildup limiting adequate airflow (such as endotracheal tube obstruction due to mucus). Therefore, NAC may be beneficial in this specific patient population.

WARNING: In May of 2021, Amazon confirmed it was in the process of removing from its website ALL dietary supplements containing NAC (N acetyl-L-cysteine). FDA last year asserted in warning letters that NAC couldn't be lawfully marketed in dietary supplements because it was first studied as a drug in 1963. Currently, you can still buy NAC on the Walmart website and locally at health food stores like Sprouts. Some believe this was done because NAC has proven to work really well for those who have tested positive for Covid-19. Start the video below at 6:01.

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Quercetin is a zinc ionophore and it has the ability to interfere with the enzyme in your cells that the coronavirus requires to get in your cells and begin replicating. A zinc ionophore helps to activate the port which allows zinc to enter a cell. Once in the cell, zinc is then able to block the enzyme RNA-dependent RNA polymerase, which turns off viral replication.

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I found out about this vitamin regimen back in July 2020. I had developed many of the Covid-19 symptoms and ordered these vitamins and supplements online. Not all of them arrived at the same time. The last thing to come in was Quercetin. Once I added the quercetin to the zinc picolinate, liposomal vitamin C, vitamin D, NAC, and alkaline water, I felt much better within 24 hours and completely back to normal within 2-3 days.

A friend of mine tested positive for Covid-19 and his father had the same symptoms but wasn't tested. I brought them this regimen the same day of the positive test result. Within 24 hours they were feeling much better and within 2-3 days they were completely symptom free other than the son still had a sore throat (which I don't think was Covid-19 related).

A customer of mine (an overweight black lady in her 50's with other underlying health issues) came down with Covid-19. She had the normal symptoms with a fever, cough, headache, body aches, etc. I found out about her diagnosis on her 3rd day. I sent her links to order the regimen online and brought her enough to cover her until her supplements arrived. Within 24 hours she was feeling much better and within 3-5 days she was completely symptom free and made a full recovery.

Another customer of mine (an older couple in their late 60's to early 70's) came down with Covid-19. Both are in the high risk category because of their age and underlying health issues. The husband was able to find and buy everything except the liposomal vitamin C. I purchased a bottle of the liposomal vitamin C at Akin's Food store and brought it to them. Within 24 hours they were both feeling much better and within 5-7 days they were completely symptom free and both made a full recovery.

There was also this lady in her 40's who came down with Covid-19. Because she was fairly young and healthy, she was told by her doctor to isolate herself and sent home with nothing. When I spoke to her, she was on day 10 of her isolation and sounded like death. She was coughing, could barely speak, and her blood oxygen levels were in the 90-92 range. I provided her with the information below and her dad immediately went to Walmart, Akin's Natural Foods, and Whole Foods to find everything. These vitamins and supplements can also be purchased online at Amazon or, but it typically takes 2-3 days to arrive. Within 24 hours she was feeling a little better and within 7-10 days she was completely symptom free and made a full recovery.

I've also passed this information along to other friends, family members, acquaintances, and co-workers who have come down with Covid-19. All survived and none were hospitalized. Each person has made a full recovery with no lingering side effects from Covid-19. If you don't have Covid-19, buy these vitamins and supplements to have available in case you or someone you know comes down with the virus. The KEY is identifying a person has Covid-19 early and starting the vitamin regimen ASAP.

In the link below, Charlie Kirk sits down to interview Dr. Pierre Kory and Dr. Chris Martenson. They discuss what they've learned about early treatments, the results (good & bad), why the health system has failed us, vaccines, VAERS data, vitamins, what currently is working, and what is not working.

"The way you get past an infectious diseases is to get plenty of rest. You make sure you are not stressed out because you want your immune system is as tuned up as possible. Make sure your vitamin D levels are adequate and vitamin C levels are good. What we now know, you also want to make sure you have the appropriate levels of zinc and selenium. These are just basic over-the-counter things we now know work really really well." - Anthony Fauci 2019

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Has anyone here heard about the Reme Halo? Does anyone have one installed in their business or home? It is an air purification system that can be added to any HVAC system and has been proven to kill viruses in the past. It can be used to help eliminate the spread of viruses in any indoor building or home.

You can even reduce common allergy triggers from particulates such as pollen, mold spores, dander and dust. Thoroughly tested on airborne and surface bacteria & viruses, such as MRSA, e-coli, and Norwalk, to name a few. Additionally, you can say goodbye to odors from cooking, pets, dirty socks, diaper pails, musty locker rooms, etc.

By the way, one of the HVAC installers of this product is also a HUGE oSu wrestling fan named Wade Sewell with Riverside Heat & Air out of Jenks, Oklahoma. If you're interested in putting one of these in your home or business, please give him a call.

Wade Sewell
Riverside Heat & Air
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Ways to get your taste and smell back if they do not return. However, everyone I know who has done the vitamin regimine above has gotten their taste and smell back.

It should also be noted that an unexplained decrease in senses of smell and taste can be a symptom of zinc deficiency. This is because one of the enzymes required for proper taste and smell depends on zinc. Additionally, a lack of zinc can lead to foggy thinking and memory problems. Because zinc is so important to cognitive function, zinc supplementation has also been successful in improving the symptoms of ADHD.



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Are you considering taking a Covid-19 vaccine? If so, please read the following articles and medical journals (informed consent).

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There have been a lot of misleading things written and said about Ivermectin. Below is a link to some articles & videos to help you with some research.

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I know all of the information above is for vitamins, but I watched this documentary and thought I should share it. It could save many lives and covers other health issues besides Covid-19.

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- mix same number of drops from each vial together in a glass
- swirl glass (do not use a metal spoon) and let it mix thoroughly
- the two mixtures will turn amber yellow
- let it sit for 30 seconds
- add 4oz of water and drink

(take with 4oz water)
Day 1 = 1 drop (3x day every 2 hrs)
Day 2 = 1 drop (5x day every 1.5 hr)
Day 3 = 1 drop (7x day every 1 hr)
Day 4 = 2 drops (5x every 1 hr)
Day 5 = 2 drops (7x every 1 hr)
Day 6 = 3 drops (6x every 1 hr)
Day 7+ = 3 drops (8x every 1 hr)
Continue for a total of 28 days

(take with 4oz water)
Day 1 = 2 drops (4x every 1.5 hrs)
Day 2 AM = 2 drops (4x every 1 hr)
Day 2 PM = 3 drops (4x every 1 hr)
Day 3+ = 3 drops (+8x every 1 hr)
Continue until problem area goes away or up to 28 days total
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