Common Sense Opinion Please.......

She's a graduate Harvard. And her roommates be like:

“When I asked them why they were in my room to begin with, they each came up with completely contradicting stories (none of which made any sense), but one comment struck me in particular: ‘We saw that you had a MAGA hat and, come on, you're from Alabama… so we just kind of assumed that you had something,'” she said.

“I asked why they didn't just call me and ask me before intruding. One of the girls responded that fear took over her body and she felt compelled to search my room until she found proof. … I cannot make this up.”
I don’t even think toon can side with the left on this one.
Its real simple. Does the lease have a firearm clause? If not, then I tell them all to suck it.
The roommates are idiots from what foxnews says...

You asked for common sense opinions... here it is: any judgment passed without hearing the other side (however kooky it may be) is premature and generally invalid.

The knee jerk reaction will likely bury any further developments in the story.
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