Comic books?


Gold Member
Nov 23, 2004
any of you guys or gals collect comic books?

My daughter enjoys both the marvel and DC comics and we have just started learning about collecting them. I enjoy seeing all of the original drawings of the characters.

So what do you have or know.
I used to, but now I just read electronic copies.
Collected comics as a kid. Had a huge collection at one time. Sold the majority to a comic book store about 20 years ago. Still have a box of the more valuable titles that I opted not to sell. Mostly X-men and the original Woverine limited series. Figured I would pass it on to one of my kids some day and we could have fun going to conventions and trying to complete my X-men collection. But, was never able to get either of them interested, so they just sit in my closet (bagged and boxed). Oh well....maybe some day there will be grand kids, and one of them will fall in love with them.
I read about 50/50 physical vs. online. I don't really "collect" (although I do have every Uncanny X-Men comic ever) but I do keep all of mine. My long boxes are getting a little out of control.

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